Check out EPISODE 010 of the Ready Set Mindful Podcast as Kerri chats with Danny Vega about how to optimize your performance as an athlete using the Keto approach.

If you are an athlete looking to up-level your performance and are Keto curious then this episode is for you!

Topics covered: 

*Danny's journey from college athlete to crossfitter to being a Keto athlete.
*Brain benefits from Keto
*How Keto can help athletes overcome inflammation, brain fog, and lack of energy
*Common misconceptions about living a Keto lifestyle
*Tips and tricks for sustaining a Keto lifestyle
*How having an optimized routine can help athletes with sport performance
*The importance of mindset when shifting your routine as an athlete

Make sure to leave us a review and let us know your thoughts on the episode, and remember to SUBSCRIBE if you liked what your heard!

Happy listening!

IG: @readysetmindful

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