The definition of self care reads: the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health.  So let’s start here - taking action to preserve or improve ones own health.  That seems like a pretty important thing to me  right?  But somewhere along the line we started thinking self care is selfish.  What part of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health, seems selfish?  Interesting isn’t it?  The other thing, is somewhere along the line, people started thinking self care meant bubble baths, massages, and days at the spa.  Now listen - maybe on some days that is fabulous - and you do that.  But I want to talk about DAILY self care - a deeper level of self care that is different from all those other ideas. 


Definition of self care The importance of planning and sticking to the plan The importance of thought work Sticking to commitments  Being the CEO of your life Setting boundaries and saying no Loving yourself  Work with me - Click here : Work With Me

Full episode notes: https://michellebourquecoaching.com/ep-92-a-different-kind-of-self-care/