Previous Episode: BONUS: Celebration & Workshop
Next Episode: No more identity crises

On this episode today I talk about a sneaky thought that has been sabotaging our success.
We keep saying we need to find things that will finally give us the results that we really want, but we're conditioned to have instant results, so when things takes so much longer we make that mean that IT'S  NOT WORKING.
We need to bring that thought to awareness because it's only harming us. It creates negative emotions and it's not serving us at all.
I share on this episode what to do instead. What you need to do and think to deprogram this  thought error "it's not working" to something that actually serves you and helps you create the results you want.

Last chance to join the "How to create more pleasure without food" workshop on March 15th at 6pm UK time (2pm EST - 11am PST)

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Email me at [email protected] if you have any question or you're ready to work together

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