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A speech about making life changes easier:
A post about me starting my life over:

Dealing with fear is a natural part of the process of making changes. That’s because our survival instinct automatically treats everything we experienced as something safe for us. Even a trauma, a life-threatening situation… It thinks: if we are alive now, everything that had happened before let us survive! Understanding of this mechanism and learning how to handle its reactions is a way to deal with stress, anxiety, and resistance to change! Today I am going to share with you 10 tips that I feel useful!


Yeah… It thinks that what you’ve experienced is safe for you, and everything new could be dangerous for your life. It was a good system for early people who made decisions like ‘ Get out of the cave when it is dark or not’. But now, let’s be honest… Would changing a job kill you? Would moving to another country put you in danger? Would starting a business put you in a life-threatening situation (unless you are a member of mafia)?

When you try to do something new, your survival instinct triggers fear to stop you. The form of this fear could be also anxiety and resistance that makes you procrastinate. The instinct tries to save your life. The emotions you feel are the response to the subconscious judgment that something bad is happening. And thoughts appear in your head to convince you that rationally it is better to not make the change. You start creating negative scenarios about what can happen.

This is a universal human mechanism. You can’t change it or turn it off. It is a part of our nature. But you can understand the waves of emotions and thoughts you have and don’t believe that they represent the objective truth you should follow.       

You can understand that the thing is there is no choice between something safe and dangerous. Every scenario you create can also happen if you don’t make the change you are considering. Life is unpredictable and (after Heraclitus) ‘The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change’. So you choose between the illusion of safety and something unknown. And first of all – there is no real danger no matter which path you decide to pick.

Full transcript of the podcast:

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