Previous Episode: The Have It All Myth
Next Episode: Color Me Happy

Worry is the undertow of concern that vibrates throughout our body and impacts how we view the world.  While worrying is nothing new, the number of people who are impacted by worry, anxiety and stress is alarming.

In this episode we talk about the worry epidemic, how people are coping (or not coping) in everyday life just to get by. We introduce you to a concept we call the Worry Tantrum. Yes, just like a toddler, we can tantrum with worry which can leave us in an emotionally vulnerable state. Listen to learn how to recognize your personal worry signs so we can keep you from throwing your next full-blown worry tantrum. 

Don't let worry take control.  Check out our free guide, 5 Steps to Stress Less.

If worry is constant, like background music at a spa (only not as relaxing or as enjoyable) then let us help.  We invite you to join us and connect personally in our Facebook community, Just Gen X - The Resting Mind.

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt