Key insights to get traction on major social platforms.

I’m on a lot of platforms and I’ve learned a lot about social creation. The only major platforms that I have not tried for content is Twitch and OnlyFans. (By the way, the number of users on these two platforms is unbelievable - these are not fringe parts of society).

Here are important lessons that will help you:

1. #LinkedIn rewards achievement, and anything to do with achievement. Information is downplayed, but achievement and recognition will get extra algorithm boosts.

2. #YouTube rewards audience retention and high click-through-rate. If you treat YouTube as if you’re a data scientist, you’ll actually do quite well on the platform.

3. #TikTok rewards authenticity, and either very short or very long content. However, TikTok is more about being part of a larger community, and you’re likely not going to garner attention for you individually.

4. #Facebook in general has been feeling content creators for sometime. They’re making an active attempt to make it a better experience for content creators (in particular Facebook reels), but it’s still is considerably inferior to the other options. I would not recommend building an audience on Facebook. It will reward family and friends content, but nothing else.

5. #Podcasting rewards storytelling, and having multiple guests. Podcasting is relatively easy to do because you don’t need to look at anybody and you could do it at any time. Highly recommend, but it will take a long time to build an audience.

6. #Twitter / X has been lagging for quite some time. I’m optimistic that this may change, but it has not been very rewarding for content creation and would not recommend.

Overall, I would recommend LinkedIn and YouTube as top picks, BUT, YouTube is lagging in content creation experience.

I expect platforms like TikTok to become more significant players and put more pressure on YouTube.

OnlyFans may become more important, but I suspect it will be very difficult to shake its stigma and move more mainstream.