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R3ciprocity: Research Life, Innovation, Business Growth, & Strive Towards Being Happy

994 episodes - English - Latest episode: 3 days ago - ★★★★★ - 1 rating

Professor David Maslach talks about graduate school, research, science, Innovation, and entrepreneurship. The R3ciprocity project is my way to give back as much as I possibly can. I seek to provide insights and tools to change how we understand science, and make it more democratic.

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When you believe that people are talking behind your back

January 11, 2024 14:21 - 9 minutes - 4.52 MB

When you believe that other people are talking behind your back, you have to take a step back and realize that everybody is self interested in there likely not even thinking about you at any given time. That’s where you have to accept yourself and work on yourself more than you have to worry about other people.

Is There A Single Best Answer To Business Success?

January 10, 2024 11:59 - 9 minutes - 4.15 MB

is there a singular best answer to business success, and question and think about our world in the sense of a puristic world that is constantly changing. I question whether business success and the concept of business success actually makes sense in this world.

Are You Helping Too Much In Your Organization?

January 08, 2024 12:47 - 10 minutes - 4.71 MB

Are you helping too much in your organization? Does it feel like you’re getting penalized for doing what you believe is right? I think it is important to talk about the absurdity of that, and think about how you can stay true to yourself, despite the system that may not recognize it. I help you think about how it’s absurd to get penalized for being helpful.

The financial returns of podcasting

January 06, 2024 21:32 - 7 minutes - 6.89 MB

I talk about the financial returns of podcasting or anything else in life. It’s often that you don’t get a one-to-one conversion in terms of the effort that you put in and the outcomes you actually get. I think and talk about how you just do it because it’s your thing to do.

Good luck to You!

January 05, 2024 15:55 - 9 minutes - 4.16 MB

Learning how to say, it’s not my problem or good luck to you isn’t important, skill set. Learning how to say good luck to you is a recognition of the boundaries that you have with your influence. It’s recognition that sometimes you don’t have as much control as you think you do. Understanding that sometimes people need to have lessons that they learn themselves is an important part of growing up.

Do We Really Have A Choice?

January 04, 2024 14:06 - 12 minutes - 11.4 MB

Do we really have a choice, I think out loud about whether we actually have choices in life and then give you some ways to think about the fact that we may not have a lot of choice with what happens.

How We Are All Measured

January 03, 2024 13:21 - 8 minutes - 3.98 MB

Much of our life has now being distilled down to numbers and metrics. #Academics are measured by often a single number. You often can’t change the numbers. That number is often just reflection of the social subsystem that you’re part of. It’s very hard to change your life once you’ve lived it. Much of who we are is already been predetermined. Besides, do you want to be a different you? Aren’t you good enough? But, what you can do is focus on repetition, and enjoying the process while yo...

2024: You Can’t Drown Out Optimism

January 02, 2024 12:37 - 13 minutes - 12.6 MB

Despite encountering actions from individuals with less than honorable intentions and those who spread #negativity, it's important to recognize that the world has improved significantly over the decades. While there have been some worrisome trends in recent years, we should focus on the long-term trajectory. Two centuries ago, most of us would not have survived, facing famine, pain, and suffering beyond our modern understanding. In other words, jerks existed 200 years ago and they exist t...

Should Investors Care About Who They Give Their Money To?

December 29, 2023 14:18 - 7 minutes - 3.41 MB

Should investors care about who they actually give their monies to? The answer is that if you’re worried about your individual portfolio firms, you’re likely not diversified enough. You likely need to diversify more broadly so that you don’t care about individual firms or assets.

My Faith In Scientific Process Is Very Low

December 28, 2023 21:53 - 6 minutes - 2.86 MB

My faith in the scientific review process of generating results that are meaningful is actually very low. I talk about what this actually means and what we can do about this.

Be Able To Detach

December 28, 2023 12:38 - 9 minutes - 4.11 MB

Being able to detach is an important skillset. This includes being independent of most things that we can grow dependencies on, such as money, relationships, and even social media. Allowing yourself to decouple from anything so that you don’t have a want or you’re not dependent on anything allows you to grow as a person. It allows you to know that you can start from the beginning again, and everything that you have from that beginning is an absolute blessing. Repeating in your head, ever...

Learning how to be assertive in science and research

December 27, 2023 21:00 - 8 minutes - 3.94 MB

The longer I’ve been in the profession as a researcher, the more I realize that how I conduct myself in terms of being a passivist or submissive, the more likely you’re going to get taken advantage of. Style that I’m learning is to simply state the facts and let the fact speak for themselves. I’m trying to remove my tendency to be submissive as much communication as possible. I realize this part of the reason why I run into trouble in research.

Jack Goncalo: Professor Of Creativity

December 27, 2023 11:58 - 1 hour - 133 MB

We talk about academic life, what it means to be a creative, and how are you fit in when you feel like you never fit in. We talk about the courage it takes to do creative endeavors, an internal strength to tell the world you’re doing something that is completely different and perhaps can be upsetting. We touch upon the importance of having a sense of humor and playfulness when you are working on hard problems that could not be taken in the right way. The goal is to help people walk through ...

Just As Long As You Work At It

December 26, 2023 13:27 - 8 minutes - 4.02 MB

Just as long as you’re working at it, I think that’s all that really matters. Most people will rather sit on the sidelines and think about how the perfect play would exist, rather than try to get out there, and realize that there’s no “perfect play.” When you’re trying, you will never feel like you’re doing things right. There is no perfect way. You’ll always feel that you’re a mess. But, you have to remember that you’re actually doing it. Sitting on the sidelines watching is far differ...

Make It Happen

December 23, 2023 14:06 - 9 minutes - 4.36 MB

Make it happen. Doing large projects requires a conscious effort, and the only way that you can accomplish things is just to make it happen. I don’t know any other way. I often think that the scientific literature is just wrong because it is not talking about the average person. The average person doesn’t have the resources that is often talked about in the scientific literature. You don’t have access to venture capital, you don’t have access to large companies, you don’t have all of th...

How To Get To Millions? Start Small.

December 22, 2023 12:24 - 10 minutes - 4.8 MB

Almost all of the self-help and financial management pop-culture books, and even the academic literature, assumes people are far more motivated than what they truly are. Rather than focusing on the top performers, in my view, we should be focusing on the bottom, which is a far larger percentage of the population. It will also move the needle a lot more. How do we get people excited? How do we tackle the problem of encouraging people to want to do something? These are bigger questions th...

New Feature On R3ciprocity: Clustering Of Papers For Conferences And Classrooms

December 21, 2023 21:10 - 6 minutes - 2.85 MB

I talk about a new feature that we are building into the R3ciprocity platform that will hopefully aid people in their classrooms and as well as conference organizing.

Age, Wisdom, & Beauty

December 21, 2023 14:01 - 7 minutes - 7.31 MB

we need to be careful not to use external characteristics that are easy to observe, and use characteristics that are much more deeper and more align with what we are actually trying to seek. Age doesn’t necessarily mean, wisdom, and use doesn’t necessarily mean beauty. We need to understand, what it is that we are actually striving for.

Much Needed Inspiration

December 15, 2023 13:09 - 10 minutes - 4.88 MB

You get up and you do it anyways. No matter how it feels and what you’re going through, you put in the work to actually get to where you’re going to go. Nobody feels like they want to actually do it and there’s no reason for why you actually do it, but you do it because you know it is good for yourself and for the world. Why is it good? You don’t know. Just get up and do it anyways.

How Performance Mindset Harms You

December 14, 2023 17:51 - 9 minutes - 4.26 MB

The performance mindset, that many of us abide by often results in a great deal of negative emotion. The one thing that I can recommend is to take a step back and feel how fortunate that we actually are at this given moment. Practice do not focus on performance, and focus on what it means to be a fortunate human being today.

How Do You Live A Good Life?

December 13, 2023 12:24 - 9 minutes - 4.06 MB

Once you deconstruct what most people do on a daily basis, you realize that there is a lot of humanity across all of us. What does it mean to be successful? Really, nothing. You are projecting and playing success. The actions that a CEO will take are often very similar to somebody else in an organization. You get up, brush your teeth, have some breakfast, you go off to work, and then you come home. You eat, drink, and talk like anyone else. The more I live life, the more I realize t...

How To Fix The Competitive Culture Of Academia?

December 12, 2023 22:28 - 9 minutes - 4.24 MB

How do you fix the competitive culture in academia? How do you ensure that people don’t get lost and they feel rewarded? The only way that I know is to build selflessness into the culture.

Do You Want To Build Longterm Wealth?

December 12, 2023 12:15 - 14 minutes - 6.59 MB

How do you build long-term wealth? It’s a scammy question. You are right. But, if you cared about doing it right, this did not make you click and read this far. The psychology and behavior of building long-term wealth is much different than building it in the short-term. It requires you to think about how do I actually live a good life for a long time. This is much more realistic than any clickbait YouTube course will tell you. But, it is hard. When I say think 90 years of investing,...

Dealing with rejection by disassociating

December 11, 2023 12:32 - 8 minutes - 3.7 MB

A great deal of dealing with rejection is not to let the arbitrariness of it affect you. The only way that I know how to deal with this arbitrariness is to disassociate. These outcomes have nothing to do with your identity. View what you’re doing is simply a job, and these outcomes are not your identity. Internalizing outcomes as who you are, whether it be publications, grants, and sales made, will inevitably lead to moments of crisis. You are more than that. Keep taking those steps for...

Is Prestige In The Academic Job Market Harmful?

December 08, 2023 22:00 - 8 minutes - 3.68 MB

Is prestige status in the academic job market harmful? The harm might come from generalizing too much from these very poor indicators, and instead not taking a rich understanding of the people and resources that you are generalizing about.

Entrepreneurs & Innovators As Heroes

December 08, 2023 12:58 - 7 minutes - 3.18 MB

The conception of entrepreneurs and innovators as heroic in modern society, is far from the truth. It’s often the complete opposite and you feel lonely and isolated. Your job is to figure out ways to destigmatize what you’re doing, and maintain a healthy and happy state. This involves doing the basic things like spending time on yourself, eating properly, and getting adequate sleep. sleep.

I Want A Sparkle In My Eye

December 07, 2023 22:09 - 6 minutes - 3.14 MB

My view of #management has completely changed in the last few years period. I used to think that there was only so many resources that went around and that if I get some resources, it means somebody else loses, and vice versa. The world was finite. I no longer have that view. I think the goal is to ultimately try to enjoy my life, and make other people feel good about themselves too. It has nothing to do with resources, but has everything to do with keeping that “sparkle” in your eye.

What Does A Multimillionaire Look Like?

December 07, 2023 14:28 - 9 minutes - 4.44 MB

How do you become a multimillionaire? What does that actually look like? Often you’ll find that people that have an extraordinary amount of wealth are quite generous, and very unassuming.

Why Don’t More People Want To Become Billionaires?

December 06, 2023 11:22 - 9 minutes - 3.88 MB

Becoming a billionaire is absolutely possible as a normal person. There is just two things: Invest a significant portion of your income, and do this for 90 years or more. When I show people this, the response is “why don’t more people want to become billionaires?” Yes this is a very long-term perspective and investing diligently for a long time is hard. It is interesting to me that most people see that is outside of their possibility, and speaks to our own humanity. Why is it that normal...

Academic Research Is Unfair, But You Don’t Give Up

December 05, 2023 12:41 - 7 minutes - 3.25 MB

Much of academic research is unfair. You might be doing everything right and you make a little progress. You can only make small dents on this unfairness. You can’t change it overnight. So what can you do? You try every day, and you never give up. You take advantage of the moment that by chance someone gives you the opportunity. You can either let it get to you, or view it as a puzzle to be solved. It will not change unless you view it’s opportunities.

Is Higher Education Dying?

December 04, 2023 12:57 - 7 minutes - 3.53 MB

The way that higher education existed is likely changing, and we have to come to terms with these changing norms because of the democratic access of information.

The Mistakes We Make

December 04, 2023 11:01 - 8 minutes - 3.77 MB

One of the biggest mistakes that I’ve ever made is thinking about how I can get approval or acceptance from other people. I have done a lot of ventures in my life, and become increasingly unsure of seeking approval is ever a good thing. I become more aware of the importance of doing things first and accomplishing things for your own satisfaction, rather than to earn approval from other. It becomes increasingly important to remember that you do “you,” and you figure out how to make your ow...

Entrepreneurship is never legitimate

December 02, 2023 22:57 - 9 minutes - 3.96 MB

If you are entrepreneurial, or that are innovative, you will rarely fit in with the world. You have to get used to feeling like an outsider, or that you don’t necessarily belong. Your job is to always feel like an Outcast, and get used to that feeling as you do, innovative things.

Paradox Of Being Top & Statistical Probability Of Life

December 01, 2023 12:54 - 12 minutes - 6.18 MB

We often find ourselves in paradoxes, which we can’t resolve. Nor, should we. One important paradox is striving to be the top in your domain, but realizing statistical probabilities almost always suggest that being the top is either fleeting or unrealistic. But, to become the top, you have to dream it. Balancing the dream of being the top, and coming to terms with reality that you’re not is one of the hardest things that you have to deal with in life. Understand that performance and produ...

Eriselda Danaj: Why I Choose To Do A PhD In Spain And Not The US

November 30, 2023 14:20 - 53 minutes - 123 MB

Eriselda Danaj talk about her experiences as a talented scholar, in making hard decisions in her life. She talks about how there’s often never right answer with these hard decisions.

Comparing LinkedIn vs YouTube vs TikTok vs Facebook vs Podcasting vs X

November 29, 2023 13:33 - 11 minutes - 5.19 MB

Key insights to get traction on major social platforms. I’m on a lot of platforms and I’ve learned a lot about social creation. The only major platforms that I have not tried for content is Twitch and OnlyFans. (By the way, the number of users on these two platforms is unbelievable - these are not fringe parts of society). Here are important lessons that will help you: 1. #LinkedIn rewards achievement, and anything to do with achievement. Information is downplayed, but achievement and rec...

You Have To Meet People Where They Are

November 28, 2023 12:40 - 9 minutes - 4.28 MB

One of the biggest lessons that I’ve learnt as a #professor is empathy. I’ve learned to meet people where they are. What do I mean by that? It means that I no longer try to convince people, but get them to bring themselves into the conversation. The idea is that you are joint problem-solving, where both of you might not necessarily know what the right answer is, but you begin with acknowledging other people, and how they’re feeling. You begin by thinking about the stresses and anxieties ...

I Post Content Everyday. It Makes Me Feel Okay

November 27, 2023 12:16 - 7 minutes - 3.22 MB

I post content everywhere, not necessarily to benefit you, but to help me deal with the problems, that one experiences on day-to-day. I hope that you benefit from this content, but it’s been very therapeutic to allow me to speak openly and honest.

How are you gonna take advantage of the world you live in?

November 27, 2023 11:15 - 6 minutes - 2.78 MB

we have so many of easy opportunities because we lived today, how are you actually getting to advantage of your friend? What active steps are you going to do to live happy and healthy life within this amazing world that we have? Are you going to spend some time working, sometime, enjoying, and sometime preparing for the future? Remember to recognize that we live in an amazing world, and you have to take advantage of it.

Rational Choices & Education

November 24, 2023 15:57 - 9 minutes - 4.29 MB

Can you make a rational choice in education? The truth is you can’t. You don’t really know whether you are going to gain all of the benefits that you expected. You also don’t really understand what’s true cost are. The only time you have a pretty good understanding is with educational choices that are fairly standard. If you go outside of those fairly standard educational choices, your guess is as good as mine. What we do and perhaps encourage people to do is to allow them to make this rat...

Collectively We All Have A Point

November 22, 2023 18:59 - 5 minutes - 2.49 MB

collectively, we matter, individually, we may not matter as much as we would like.

Conversion Rate Optimization May Not Work For You

November 21, 2023 12:55 - 11 minutes - 10.2 MB

Conversion rate optimization, while theoretically promising, often demands significant resources that many people may not be willing to invest. It becomes particularly challenging for beginners who lack a clear roadmap and are uncertain about its worth. Instead, consider a more relaxed approach – experiment and enjoy the process without taking yourself too seriously. Concentrate on sustainability over time rather than obsessing over finding the ultimate method.

Figure Out How To Make Activities Ebb & Flow With Your Life

November 20, 2023 13:58 - 9 minutes - 4.51 MB

I think we get caught up with either doing too little or too much with any particular domain in our life. Figure out how to make things, Ebben flow, by never taking any particular activity to seriously, but take each activity seriously. It sounds like a contradiction, but it’s about balancing being OK with something not working for a long time, and at the same time being able to sustain and grow this activity that you’re working on.

Dana Cohen: How Do You Stay Grounded In A Research Career?

November 20, 2023 10:57 - 1 hour - 79.7 MB

How do you stay grounded when you are doing research? How do you pursue other things outside of research? Dana Cohen talks about research life and how to deal with the stresses of research. This podcast expresses personal views only and does not represent the policies or opinions held by the Ronin Institute.

Social Media Marketing For New Product Development

November 19, 2023 20:51 - 7 minutes - 3.47 MB

Social media marketing for new product development is a lot more trickier than you ever think it’s going to be. Your goal is just completely your healthy life, and you try to do your best with everything that goes on around it. There’s not gonna be one thing that you do that changes everything. You just do your best and you repeat.

Is Networking Dead?

November 18, 2023 17:42 - 8 minutes - 8.27 MB

Is career networking and working one’s network actually a dead skill? Do you not need to worry about your network position within society? The truth is one’s position in your society is perhaps one of the biggest predictors of where you’re actually going to end up. However, you can’t change that very quickly. What you can change is being OK with who you are and knowing that things will take a while to change if you want to change that social position, and you just keep being you.

Disregard Advice That Don’t Match Yours

November 17, 2023 13:08 - 9 minutes - 4.15 MB

I disregard much of the advice that’s given to me from people that are not explaining that they’re living in the same world. If they talk about how things come easily, I don’t even consider that information in my decision set. However, if people talk about how they struggled, and it felt like they were the only one, I place a great deal more on their information because it better matches my experiences. Just be careful in where you get information, as often we are playing in different playg...

Wanting to curl up and cry, and organizational design

November 16, 2023 22:16 - 8 minutes - 3.98 MB

Thinking about how you can make your self replaceable or remove yourself from the situation can greatly benefit the organization. You should be able to walk away at any given moment so you can do other things. The problem is is that it’s extremely difficult to often do so, I talk about a possible way for you to be able to remove yourself from the situation in an organization.

When you feel behind in a competitive market

November 16, 2023 11:38 - 10 minutes - 4.5 MB

when you feel behind in competitive market, you often feel that you’re not good enough, or you do things at increased risk, and something harmful happening in your life. I Keating to remember is that how we make these comparisons are often not based on speaker judgments. Our reference groups are often not who we understand them to be and we often have no control who are in the suburban groups. I need to take a step back about these comparisons of the bank, competitive markets, and start thin...

It’s Easy For You To Say

November 15, 2023 12:44 - 9 minutes - 4.12 MB

Now that I've made progress, I often receive comments like, "It's easy for you to say." Many people may not realize the lengthy journey required to reach a point where one can openly express their thoughts. It's important to understand that when I discuss certain topics, I'm essentially talking to myself and documenting my personal journey. The journey itself is filled with moments of self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy, but despite these challenges, I persist and take small steps forward....