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Simple|Suttas Podcast

77 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★★ - 10 ratings

a podcast on original Buddhism

Buddhism Religion & Spirituality buddhism buddhist simple meditation theravada metta happiness sutta sutra
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Scenes from the Life of the Buddha 2

April 09, 2020 14:12 - 9.84 MB

Once Nigantha Nataputta, a spiritual teacher and leader of the Niganthas, hatched a plan to embarrass the Buddha. He said to Prince Abhaya, “Prince, I have a plan to make you famous far and wide as the man who showed that Gotama is a fraud. Go to him and ask, ‘Do Awakened Buddhas ever speak … Continue reading Scenes from the Life of the Buddha 2

Scenes from the Life of the Buddha 1

April 02, 2020 13:39 - 5.53 MB

I was a spoiled youth. My father had lotus ponds dug for me with lotuses of all colors. My clothes and sandalwood were imported from Kāsī. A servant held a white umbrella over my head day and night to keep from from heat or rain. I had three cottages: one for summer, one for winter, … Continue reading Scenes from the Life of the Buddha 1

Nibbana 2

March 30, 2020 14:40 - 9.39 MB

Once while staying at Anathapindika’s Forest Park, the Buddha was visited by a beautiful deva whose radiance lit up the forest grove. The deva asked, “How did you ford the raging river?” The Buddha replied, “I did not stop, and I did not struggle .” “But why?” “When I began to stop, I would sink. … Continue reading Nibbana 2

Sutta Topics 2

March 22, 2020 13:39 - 5.14 MB

Stand like a guard, vigilantly watching the doors of the 6 senses. When you see something, do not become entranced by it. If you have no control over where you look, you can easily be overwhelmed by unhelpful states of mind. Have self-control over your eyes, your ears, your nose, tongue, body, and thoughts. Pay … Continue reading Sutta Topics 2

Teaching and Learning

March 16, 2020 13:39 - 5.02 MB

If you long for a devoted crowd of disciples, it corrupts your heart and makes deep meditation difficult. Respect can be a dart, difficult to remove. -KN Thag 18.1 Sāriputtattheragāthā While this teaching is good and helpful, do not cling to it. Don’t treat it like a precious possession to be guarded and treasured. Always … Continue reading Teaching and Learning

Nibbana 1

March 14, 2020 14:40 - 6.95 MB

There is a place that is uncreated, unborn, and unsupported. If there were not such a place, there would be no escape. -KN Udana 8.4 Catutthanibbana Sutta You cannot reach the end of the world by walking But to achieve the goal of the holy life You must reach the end of the world A … Continue reading Nibbana 1


February 27, 2020 14:40

There is nothing you could see, hear, smell, taste, touch, or think that could adequately describe the state of the Buddhas of the past, those who were fully Awakened, never to be born again, free from all suffering. -AN 35.8.83 Phaggunapañhā Sutta Show me the path that leads to Liberation. I will inevitably get there, … Continue reading Understanding

Wisdom 2

February 21, 2020 14:43

Would a fully enlightened arahant say things like, “I do this” or “They do that”? Yes, an arahant might well say, “I do this” or “They do that.” But they would only say such things as a manner of speaking. They would not be fooled. -AN 1.3.25 Arahanta Sutta When you deeply see the nature … Continue reading Wisdom 2

Wisdom 1

February 15, 2020 14:43 - 8.82 MB

You should take time to be alone. If you spend time alone you will come to understand: this is suffering, this is the cause of suffering, this is the end of suffering, this is the way to end suffering. You should take time to be alone. If you spend time alone you will come to … Continue reading Wisdom 1


February 09, 2020 14:32 - 5.08 MB

If you tie a dog to a post, it will keep running in circles all day. In the same way, a person who hasn’t learned the Dhamma will keep running in circles, obsessed with things, with feelings, with perception, choices, and consciousness. They are not free! -SN 22.10.99 Gaddulabaddha Sutta There are three kinds of … Continue reading Suffering


February 09, 2020 14:21 - 4.57 MB

Once Vacchagotta the Wanderer said to the Buddha, “I hear that you teach that people should only give alms to you and your monks, nobody else. That giving to others doesn’t make merit. Is that true?” “No, that is not true,” replied the Buddha. “Giving is always a good thing, and anyone that says different … Continue reading Kamma


February 03, 2020 14:16 - 4.26 MB

As a Buddhist monk, I went to a graveyard. There I saw the body of a dead woman, Covered in worms. Although most people would find it disgusting, I was filled with lust. I fled faster than The time it takes to cook rice. I went to a quiet place, To practice my mindfulness. I … Continue reading Lust


January 28, 2020 17:39

When going and coming, a monk should be fully aware and mindful. When looking here and there, a monk should be fully aware and mindful. When moving the arms and legs, be fully aware and mindful. When wearing robes, using a bowl, eating, drinking, pissing, shitting, walking, standing, sitting, lying down, getting up, speaking, or … Continue reading Mindfulness

Meditation 5

January 22, 2020 23:56

When training, the mind persistent, distracting thoughts sometimes arise. Distracting thoughts are thoughts of desire, or hate, or confusion. Here are five tools for dealing with distracting thoughts. When these kinds of thoughts arise, try turning the mind instead to wholesome thoughts. This helps the mind become peaceful, quiet, and concentrated. Like a skilled carpenter … Continue reading Meditation 5

Meditation 4

January 16, 2020 23:56 - 3.35 MB

If you learn to practice self-control over the things you see, hear, smell, taste, touch, and think, then you will keep your mind pure. When your mind is pure, joy arises. When you are joyful, the body naturally becomes relaxed. A relaxed body leads to bliss, and bliss leads to samadhi. And for one with … Continue reading Meditation 4

Meditation 3

January 10, 2020 18:58 - 6.52 MB

Once Ānanda asked the Buddha, “Is it possible to achieve a state of meditation where you no longer experience any physical sensation, any space, any consciousness, nothingness, perception, anything in this world or any other world? And yet still there is still experience?” “Yes,” the Buddha replied. “But how is that possible?” “Ānanda, when a … Continue reading Meditation 3

Meditation 2

January 04, 2020 18:58 - 7.09 MB

What are the five things that are the hallmarks of deep meditation, of jhana? When a spiritual seeker completely withdraws from sense pleasures they enter the first stage of jhana. They are filled with bliss and happiness but are still returning again and again to the subject of meditation. Their entire body is filled with … Continue reading Meditation 2

Meditation 1

December 29, 2019 18:58 - 7.4 MB

I know of nothing that can arouse desire more than a thing of beauty. If you fixate on such a thing without wisdom, your desire will only grow. The best way to overcome desire is to focus your attention on something ugly rather than the object of your desire. If you can move your attention … Continue reading Meditation 1


December 23, 2019 16:40

There are these subconscious habits:* a desire for pleasure* disgust* opinions* doubt* arrogance* a desire to be reborn* ignorance -AN 7.2.11 As if you have been struck by a sword, as if your hair is on fire, mindfully set out to overcome lust, to overcome the belief, “I am.” -SN 2.2.16 Vāsudattasutta Make good spiritual … Continue reading Practice

Negative Emotions

December 17, 2019 16:40

Like fish in a rapidly drying pond wildly attacking each other, driven mad by fear, violence is all around. Once, I wished only for some small sanctuary in this world of conflict, but this world is empty, filled with violence. There is no safety anywhere. -KN Sutta Nipata 4.15 Attadaṇḍa Sutta The deva Subrahmā said … Continue reading Negative Emotions

Loving Kindness

December 11, 2019 16:40 - 3.46 MB

Hatred never brings an end to hatred. Only by love can it end. This is the truth of ages. -KN Dhammapada 5 All beings fear cruelty. All beings fear death. Knowing that all beings suffer just like you, Never kill or be the cause of killing. All beings fear cruelty. All beings cherish their life. … Continue reading Loving Kindness

Sutta Topics #1

December 05, 2019 05:32

Don’t overeat. A monk should live mindfully, without a stuffed belly. Several mouthfuls before you are full, stop and drink some water. That is enough. -Theragatha, 17.2 Sāriputta  Don’t eat too much or too little. When you eat, consider carefully. Remind yourself, “I am not eating for fun, as a reward, or to make myself … Continue reading Sutta Topics #1

Lay Life

November 29, 2019 15:22 - 7.52 MB

A follower of the Dhamma should not engage in certain kinds of business. For example, you should not buy or sell weapons, human beings, animals, meat, alcohol, or poison. -AN 5.177 Once Mahānāma, asked the Buddha, “Who is considered a Buddhist?” The Buddha replied, “A Buddhist is someone who has gone for refuge in the … Continue reading Lay Life


November 23, 2019 13:57

There are many good reasons to practice mindfulness of breathing meditation. For example, when I was still working toward Liberation, I regularly practiced this way. When I did this I never got tired or sleepy. -SN 54.8 These 5 good things happen when you fall asleep with good mindfulness and wisdom: You sleep in comfort. … Continue reading Sleep


November 17, 2019 17:32 - 7.57 MB

A wise person has let go of all forms of identification. They do not think, “I am this” or “I am that.” They do not think, “My body is my true self” or “something immaterial is my true self.” They do not think, “My true self is that which knows.” They understand that all of … Continue reading Desire


November 11, 2019 03:42 - 7.54 MB

The cycle of death and rebirth has no beginning. If you gathered up the bones from one person who lived, died, and was reborn for an eon, the pile would be as big as Mount Vepulla. -SN 15.10 Most people do not truly understand, That one day we will all die. But for those who … Continue reading Death


November 05, 2019 03:36 - 4.63 MB

Over the next few weeks this site will return to its original mission: to provide simple, plain English renderings of the suttas as posts and podcasts. Please let me know if you want more of this kind of content. Anger Some people have a mind like an inflamed sore. They become irritable and become angry … Continue reading Anger

Dhamma Conversations #3

February 02, 2017 05:13 - 25 MB

Dhamma Conversations #2

January 26, 2017 05:12 - 17.3 MB

Dhamma Conversations #1

January 19, 2017 05:11 - 19.9 MB

Sabbāsavasutta Sutta MN2 #2 of 3

January 05, 2017 05:08 - 53.2 MB

Sabbāsavasutta Sutta MN2 Part 1 of 3

December 30, 2016 05:08 - 50.7 MB Almost the same as the Asava Sutta in the 6s of the AN, but without knowing and seeing Basically the same as the Chinese Agama version

Dependent Origination – Karmic Formations, Consciousness, and Craving (Sense fear!)

August 28, 2016 03:06 - 32.7 MB

SN 12.2  – DN 15 Mahānidāna – MN 9 Sammādiṭṭhi –

Karma and Even More on Dependent Origination

August 24, 2016 03:04 - 23.6 MB

Kamma: A Study Guide by Thanissaro Bhikkhu –

Drowsiness and More on Dependent Origination

August 20, 2016 03:04 - 19.7 MB

Links SN 12.2  – Nibbana Sermons –,Nanananda.pdf SN 12.38 Cetanā 1 –

Conversation About Dependent Origination

August 17, 2016 04:19 - 39 MB

Another conversation with David Trelles about dhamma. This time we take  on Dependent Origination. Again, let me know if you have a topic you’d like to hear us discuss.

Anatta Part 3 (of 3)

August 13, 2016 04:03 - 43.2 MB

The final part of my talk with David Trelles on Anatta.

Anatta Part 2

August 06, 2016 03:56 - 15.8 MB

Part 2 (of 3) of my conversation with David Trelles on Anatta.

Anatta Part 1 with David Trelles

August 05, 2016 20:30 - 30.7 MB

I am so pleased to welcome David Trelles to the podcast. I had a blast talking dhamma, and I hope you find it helpful as well. Please let me know in the comments if you have any future topics you’d like us to discuss.

The Satipatthana Sutta

August 04, 2016 22:01 - 18.9 MB

Probably the most influential yet misunderstood sutta in the canon, at least over the last century, has been the Satipatthana Sutta. It is considered the founding document of the mindfulness meditation movement, the sine qua non of the Buddhist path. I am dubious. The Satipatthana Sutta in my reading is a collection of meditation subjects … Continue reading The Satipatthana Sutta

Dependent Origination (Q&A)

November 16, 2015 02:55 - 26 MB

Original Buddhism

September 26, 2015 03:01 - 4.13 MB

Simple Suttas is supposedly “a podcast on original Buddhism.” But does such a thing even exist? At one level it’s just a notion. We can never know exactly what the Buddha said and taught. We are stuck with 1.) the ancient texts, 2.) the living traditions, and 3.) archeological evidence. Consider: My son was born … Continue reading Original Buddhism

How to Speak American Buddhish

September 16, 2015 03:01 - 3.84 MB

Stick to these few simple tips, and soon you too can be a khaki-clad dharma teacher of note. It’s never “my body,” “my mind,” or “my thoughts. It’s “the body,” “the mind,” and “the thoughts.” It is, however, “my dana.” Never use the words “open,” “spacious,” or “awareness” by themselves. It must always be “open, … Continue reading How to Speak American Buddhish

Good Meditation Bad Meditation (Podcast)

August 22, 2015 10:20 - 7.16 MB

Free From Weeds (Podcast)

August 07, 2015 23:20 - 2.3 MB

Free From Fear (Podcast)

July 08, 2015 00:20 - 2.3 MB

Engaged Buddhists, Not Engaged Buddhism

June 18, 2015 04:35 - 4.63 MB

The theme at our dhamma center for the last few months has been engaged Buddhism. We’ve had a string of well-intentioned teachers coming in to talk about Thich Nhat Hanh, climate change, Eric Garner, and the like. The appeal of engaged Buddhism for most Buddhists is obvious: climate change, racism, economic inequality and the like … Continue reading Engaged Buddhists, Not Engaged Buddhism

On Consciousness

June 08, 2015 21:08 - 6.98 MB

Mutual Support

June 07, 2015 21:18 - 2.7 MB

This little excerpt from the Bahukara Sutta teaches the relationship of self-reliance the Buddha taught in the suttas. The laypeople support the monks and nuns in their practice and the monks and nuns support the laity. Monks, laypeople are very important to your practice. They give you clothes, food, a place to live, and medicine. … Continue reading Mutual Support