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In this final installment of our 3 part series Love and Alcohol, Dr. Chavonne and I explore the importance of setting boundaries and making conscious choices in relationships, especially when dealing with issues like alcohol consumption. We emphasizes the significance of personal responsibility and the freedom to choose what is best for oneself in a relationship. We discuss strategies for handling situations where someone may not support your choices or challenges them. The conversation highlights the role of communication, patience, and the iterative process in making important decisions within a relationship.

Key Takeaways:

Boundaries as Personal Standards: Boundaries are about setting personal standards for behavior within a relationship, and they should reflect what feels right for you, not judgments or controls over your partner.Ownership of Your Choices: Recognize that staying in a relationship, even if it involves a behavior you find challenging (e.g., alcohol consumption), is a choice you make. Own your decision and acknowledge that it's independent of your partner's actions.Patience and Iteration: When addressing significant issues like changes in household dynamics, practice patience in your conversations. Have progressive and iterative discussions, allowing both partners to share their thoughts and concerns over time.Listening Sessions: Implement listening sessions where each partner takes turns sharing their thoughts without interruptions or debates. This structured approach can facilitate understanding and productive communication.Focus on Personal Growth: While addressing relationship dynamics, prioritize personal growth and well-being. Shift your attention to your own development and happiness independently of your partner's choices.

Remember that relationships involve ongoing growth and change, and open, patient, and loving communication is key to navigating these transformations together.

Please check out Dr. Chavonne and all of her amazing offerings including the episode Matthew and I recored for her podcast about our experience in her program, the Marriage Upgrade.
Dr. Chavonne Instagram and link to all of her offerings

Changing your relationship to alcohol begins with more awareness. Lasting change is created with a new perspective.

Tracking your urges/cravings to drink will allow you to experience your relationship to alcohol with more neutrality. 

Click Here to Download your free tracking guide and urge meditation and watch your grip around alcohol soften. 

Take the podcast to the next level with The Stop Drinking & Start Living Course. Join 100's of Women who have successfully eliminated alcohol from their lives using The Five Shifts Processes. Click here to learn more and join.