We don't need white saviors, we need white allies. The time we are in right now calls for our allies to stand strong and be effective.

However, many people do not know what it means to be an ally. They don't understand allyship and definitely don't know where to start to make an impact as an ally.

Allyship is goes beyond saying "we support you". To be an ally is to take action. 

In this episode we learn:

What it means to be an allyTips to help you become an effective allyStrategies to help you manage your business as an allyHow allies can best help the black community

Thank you in advance to all the allies who are taking a stand, the new allies who are listening and learning, preparing to take action. UNITY and LOVE is what the world needs now. We cannot let this be a trend or a hot topic. The time to change is now. The revolution is now. Let's continue to make history and make changes.

I have included links to resources and tools to help grow in your allyship. If you are looking for someone to speak at your event or to your audience, or even provide training for your team, please reach out to me at [email protected].

Resources and ways you can help:


White Fragility- Why It's So Hard For White People to Talk About Racism

Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?: And Other Conversations About Race

Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice

Rising Above Statistics: How to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Success Against All Odds

Other ways you can help

Donate to any of the following:

a) George Floyd Memorial Fund

b) Minnesota Freedom Fund 

c) Black Visions Collective

d) Campaign Zero

e) Black Lives Matter

Sign a petition

a) Text “Floyd” to 55156 to sign a petition a demand justice for George Floyd

b) Sign-up at Color of Change to be notified of more opportunities to take action

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