Once you deconstruct what most people do on a daily basis, you realize that there is a lot of humanity across all of us.

What does it mean to be successful?

Really, nothing.

You are projecting and playing success.

The actions that a CEO will take are often very similar to somebody else in an organization.

You get up, brush your teeth, have some breakfast, you go off to work, and then you come home.

You eat, drink, and talk like anyone else.

The more I live life, the more I realize that who you are, and where you become is more to do with circumstance, than your own efforts.

Other words, success is manufactured.

Once you realize this humanness, it often strips away all of the crap that people believe what it means to live a good life.

Instead, there is a lot of humility that comes by looking at our humanity, rather than focusing on the rules that you take.

You don’t need to impress anybody. o anybody.