Previous Episode: Quarterback Your Emotions
Next Episode: Getting Through Grief

Hey Gen X Woman!
Even at a young age, we understood how powerful words can be. On the playground, we might,  “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” But the truth is we ALL felt the impact of hurtful words. 

And let’s admit it, sometimes, we ourselves use words just to get under someone’s skin. Language can be beautiful, filled with love, empathy, trust and humanity. But language can also be dangerous, it can reshape our beliefs about ourselves, damage our self-esteem or drive us to make choices that are not in our best interest. 

What may surprise you is that words you believe to be neutral or innocent aren’t and the language we use to the outside world tends to be much kinder than the language we use on ourselves.

In today’s episode, we’re going to explore why you must choose your words carefully and how what you say can and will directly impact your circumstances. 

You’ll understand why many of the words and phrases you regularly say that are not helping you and choose words that can help lessen our anxiety, and be happier and more successful.  

It's time you learn to watch your mouth! Language is powerful.


Understand why you must choose your words carefully and how what you say can and will directly impact your circumstancesBecome much more aware of the words and phrases you regularly say that are not helping you Recognize that a lot of what we tell ourselves is based on fiction and not factBe fired up to change the way to speak to yourself

When our inner voice is an inner critic your actions become a self-fulfilling prophecy reflective of those words.  

It can decrease your motivationYour actions can become reflective of the words you useYou lower your self-esteemIncrease your chances of depression


Let’s talk about some words and phrases that you probably say without even realizing they are not helping you. In fact, you need to stay away from saying these things! 

I should/shouldn’tI can’t I amI’m sorryI need to/have to 

Let’s move on to talk about how to change the way you speak to yourself. 

Increase awareness around these words. Go on a negativity diet! Be kind to your inner child.


Sticks and stones can break our bones but words can change our brain.

According to Sonja Lyubomirsky, a leading happiness researcher, if you want to develop lifelong satisfaction, you should regularly engage in positive thinking about yourself, share your happiest events with others, and savor every positive experience

However you want to think about it, the outcome is the same, how can you start to streamline your language and cut out the negativity fat?


Just Gen X—The Resting Mind Facebook Group 

The Brand of You Creative Brief: Your Guide to Standing Out  

Dr. Masaru Emoto, Water Consciousness 

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