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Radio Free St. Jude

141 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 1 year ago - ★★★ - 2 ratings

Catechesis, Scripture, Sacred Liturgy & Music & Art, the Oratory, et reliqua

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What’s Stopping You

October 15, 2012 06:42 - 16.6 MB

For a homily on the Gospel from the 28th Sunday Per annum, Year B, Mark 10.17-30, click on the picture.

The Sacrifices of Abel, Abraham, and Melchizedek

September 04, 2012 04:05 - 12.7 MB

In the Roman canon at Mass, the sacrifices of three Old Testament figures are brought to mind.  Why these three?  Click on the link below for a homily of how their sacrifices guide us in our participation at Holy Mass. … Continue reading →

Remember the Paschal Mystery: The Anamnesis

August 27, 2012 20:19 - 10.3 MB

At the Mass, after the Words of Institution and the Proclamation of the Mystery of Faith, turning to God the Father, the priest recalls the Paschal Mystery and we are invited to share in these saving deeds of Our Lord … Continue reading →

The Mystery of Faith

August 15, 2012 22:06 - 11.4 MB

In the Faith, a mystery is not something that we cannot know about, but rather something that, in order for us to know about it, God has to reveal it to us.  There are many mysteries that God has revealed. … Continue reading →

A Memorial Where Past and Present Meet

August 10, 2012 17:53 - 15.1 MB

In this homily, I address the what, how and why of Our Lord’s command to his Apostles: Do this in memory of me. Click on the link. A Memorial Where Past and Present Meet

What Was He Thinking: Mass as Sacrifice

July 17, 2012 19:30 - 14.2 MB

Imagine the Apostles at the Last Supper hearing the words of Jesus for the first time whereby He changed the bread and wine into his body and blood.  By what actions and words did Jesus show his Apostles that the … Continue reading →

Musical Guidelines for School Masses

May 18, 2012 21:15

Our Catholic school system is currently developing liturgical guidelines for school Masses.  Here is what I would suggest as guidelines for the use of music at these Masses. Musical Guidelines for School Masses

Liturgy of the Word: Old Testament – Psalm – Epistle

April 23, 2012 16:49 - 9.09 MB

At Holy Mass, we need to realize that the Lord himself instructs us especially during the Liturgy of the Word.  We see that after his Resurrection, Our Lord opens the scriptures to his disciples so that they may come to … Continue reading →

God Speaking to Us: The Liturgy of the Word

April 21, 2012 01:31 - 8.07 MB

There has never been the Liturgy of the Eucharist without the proclamation from the Holy Scriptures preceding it. This arrangement goes back to the very earliest days of the Church. It is good to ask why this is so. What … Continue reading →

Holy Saturday – Christ Descended into Hell – Tenebrae

April 10, 2012 00:07 - 43 MB

A blessed and happy Easter to all my readers! I know we are now in the joy of Easter, yet I would like to share some thoughts about Holy Saturday before the Easter Vigil in the Holy Night. After the … Continue reading →

The Collect at Mass

January 18, 2012 06:55 - 12.7 MB

For me, the new English translations of the presidential prayers from the Latin Mass  have breathed new life into my celebrating of the Mass.  Finally English-speaking Catholics can experience something of the beauty of the original Latin prayers.   This homily … Continue reading →

Sung Presidential Prayers Project

December 12, 2011 13:13

When man comes into contact with God, mere speech is not enough. (Pope Benedict XVI, The Spirit of the Liturgy, p.136) The new English translation of the third edition of the Roman Missal is like manna from heaven for we … Continue reading →

A First Holy Communion Homily

December 03, 2011 03:19 - 9.25 MB

To feed the flock of Christ with Jesus, the Bread of Life, is one of the greatest privileges a parish priest can have. And there are few things in this world more sweet than to be a part of that … Continue reading →

Music Guidelines for School Masses

December 01, 2011 19:58

Our diocesan liturgy commission is developing liturgical guidelines for school Masses. Music has such power to move us in spirit that the Church has very clear teaching on what is proper for use during the sacred liturgy. Well performed music … Continue reading →

It’s Greek to Me: the Kyrie eleison

November 26, 2011 09:13 - 12 MB

At Holy Mass, following the Confiteor (I confess), we sing Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy). When we make this sweet cry for mercy, we usually are begging forgiveness of our sins. Yet in the Scriptures people cried for mercy to … Continue reading →

I Confess…

November 21, 2011 03:54 - 13.9 MB

Here I present an explanation of the Confiteor, i.e. I confess, that we use are Mass. This is part of my on-going explanation of the parts of the Mass. Is is great to see the biblical background to this practise. … Continue reading →

“If the Foundations Are Destroyed, What Can the Righteous Do?” (Ps 11.3): A suggestion on how to find peace in the midst of chaos

November 10, 2011 23:27

Once your eyes are opened to the beauty of the sacred liturgy celebrated with its due dignity, solemnity, and reverence, it becomes difficult to participate in Masses where the rubrics are “blown off” as, at best, inconvenient, or at worst, … Continue reading →

There I Am in the Midst of Them

November 10, 2011 06:58 - 31.9 MB

I have always wanted to do a series of homilies on the Mass, since it is the source and the summit of our Christian life. The upcoming introduction of the new English translation of the Latin Mass gives us a … Continue reading →

Relics: Signs of the Communion of Saints and the Hope of Future Glory

November 06, 2011 08:28 - 4.69 MB

Our parish church is also a shrine of Saint Jude the Apostle. We welcome all those who seek a place of peace and prayer in our church, as well as those who come seeking the intercession of the Holy Apostle, … Continue reading →

Mass Drums — Jive with the Church!

October 20, 2011 21:29

I was recently at a liturgical planning meeting for a Catholic conference. The issue came up whether drums should be used at the Masses celebrated at the conference. I argued that the use of a drum set and bongos is … Continue reading →

Why We Make the Sign of the Cross

October 17, 2011 20:43 - 23.4 MB

As Catholics, we sign ourselves with the sign of the cross most often whenever we begin to pray. Sometimes we do it without much attention. Maybe we either never knew, or have forgotten, the biblical and deep meaning of this … Continue reading →

The Fundamentals of the Mass — Sacrifice, Real Presence, and Communion

October 10, 2011 07:30 - 34.5 MB

It has been far to long since I have added to my blog. Here is an edited recording of a homily for the 28th Sunday Per annum. In preparation for introducing the new English translation of the Latin Mass, I … Continue reading →

A Liturgical Disconnect

July 31, 2011 06:04

Carissimi Lector, I recently attended a conference at a Catholic institution known for its fidelity to the Church’s teaching and Magisterium. You could see very well that the leadership fostered a real sense of zeal for evangelization and for prayer. … Continue reading →

Addendum to Tenebrae at St Jude’s

April 26, 2011 06:04 - 99.1 MB

Carissime Lector, Although we are now in the Easter Day, I would like to post the audio of the Holy Saturday Tenebrae Service at St Jude’s. What a blessing and pleasure to be able to share in the commemoration of … Continue reading →

Tenebrae at St Jude’s, Vancouver

April 20, 2011 08:08

On Saturday morning at 9AM, the men’s schola will sing at the Tenebrae Service for Holy Saturday. What is a Tenebrae service? Tenebræ is the name given to the service of Matins and Lauds belonging to the last three days … Continue reading →

Jesus Hid Himself

April 14, 2011 22:48

Dear Lectores, It has been far to long since I last posted here. I about six months ago, I was given a new responsibility which has taken up a lot of my time. I would like to share with you … Continue reading →

Gregorian chant for the Immaculate Conception

December 13, 2010 10:54 - 60.7 MB

Dear Lectores, I must apologize for the lack of posting on this my blog. I will spare you the details of what has been occupying my time (beyond my parochial pastoral duties) and making it difficult to find the time … Continue reading →

100 Years of Church Teaching on Gregorian Chant

July 16, 2010 20:15

In 2003, Pope John Paul II commemorated first centenary of the promulgation of Pope Saint Pius X’s motu proprio on sacred music, Tra le Sollecitudini. Below you will find excerpts on Gregorian chant from the major Vatican documents on sacred … Continue reading →

A Homily for Children Receiving First Holy Communion

April 29, 2010 23:52

Many years ago, there was a holy nun that went to the great Saint Teresa and was telling her how she wished that she had been alive at the same time that Jesus was walking around on the earth.  She … Continue reading →

Father de Souza gets it right

March 27, 2010 04:52

I have found it difficult to comment on the news about the sexual abuse perpetrated by some of my brothers in the priesthood.  The hurt and damage done to the youthful victims is horrible in itself.   As a priest, I … Continue reading →

Confession is good for the soul

March 22, 2010 20:04 - 29.1 MB

Here is a recording of the homily for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, year C, at the 9 AM Mass on March 22, 2010. Homily for Sunday V of Lent Here is a written summary of this homily: Since the … Continue reading →

No Such Thing As SAFE SEX (especially for minors) Outside Of Marriage

March 13, 2010 06:00

The American College of Pediatricians has recently issued a statement saying that teens need to be taught to refrain from having sex until they are married.  It recommends that schools should no longer teach what has been called “comprehensive sex … Continue reading →

Why We Bother To Have A Catholic School

March 09, 2010 21:16

A news story from Boulder, Colorado involving Archbishop Chaput, a Catholic school, and a lesbian couple highlights the main reason for Catholic schools.  The archbishop explains why the child of a lesbian couple would not be enrolled in the Catholic … Continue reading →


March 09, 2010 01:03

G O S P E L     A N D      H O M I L Y   —    S U N D A Y     III      O F      L E N T … Continue reading → For more about the voice behind Radio Free St. Jude, email [email protected].

Excellent video on the priesthood!

March 01, 2010 09:34

This is an excellent video on the priesthood put out by the Congregation for the Clergy from the Vatican.  There is lots of talk about the Cure of Ars.  The Pope also speaks on this video.  I am sure you … Continue reading →

The Transfiguration – Sunday II of Lent

February 27, 2010 01:40

In Luke 9.28-36 Jesus was transfigured in the presence of  three disciples, Peter and John and James. Was it a mere show of power?  What was it about and what did it mean? Our Lord had already told his disciples … Continue reading →

Do not grieve as others who have no hope

February 25, 2010 02:53 - 7.32 MB

This is a summary of a homily given at the funeral of a long-time parishioner of mine.  I have included the readings, 1 Thessalonians 4.13-18 and and John 11.17-27, upon which the homily was based.  Click on the underlined text … Continue reading →

Why We Are Singing Gregorian Chant?

February 21, 2010 11:44

This is a letter I wrote to my parishioners. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I have written and spoken to you about Gregorian chant before and the reason why we sing it in our parish.  Here are some excerpts … Continue reading →

We are worthless slaves . . .

February 17, 2010 07:07

One of the beautiful things about Holy Scripture is that you can so often find some phrase or passage that can characterize a particular situation or moment. It’s no wonder that so many personal and institutional mottoes are taken from … Continue reading →

Abortion as Health Care for Women

February 05, 2010 22:46

The abortion issue is once again in the news. Some people in our country Canada are trying to argue that providing free access to abortion is essential to improving maternal and infant health worldwide. Aside from the fact that they … Continue reading →

Welcome to this blog.

January 31, 2010 07:52

A Roman Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Vancouver, I am the parish priest of Saint Jude’s Parish & Shrine, Vancouver.  My interests include: scripture study catechesis music Gregorian chant sacred art and liturgy Latin language Saint Philip Neri and … Continue reading →


The Prodigal Son
1 Episode
The Pure in Heart
1 Episode