Every Wednesday on I am offering a a live Q & A and discussion on Instagram,  based around the Five Shifts Process that we use in the Stop Drinking & Start Living Program.
I will be sharing it here on the show every Friday.

The compassionate witness is how start to have a new relationship to ourself and how we are seeing alcohol.
Often it is easier to be compassionate to a younger version of yourself than it is to your adult self.
Befriending your inner child who is having the emotions that need validation, is a way to start to befriend and developing a more intimate relationship with yourself.

Unlearn the habit of alcohol in 3 months with private 1:1 coaching in The Stop Drinking and Start Living Program

I will be there to guide you every step of the way.

Schedule a complimentary call where together we can plan the next phase of your life, on purpose. HERE.

Register For The Free Training NOW: Click HERE
What Is The 5 Shifts Process?
The 5 shifts is a system of how we learn through Awareness, Education & Growth using mindset and mindfulness principals.
Reduce your desire & attachment for alcohol by unlearning alcohol,  NOT by replace it with something new.

Join Mary in her private coaching mentorship and start applying these shift in real time. Find out more and how to schedule a call HERE.
Register For the Free Training: Find Freedom To Alcohol In Five Shifts
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Follow Mary on Instagram HERE.
