I know a lot of you ladies love checklists right?  I’m all about a good checklist myself - the more checked the better right?  But, I recently read a great book - The Checklist Life - Breaking Free from a Life of Obligations - and it made me stop to think about how much of my life has been planned from that mentality.  Meaning, the idea that x-y-z needs to be accomplished in order to “do it right” - or - I have to do all of these things because … that’s what I’m “supposed” to do.  But here is the thing  - showing up, doing your life, the way you WANT to - IS doing it right, and today I want to talk more about that.  Listen in as I discuss this book with the Tracy Bianco, Leadership Coach, and author of The Checklist Life.


The plan you have for your life Life not going as planned Finding joy in your life Changing the masterpiece of your life DISC assessment The importance of celebrating you * Join Tracy’s FREE Facebook group:  CLICK HERE FOR BOOK CLUB

Full episode notes: https://michellebourquecoaching.com/ep-93-the-checklist-life-with-tracy-bianco/