“You don't have to push back. You just have to stand your ground.” - Matthew Zinman


If you could give one smart advice to your younger self, what would it be? We all have gone through depressive moments in our teenage years. In this episode, Art and Matt Zinman, CEO of The Internship Institute, discuss some life lessons we wish we knew before but still can benefit from today. Matt shares his 2-3 Day Rule on how he was able to overcome his depression, how to use our earned courage to outsmart worry and anxiety, why we should trust our gut, and how to be okay with saying “no”. We also get to peek inside Matt’s book, Z-isms: Insights To Live, especially one chapter called: “Be Aware of Spiders”. He explains the reason behind the allegory and how it can benefit us and the people around us. Tune in and find out who these “spiders” are and how to not get caught in their manipulative web of deception.


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1:00 Teen Depression & The 2-3 Day Rule To Beat It

09:46 Why You Can Be Sure You’ll Always Get Through

15:22 Believe In Yourself

22:52 Z-ism: Insights To Live By

26:06 Look For Your Earned Confidence

32:16 Be Aware Of Spiders!

38:27 It’s Okay To Say NO

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