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Yes, this is my last winter. And yes, I am homeless. But it is not a story about a terminal illness and ending up on the street. Actually, it is a story about living to the fullest and building a dream life. Having a feeling that it is time to change and just doing that. Following intuition and enjoying the freedom I missed all my life and I regained 6 months ago after cutting ties with toxic people, getting the divorce, quitting my job, changing my name and moving abroad alone. 

So basically, 5 months after starting my life over in Budapest I woke up on a rainy cold day feeling very bad. I went out to ride a bike. Doing sport outside always makes me feel better, but it didn’t work at that time! So I asked myself a question: ‘What do you need?’ and a very clear answer came to me in a short while. ‘I need to be somewhere else’. I came back home, thought for a while, I called some friends to verbalize my thoughts and check if I had been rational, and then I canceled my lease agreement and bought a one-way ticket to halfway across the world.

I knew since I moved to Budapest that it was a temporary location. But I was thinking about at least a year in Hungary… I had a plan full of important things to do before the next big change in my life, as I did it previously in Poland. And I had some ideas of what I want to experience but not a very clear vision of what’s exactly the next. So I surprised myself. It was like an enlightenment. A moment when I felt the need to move, the right location, and I realized that all the todos I thought I have to do before transferring somewhere else were only in my head. 

It was even more than surprising – this enlightenment came when I appreciated a great stable life in Budapest. I felt ‘it is my home!’ with amazing friends who I met regularly and people I announced my family (not by blood, but by hearts), soulmates. I even had a boyfriend who I invited to spend Christmas together a day before I decided to move out. I was filled with gratitude and surprised how fast I settled in Budapest. 

The enlightenment happened on the last day of October. I had no doubts. I immediately started preparations. Closing my stuff in Budapest and Europe. Minimalising and selling things because I can take only one checked-in suitcase and the hand luggage. Visa. A lot of stuff. A lot of excitement. A lot of sadness while saying good buy. And here I am, 5 days before leaving, sleeping at my friend’s couch. I have the visa for 6 months, no place to go back, no friends on the new spot, just accommodation for the first week and a plan for what I want to do here, online. Happy, scared, excited, frightened. Happy. 

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