I have always wanted to do a series of homilies on the Mass, since it is the source and the summit of our Christian life. The upcoming introduction of the new English translation of the Latin Mass gives us a … Continue reading →

I have always wanted to do a series of homilies on the Mass, since it is the source and the summit of our Christian life. The upcoming introduction of the new English translation of the Latin Mass gives us a great opportunity to illuminate the ceremonies as we explain the new wording of the Mass. In this homily I explain the greeting “The Lord be with you” and the welcomed new response, “And with your spirit”. Our Blessed Mother, Moses and Saint Paul are only a few of the many biblical personages that have received the assurance of the Lord’s presence with them. The Sacred Liturgy continues to bring us in a very deep way into that same presence.

There I Am In The Midst Of Them