The habit and addiction to alcohol is a learned behavior, no matter WHY you are drinking or what your set of adverse experiences have, you weren't BORN attached to alcohol.

 For this reason your desire and attachment can be UNLEARNED and even ELIMINATED.
YAY! When you have none to little desire and attachment, the problem of alcohol ceases to exist.

To kick off 2022 I am hosting a series: 10 Steps to How to ELIMINATE your desire and attachment to alcohol.

Ep. #120: Step 1: Sensation, the willingness to feel.
Bonus Episode: Embodiment Practice
Ep # 121 Step 2: Cultivating Non-Judgmental Emotional Awareness
Ep. #122 Step 3: Awareness of Desire Thinking

Today, Step 4 is all about cultivating the awareness of the thoughts that create ATTACHMENT to alcohol.
What we THINK alcohol is. What we have been conditioned to believe. How we identify with alcohol.  The "idea" of alcohol. Why you can't imagine life without it.
This dives into some of the romance and nostalgia of alcohol.
When you start to see all of the ways you are ATTACHED to alcohol, you can understand why it feels scary to let it go.

Get curious about when you start thinking in "forever". Get curious when you start thinking "never again".

This week:
Identify the emotion of "attachment" when it arises.
Identify the thought or belief about alcohol, the story it has created.
Go deeper and FEEL the sensations of attachment in your body.
Then ask: "how could this be better?"

Above all else, STAY NEUTRAL. This is the exploratory, awareness generating phase of eliminating your desire and attachment to alcohol.

Here is a list of EMOTIONS. Get curious knowing what yours are.

Listen to the BONUS Ep. after #120, for a full embodiment practice to start the process of cultivating awareness of sensation.

Get the free training to find freedom from alcohol: Click HERE

Email: [email protected] with questions for the show or to share your story.

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