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What a year 2019 was… A year of life changes! I got divorced. I cut ties with toxic people around me. I quit my job. I changed my name. I moved abroad from Poland to beautiful Budapest in Hungary. And after 6 months there I made a big life transformation again. I sold everything and moved across the world. New continent, a place I’ve never been before. No return ticket.  But a vision of a dream life and a feeling that it was the time to take another step! And surprisingly, it was not only the right time… It was the last time to change the location before the corona crisis started! Today a life update, a word about following big dreams, and dealing with stress. And at the end… I finally reveal where I currently live! 


The story about me suddenly deciding to move out of Budapest and start living on the other side of the world could be called crazy or magical. You pick! It’s a story about a woman who woke up one day, missed the sun, and decided to leave everything to follow the need of feeling sunbeams every day. Spontaneously. Thinking: ‘It’s insane’. But feeling ‘It is right!’. 

And it is also a story about a woman who was repeating for 30 years that she hates winter and one day she would live in a place that is warm and sunny throughout the year. After spending almost 30 years in Poland where she was born, she moved to Budapest in Hungary… What a choice! But there was a beautiful summer at that time so she didn’t realize that something was wrong.  Until the weather changed. Then she realized her mistake. 3 days of cold weather and she woke up in a morning with a feeling that it was another winter coming and another time to complain about it! That day she bought a one-way ticket to the other side of the world.


I want to use my example to share with you how to make the biggest dreams come true. But be aware that it is also a recipe for waves of fears and mindfuck. I mean this feeling that your mind just blows and you don’t really get what is happening. It is a natural part of making life changes. So if you try to follow dreams that have the power to transform your life a lot, you order difficult emotions and the mindfuck as a bonus… That’s a part of human survival instinct that thinks that what you already have in your life lets you stay alive but a change could be dangerous! 

You can find all the transcription of the podcast here:

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