“If you have that dream or yearning, start following the leadership of that… because everything that you want is on that path.”  - Julie Steelman


What was your childhood dream? In this episode, Art and Julie Steelman, Founder of Financial Freedom Institute, talk about how our childhood dreams hold the key that unlocks our future. They explain what being free truly meant, how “Collective Diminished Expectations” sometimes push us into accepting opinions and beliefs that are not aligned with who we are, and how self-reliance helps in achieving our goals. Julie also shares her African adventures up close with Silverback Gorillas and how we can help solve this huge ecological problem, not only for biodiversity but also for the future of humanity. You don’t have to wait till you’re old and retired to start enjoying your life! Like Julie, you too, can go places. Tune in and learn the secret to financial freedom!

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02:12 The Road To Financial Freedom

08:35 Core Expectations

11:46 Quest To Soul Actualization

16:40 Be In Your Own Power

21:32 Need For Belongingness- The Root of What’s Not

29:42 Photography in Africa- Pictures That Speak A Million Words

36:51 Wildlife And Conservation- What Is Your Role

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