Motherhood and parenting is a universal experience, however the extra loads that black people, especially black mothers, carry often makes our overall motherhood experience a little different. 

A black women is a double minority, then add motherhood on to that and the barriers we face, it is a lot for anyone to endure day in and day out.

This episode is different than the rest. Real transparent talk about my experience as a black mother, the struggles many in the black community face, and how our white allies can step up, support and help make the change that is so desperately needeed. 

I welcome you to listen with an open mind and open ears. No one has all of the answers. No one will get it right 100% of the time. However, it is important to be aware and take steps to do things differently. As they saying goes, "when you know better, you do better". 

This episode is part of #podcastblackout by @cult45 podcast and dedicated the memories of all we have lost to gun violence, police brutality and pure hate including:

Trayvon MartinTamir RIceMichael BrownEric GarnerSandra BlandFreddie GraySean BellAlton SterlingPhilando CatileBotham JeanAtatiana JeffersonAhmaud ArberyDoug LewisBreonna TaylorGeorge Floyd

This list could go on and on so remember all of those families impacted by these tragedies.
After listening to this episode, I encourage you to screenshot and share on social media platforms answering the question: "What are you going to do to make a difference?"

Take a step and pick up a book and read (or listen) so you can start to gain an understanding of the experiences of those around you.

Books mentioned in this episode:

White Fragility- Why It's So Hard For White People to Talk About Racism

Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?: And Other Conversations About Race

Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice

Rising Above Statistics: How to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Success Against All Odds

Other ways you can help

Donate to any of the following:

a) George Floyd Memorial Fund:

b) Minnesota Freedom Fund:

c) Black Visions Collective:

d) Campaign Zero:

e) Black Lives Matter:

Sign a petition

a) Text “Floyd” to 55156 to sign a petition a demand justice for George Floyd

b) Sign-up at Color of Change: to be notified of more opportunities to take action

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