Previous Episode: High hypochondriac thoughts
Next Episode: Seizure

.... “You know what always like confuses me about people {laughs}” ....

.... “. . . Sometimes we got to get your name, number and email to like check you in for your appointment ” ....


.... “But some of these m***** f******  . . .” ....

.... “They are so f****** like securitive” ....

.... “What is that. . . overly security?!?” .....

.... “I DONT KNOW” ....

.... “Super secretive!” ....

.... “I’m looking at them and I’m like.... {m***** f***** you look like you just some old man who like in retirement like who’s the f***be checking up on you?!” ....

.... “You think your some big shot?” ...

.... “No” ....

.... “I don’t think people care to know what area you live in, like you ain’t that f***** big! STOP!” ....