Nick and Tom discuss different ways of thinking about addiction and why it matters for tackling one of the world's most important challenges.

Show Notes:

Common misconceptions about addictionThe 3 fundamental addictive behaviorsAre addicts fundamentally different than non-addicts?Is addiction a habit?Addiction, loss of control, and the gun-to-the-head testHow important is self-control and willpower in overcoming addiction?Cravings, Urge Surfing (Alan Marlatt), and ConfidenceTransforming desireAddiction as a relationship, not a thing (Stanton Peele, Love and Addiction)Should we legalize and/or decriminalize recreational drugs?The world’s first self-help books (Nichomachean Ethics)Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies professionally vetted self-help booksAddictive personalitiesPositive addictionsSlips vs relapses and why the distinction mattersThe opposite of addiction is connection (John Hari)St. John’s College How to help someone who’s struggling with addictionSmart RecoveryBeyond AddictionPractical Recovery

You can follow Tom and learn more about his work here:

WebsiteBook: Sex, Drugs, Gambling, and Chocolate: A Workbook for Overcoming Addictions

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