My good friend Sam Brown breath, meditation and yoga facilitator and I will spend the next few Wednesday's covering some topics that are close to our hearts that go hand in hand with recovery and healing.  For the first episode of our Soul Talk Series we cover accepting, allowing and embracing change.  A lot of the time we resist change out of fear of the unknown and we can't imagine our lives being different even though we are sick of the same old patterns.  
In this chat Sam and I talk about tuning into your body when it's sending you signals that it's time to change,  getting into  flow and how to stay there, letting the changes unfold in your life and embracing them with an open heart.  

For more information on Sam and her somatic release breath course go to or contact her on insta at @thesoulfullifestyle 

For more resources go or to join the next HIQA challenge go to

Follow HIQA insta @howiquitalcohol 

Music for Monday Distillery ads by Ash Grunwald

Music for Podcast intro and outro written by Danni Carr performed by Mr Cassidy

If you are struggling with physical dependancy on alcohol consider contacting a local AA meeting or a drug and alcohol therapist.   Always consult a GP before stopping alcohol.