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Modern Gen X Woman

225 episodes - English - Latest episode: 30 days ago - ★★★★★ - 51 ratings

We’re changing the rules and changing the conversation around Gen X Women. No longer are we, as Gen X women, going to blend in the background, wait to be promoted, or cringe when having to talk about our rates for our services.We are going to declare the life and success we want and go after it, without apology. Modern Gen X Woman, it's your time. Jackie Ghedine + Mimi Bishop are top career and business coaches for Modern Gen X women who want to make an impact, leave their mark and increase their success and wealth. We're here to help you own your value and demand your worth to increase your wealth.Each week, we share the powerful insights and award-winning strategies we’ve used in our Worth+Value=Wealth program to advance women’s success in their career or as an entrepreneur.Our mission: To make Generation X the Wealthiest Female Generation. It starts with you.

Mental Health Health & Fitness generation x gen x modern gen x career coaches business coaches entrepreneurs mental health success wealth worth
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Your Expectations Could Be Destroying You

June 10, 2020 05:00 - 49 minutes - 34.3 MB

Hey Gen X lady.  If I know anything for certain about our generation, it’s that we have high expectations, some would say unrealistic expectations at every turn.  Expectations aren’t all bad things go awry when our expectations are unrealistic and those expectations expand to all facets of our lives.   In this episode, we are going to be discussing how expectations can destroy your worth and push you to burnout. We are also going to ask you to dig deep so you can discover what is underneat...

Career Crossroads: LinkedIn, Resumes and Upping Your Game

June 03, 2020 05:00 - 46 minutes - 32.3 MB

If you’ve gone through a recent layoff we understand that it can feel like a rollercoaster. As you start to think about your next steps, you look at the resume that hasn’t been updated, your LinkedIn profile that is just a bunch of placeholders of jobs you’ve had, and scour job boards while a wave of overwhelm washes over you.  There’s a lot to do, especially for those Gen X ladies who haven’t done the entire job search thing in awhile. Research shows that people who go about their job sea...

Weight Loss After 40

May 27, 2020 05:00 - 44 minutes - 30.6 MB

Hey Gen X Ladies, are you looking in the mirror and staring at a reflection that you don’t quite recognize. Maybe you gained some weight around your middle or see that you now have a second chin. Whoever is looking back at you, it can be disappointing and defeating, especially if you’ve tried to shed those extra pounds. In this episode, we share our own personal stories around weight loss after 40 and share some tried and true techniques to help you lose weight beyond eating carrot sticks ...

Decision Fatigue

May 20, 2020 05:00 - 54 minutes - 37.7 MB

Hey Gen X Woman,  Ever wonder why as it gets later into the day you can’t stick to your diet or why by 4:00 in the afternoon you find the need to survey your colleagues before moving forward with an idea or a strategy?  Did you think it was just age? Well, it isn't. On average, we make 35,000 decisions EVERY SINGLE DAY! All of these decisions are, unbeknownst to you, draining your mental capacity, lowering your ability to have self-control and willpower.  In this episode, we’ll explore wha...

Career Crossroads: How to Manage Your Mind After a Layoff

May 13, 2020 05:00 - 44 minutes - 30.7 MB

In March 2020 the United States started to go into lockdown as a response to the Covid-19 virus. As we started to stay home and quarantine, the economy started to collapse.  In April, a record number of 10 million people filed for unemployment within 2 weeks. Almost overnight, people who had solid jobs in the travel, restaurant and brick and mortar retail businesses have found themselves out of work for the unseen future. As the economy takes a downturn other businesses are finding themsel...

Getting Through Grief

May 06, 2020 05:00 - 34 minutes - 23.9 MB

Hey Gen X Lady, sadly we are at the age where we are starting to deal with the loss of loved ones. Maybe it’s a parent, beloved in-law, or even a friend, peer, sibling, spouse or God forbid even a child. Grief is something we all experience at some point in our lives and everyone handles grief in their own way.  There’s no standard book that says this is how YOU’RE going to manage. Yes, there are 7 stages of grief, but those look different for everyone. One thing to consider, grief isn’t a...

Watch Your Mouth - The Power of Language

April 29, 2020 05:00 - 46 minutes - 32.2 MB

Hey Gen X Woman! Even at a young age, we understood how powerful words can be. On the playground, we might,  “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” But the truth is we ALL felt the impact of hurtful words.  And let’s admit it, sometimes, we ourselves use words just to get under someone’s skin. Language can be beautiful, filled with love, empathy, trust and humanity. But language can also be dangerous, it can reshape our beliefs about ourselves, damage our self...

Quarterback Your Emotions

April 22, 2020 05:00 - 43 minutes - 30.2 MB

Hey Gen X Lady, Emotions are the beacon of light that guides our lives. When our lives are filled with love, admiration, contentment, joy, then our emotions will guide us to a happy place. However, too often, other emotions like fear, jealousy, and anger are swimming in our heads like sharks waiting to feed. And we feed these sark-like emotions with either stronger negative emotions or with overall negative self-talk.  If emotions have that much power, is it even possible to take control? ...

The Brand of You

April 15, 2020 05:00 - 44 minutes - 30.8 MB

EPISODE DESCRIPTION: Hey Gen X Lady.  If you were with a group of people and you were asked to define yourself in just a few words, would you be able to do that? And if so, would the description be so generic it could actually refer to half the people in the room? The more our lives become reflections of the roles we play, mom, boss, wife, teacher, daughter, employee, the more disconnected we get from our own essence… our brand if you will.  In episode 7, we talked about the identity crisi...

Toxic Relationships

April 08, 2020 05:00 - 33 minutes - 22.8 MB

If you look up toxic in the dictionary, it simply states poisonous material capable of causing death or serious injury. If I think about this definition, it makes me quite angry that anyone, especially someone who doesn’t benefit me, could have this kind of impact on my well being.  Toxic relationships are toxic to you if you let them. In this week’s episode, part 2 of our series on Toxic People (check out part 1: Episode 12 if you haven’t listened), we’re going to turn what you thought ab...

Toxic People

April 01, 2020 05:00 - 43 minutes - 30.2 MB

Hey Gen X Lady, you haven’t gotten to this point in your life without someone toxic in your orbit. There is no doubt that toxic people can change the entire atmosphere within a group. When someone has been identified as that person, the minute they walk into the room, you can feel the energy shift, literally.  Toxic people impact us in different ways. Sometimes it feels like a slowly deflating balloon, while other times it feels as though the balloon is at max capacity so you are just hold...

Spring Clean Your Thoughts

March 25, 2020 05:00 - 30 minutes - 21.2 MB

The Spring is the time of year we clean our closets, clear off the cobwebs, open windows, and air out our homes. We want to go into the warmer months feeling as though our house is in order and we will spend days and weeks doing that.   That’s wonderful! Yet, we can’t help but wonder if you put as much effort and energy into clearing off the cobwebs of your thinking. Do you challenge your thoughts or your beliefs, wonder where they came from and try to dig into them by asking yourself, ‘do ...

What's Luck Got to Do with It?

March 20, 2020 05:00 - 34 minutes - 23.7 MB

Ask 20 successful men about how they got to where they are today in their careers and they will confidently clamor on about all their skills and accomplishments. Ask the same question to 20 successful women, and by and large, they will attribute their success to being lucky. “I got lucky landing that role.” “I was in the right place at the right time.” “I was lucky to be introduced to the hiring manager.”  Today, we want to pull apart the ideas around why women claim luck is the backbone f...

Managing Fear and Anxiety in Uncertain Times

March 18, 2020 11:00 - 31 minutes - 21.8 MB

There is nothing scarier in life than to not know what’s coming.   If you’ve ever watched a scary movie, you know the tensest scenes are the one where we are in anticipation of what is going to happen next yet not really knowing what’s going to happen or when.  Our stomach’s clench, our heart rate increases our pupils dilate.  We are currently living in a suspense-filled horror movie where the creepy music is playing so we know something is going to happen, however, we don’t know what it i...

Career Crossroads: Passed Over at Work, Again?

March 11, 2020 05:00 - 32 minutes - 22.4 MB

What happens when you get passed over for a promotion, again? You’ve done everything you think necessary to get promoted. You’ve been a loyal soldier, putting in your time, doing the job you have and the job you want, working extra hours only to find out you the job was given to someone else.  We know this stings. Sadly, research shows that this is becoming a more common phenomenon for Gen Xers looking to climb the corporate ladder. It becomes near impossible to get ahead when you’re block...

Celebrating the World's Women

March 04, 2020 06:00 - 31 minutes - 21.5 MB

Hey Gen X Ladies—we’ve come a long way in terms of women’s equality but still, there’s lots of work to be done here in the United States and around the world. We're extremely grateful for the women before us who have paved the way, giving us opportunities today that older generations didn’t have. We’re also in awe of those women who are brave enough to stand up for what they believe in to make the world a better place. Today we’re raising the roof in recognition of International Women’s Da...

Let's Talk Money

February 26, 2020 06:00 - 35 minutes - 24.5 MB

If you ask any financial advisor which generation they are most concerned about financially, Generation X tops the list.  Research shows, time and again, that Gen X is in the worst prepared for retirement, have the most debt and spend the most money on non-essentials.  On top of that, Gen X’ers are also the worst at talking about money overall and even with their partners.   Today’s episode is all about how do you get comfortable talking about money. EEK, we just saw your eyes go wide becau...

Have You Lost Your Identity?

February 19, 2020 06:00 - 36 minutes - 24.9 MB

According to a recent Gallup Poll 55% of workers get a sense of identity from their job.    Generation X women wear so many hats, mom, wife, executive, daughter, employee, boss and we are really good at switching quickly from cowgirl hat to fedora. Do you feel like, along the way, you stopped wearing hats and instead, started wearing masks, hiding your true identity for the mask of mom, wife, executive, employee?   When we remove the mask, we don’t even know who we are, standing in the mirr...

The Truth About Mid-Life Marriage

February 12, 2020 06:00 - 45 minutes - 31.4 MB

Hey Gen X Ladies, if you are like us, married by 30, you are in deeply in double-digit anniversaries, which means you’ve got your groove down, your routine in motion and your dance choreographed.   We strive our entire lives to have a pattern, it’s comfortable and lets you know what to expect most days. Humans crave routines. If humans crave routine, why do we find ourselves secretly feeling bored and uninspired in our relationships?  When you do the same dance every day, you don’t think a...

Color Me Happy

February 05, 2020 07:00 - 28 minutes - 19.6 MB

We’re so excited about our topic today because we are such believers in living a colorful life, both figuratively and literally. We want to talk to you about how adding color to your day, from your wardrobe to your surroundings, has a positive cognitive effect--which means you feel good. And hello, we all want to feel good.  For so many of our Gen X sisters, we've spent our entire lives blending in, not wanting to rock the boat, take too much credit (because sharing accomplishments has been...

Are You Having a Worry Tantrum

January 29, 2020 07:00 - 31 minutes - 21.7 MB

Worry is the undertow of concern that vibrates throughout our body and impacts how we view the world.  While worrying is nothing new, the number of people who are impacted by worry, anxiety and stress is alarming. In this episode we talk about the worry epidemic, how people are coping (or not coping) in everyday life just to get by. We introduce you to a concept we call the Worry Tantrum. Yes, just like a toddler, we can tantrum with worry which can leave us in an emotionally vulnerable sta...

The Have It All Myth

January 22, 2020 07:00 - 36 minutes - 25 MB

Generation X women have grown up with this idea that we can have-it-all. It’s been ingrained in us from a young age and here we’re in the middle of our lives and paddling really hard to keep our heads afloat so we can maintain-it-all.  We have been sold the have-it-all myth and we’re here to call BS on it.  We're overwhelmed and quietly thinking things like, ‘I can’t keep going like this," "I have so much on my plate that I feel like I’m not good enough at anything," or "we’ve been sold a...

Secrets to Your Best Year Ever

January 15, 2020 07:00 - 37 minutes - 25.8 MB

It’s that time of year when we make plans for having an even better year ahead, listing all the things we want to accomplish and improvements we want to make.  Every January feels like a brand new notebook, a clean slate of possibilities. You find yourself making bold resolutions like eating healthier and exercising more. Then before you know it, it’s Valentine’s Day and for the love of Cupid you can’t even remember what your resolution was in the first place.  Has this been your pattern? ...

Perfectionism Pitfalls

January 15, 2020 07:00 - 37 minutes - 25.8 MB

We are so excited for our first official episode where we tackle the hot topic of perfection.  Psychology Today defines perfectionism, well, perfectly by stating that perfectionism is a trait that makes life an endless report card, it’s the fast track to unhappiness.  Generation X Woman, we see the perfectionist mousetrap you are caught in and we’re here to help. This week’s episode is all about how we find ourselves striving for perfection at all costs.  Jackie + Mimi break down the short ...


December 06, 2019 17:00 - 16 minutes - 11.4 MB

Jackie Ghedine + Mimi Bishop introduce you to Make Your Life Magnificent, the podcast created to help Gen X women navigate life and career demands.  We're dedicated to tackling the issues keeping you up at night (because we know, with perimenopause kicking in, we don’t need anything else hindering us catching some zzz’s.) Each week, we will cover topics such as building confidence, rekindling your marriage, finances, weight loss, worry, how to unravel your work identity and choosing a secon...

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@moderngenxwoman 2 Episodes
@drshannonchavez 1 Episode