Previous Episode: I Confess…

At Holy Mass, following the Confiteor (I confess), we sing Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy). When we make this sweet cry for mercy, we usually are begging forgiveness of our sins. Yet in the Scriptures people cried for mercy to … Continue reading →

At Holy Mass, following the Confiteor (I confess), we sing Kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy). When we make this sweet cry for mercy, we usually are begging forgiveness of our sins. Yet in the Scriptures people cried for mercy to our loving Lord also for healing and help for themselves and for those they loved. The singing of the Kyrie chants are such a beautiful way to make such a call to God “last” longer so that we may better enter into this prayer ourselves as well as entrust to the Lord those for whom we pray. So often the music that clothes the words makes such a joyful noise. This expresses our confidence and joy in knowing that our Lord is merciful and full of compassion for all those who call upon Him.

It’s Greek to Me – Kyrie