Thyroid Mystery Solved: Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism Revealed artwork

Thyroid Mystery Solved: Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism Revealed

238 episodes - English - Latest episode: 22 days ago - ★★★★★ - 101 ratings

If you have Hashimoto’s or Hypothyroidism - YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE. You have probably seen a doctor (or two) to help you improve energy, lose weight, reduce brain fog, help hair loss and many other symptoms. You may have tried medication and maybe even diet changes and supplements. 

However even with that, you may still not feel completely supported or back to your old self. Instead you are likely feeling discouraged, dismissed, and lost. Sound familiar?
When it comes to dealing with your frustrating thyroid, Hashimoto's and autoimmunity symptoms, you have to really understand where the symptoms stem from and look at them from all angles - like a detective.

That’s exactly what host, Inna Topiler does in Thyroid Mystery Solved - Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism Revealed. As a leading Thyroid and Hashimoto’s expert and Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist with 20 years in clinical practice, she refuses to accept the unexplained and looks at thyroid in a much more detailed way. 

In this podcast, she shares real cases where she reveals how she solved the thyroid issue and gives the exact protocols that she used with her patients, clients and students to help them feel like their old selves. She shares her vast knowledge and sheds so much light on thyroid and offers practical step by step guides to help you feel better too. 

The answers are out there, you just have to know where to find the clues. Whether you are newly diagnosed with Hashimoto's or Hypothyroidism or have been dealing with thyroid challenges for a while, please know you are NOT alone. This is a place where you will be seen, heard and understood and will gain such valuable insights with Inna's in depth and heartfelt explanations. 

It’s time for you to solve your Thyroid Mystery without having to spend hours a day researching or struggling to make sense of contradicting information.  The life you deserve is closer than you think and YES you CAN lose weight, improve your energy, fight brain fog and reduce inflammation with Hashimoto's and thyroid issues. 

Subscribe to Thyroid Mystery Solved - Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism Revealed and Inna will show you as many possible answers starting right NOW!

Alternative Health Health & Fitness Nutrition hashimoto's thyroid hypothyroidism hypothyroid fatigue weight loss inflammation brain fog autoimmunity autoimmune
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032 Solving the Autoimmunity Mystery w/ Inna Topiler

October 24, 2019 09:00 - 34 minutes - 40.8 MB

The Case:  Autoimmunity affects an estimated 50 million Americans Many autoimmune conditions go undiagnosed Autoimmune issues can compound; many people suffer from more than one    The Investigation In my practice, I estimate that half of my clients have at least one autoimmune disease. Many of them don’t know it. Those who do, come in confused and frustrated by the treatment plan presented by traditional medicine which is often just treating the symptoms with pharmaceutic...

031 The Case of Confusing Lupus Diagnosis w/ Dr. Tiffany Caplan

October 17, 2019 09:00 - 36 minutes - 42.7 MB

The Case:  Miranda is 42 She was experiencing rashes on her face and chest, joint pain, and fatigue. A dermatologist prescribed antihistamines and a Physical therapist gave her exercises for the joint pain.  There was no explanation or treatment for the fatigue. Miranda’s doctor responded to her condition the way many do - by ruling out the obvious (in this case, arthritis) and then treating the symptoms. More blood tests revealed the presence of ANA or anti nuclear antibody...

030 The Case of Horrible PMS w/ Dr. Anu Arasu

October 10, 2019 09:00 - 30 minutes - 36.3 MB

The Case:  Amelia is 39 and dealing with heavy periods. She was also experiencing extreme PMS including headaches, bloating, and uncomfortable breast tenderness. It got so bad, she started to plan meetings, social gatherings and vacations around her cycle. The only solutions doctors offered was to take the birth control pill but a previous blood clot made that a risky proposition. The Investigation Every menstruating woman experiences her period differently but it was hard...

029 The Case of Tooth Pain Causing Fatigue with Naturopath Dr. Christine Shaffner

October 03, 2019 09:00 - 39 minutes - 37.3 MB

The Case:  Lisa is 32, dealing with fatigue, brain fog and general unwellness Countless doctors have told her that nothing is wrong She also mentioned she has slight discomfort in her lower jaw that has been around since a root canal years ago Her dentist also told her that he could find nothing wrong   The Investigation Lisa has had a lot of dental work for someone so young. It seemed impossible to me that her health mystery wasn’t related in some way to her dental work...

029 The Case of Tooth Pain Causing Fatigue with Naturopath Dr. Christine Shaffner

October 03, 2019 09:00 - 39 minutes - 37.3 MB

The Case:  Lisa is 32, dealing with fatigue, brain fog and general unwellness Countless doctors have told her that nothing is wrong She also mentioned she has slight discomfort in her lower jaw that has been around since a root canal years ago Her dentist also told her that he could find nothing wrong   The Investigation Lisa has had a lot of dental work for someone so young. It seemed impossible to me that her health mystery wasn’t related in some way to her dental work. Dentist...

028 Navigating the Thyroid Treatment Mystery with Inna Topiler

September 26, 2019 09:00 - 24 minutes - 29 MB

The Investigation Last week we unravelled the mystery of finding underlying issues with the thyroid. We specifically looked at how blood tests should be read to give a clearer picture of the thyroid function. I got a whole bunch of emails thanking me for the clear explanation but also asking me how they can get the correct tests and what they can do about their numbers. In this episode, I share a few strategies for getting the right tests done to get the full picture of what y...

027 Solving the Thyroid Mystery w/ Inna Topiler

September 19, 2019 09:00 - 18 minutes - 22 MB

The Case:  This episode, we’re not looking at just one case, we’re looking at many.  More than 12% of the population will develop a thyroid condition in their lifetime. Thyroid symptoms vary but may affect energy levels, weight, and mood. Women are more likely to suffer from a thyroid condition.   The Investigation There’s so much confusion around the thyroid. Symptoms can often be explained away as other things - like poor sleep, poor diet, poor exercise habits. The sad...

026 The Case of Incurable Fibromyalgia w/ Dr. Rodger Murphree

September 12, 2019 09:00 - 50 minutes - 59.1 MB

The Case:  Natalie is 40 but feels like she’s 80 most days She was experiencing fatigue, aches and pains, poor sleep, and depression. After several doctor visits she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, given medication and told to expect things to get worse. An estimated 4 million Americans are diagnosed with fibromyalgia. While symptoms can be present much earlier, most diagnoses are between the age of 35 - 45. And, women are much more likely to suffer from this condition.   ...

025 The Case of Erratic Heart Palpitations w/ Dr Christopher Kelly

September 05, 2019 09:00 - 33 minutes - 39.7 MB

The Case:  Erica is 37 and was experiencing fast and loud heart palpitations without provocation. These episodes became more frequent causing Erica to fear the worst. She saw several cardiologists who insisted that nothing was wrong.  A racing heart or heart palpitations are described in many ways. Some might say, ‘my heart is beating out of my chest,’ or ‘my heart skipped a beat’. It can also be described as being able to feel your heartbeat in your ears, or like it’s banging against ...

025 The Case of Erratic Heart Palpitations w/ Dr Christopher Kelly

September 05, 2019 09:00 - 33 minutes - 39.7 MB

The Case:  Erica is 37 and was experiencing fast and loud heart palpitations without provocation. These episodes became more frequent causing Erica to fear the worst. She saw several cardiologists who insisted that nothing was wrong.  A racing heart or heart palpitations are described in many ways. Some might say, ‘my heart is beating out of my chest,’ or ‘my heart skipped a beat’. It can also be described as being able to feel your heartbeat in your ears, or like it’s banging...

024 The Case of Nightly Sleep Disturbances w/ Wendy Myers

August 29, 2019 09:00 - 44 minutes - 51.2 MB

The Case:  Valerie is 39 and she manages her stress with meditation and a bedtime routine. She falls asleep with ease but she wakes up every night and struggles to get back to sleep She tried to further reduce her stress, added supplements and medication to help her sleep issues but nothing worked. Waking up frequently throughout the night is a form of insomnia - the most common sleep disorder in America. Insomnia in the short-term can be dangerous because it increases your ch...

023 The Case of bloating, gas, and irregular bowel movements

August 22, 2019 09:00 - 25 minutes - 29.6 MB

The Case:  Dana is 35 and has horrible digestion issues. She experienced bloating, gas, abdominal discomfort, and inconsistent bowel movements. She was diagnosed with IBS and told it would be a life-long issue. All she could do was treat the symptoms with a battery of over the counter drugs. It’s estimated that 10 - 15% of the population suffers from IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. According to the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders, it’s the most comm...

022 The Case of fatigue, brain fog and muscle weakness w/ Dr. Tim Jackson

August 15, 2019 09:00 - 40 minutes - 46.7 MB

The Case:  Cindy is 42 years-old, loves to work out and enjoys the outdoors Lately, she’s been tired, foggy, out of breath, weak, and struggling to recover from her workouts.  Her doctor ran a number of tests that revealed nothing. The Investigation One of the biggest clues for me was that this all started after a particularly stressful time in Cindy’s life. I was also suspicious of her gardening practices. Immediately I knew there was an answer to this health mystery and I ...

021 The Case of Body Tingling and Internal Vibrations w/ Stephanie Roman

August 08, 2019 09:00 - 34 minutes - 39.9 MB

The Case:  Holly is 39 and has been experiencing strange body sensations like tingling, buzzing and internal vibrations that she can’t explain She’s seen several neurologists, had MRIs, nerve tests and a brain scan but it was all normal The only solution doctors offered was anti-anxiety medication. She knew that wasn’t her issue.  Strange tingling, feeling like your body is buzzing inside, and similar symptoms could be related to various medical conditions involving the brain ...

020 The Case of the Relentless Acid Reflux w/ Lisa Pomeroy

August 01, 2019 09:00 - 43 minutes - 51.1 MB

The Case:  Candace is 39 and has been dealing with acid reflux for years. She was diagnosed with GERD and prescribed acid lowering medication but when it stopped working she switched to probiotics and digestive enzymes.  These helped a little but she was still suffering and needed to find the root cause. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and acid reflux diagnoses have been increasing dramatically for the past 20 years. So much so that it is now considered a very common di...

019 The Case of the Reversible Autoimmune Diagnosis w/ Dr. Keesha Ewers

July 25, 2019 09:00 - 42 minutes - 49.3 MB

The Case:  Camille is 38 and has experiencing unexplained joint pain, fatigue and generally not feeling like herself. Blood tests revealed an elevated ANA but that could mean many things and doctors were unable to give her a diagnosis. Further bloodwork pointed to an issue with thyroid and inflammation.   The Investigation An elevated ANA can mean a lot of things but generally it indicates that there is an autoimmune issue which could be lupus, scleroderma, Sjogren’s syndr...

018 The Case of the Unlikely Lyme Disease w/ Dr. Darin Ingels

July 18, 2019 09:00 - 51 minutes - 60.1 MB

The Case:  Kim is 37 and lives in a high-rise in New York City For about a year she felt foggy, tired, and plagued by headaches.  She was also experiencing joint pain that traveled from ankle to shoulder to knee.  She tried anti-inflammatories but it only masked the problems.  Her doctors were unable to find the cause of her issues.  It’s not uncommon for people to turn to functional medicine to deal with headaches and inflammation but there was something that made me thin...

017 The Case of the Stubborn Hashimoto’s w/ Dr. Kyrin Dunston

July 11, 2019 09:00 - 38 minutes - 45 MB

The Case:  Avery is 37 and was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism ten years ago.  Despite taking medication, she still suffered from weight issues, fatigue, constipation and dry, brittle hair.  Additional testing revealed she had Hashimoto’s.  She made the lifestyle changes suggested, little changed.  Avery’s experience is not totally uncommon. The traditional medical system helped treat her symptoms but it wasn’t until she turned to functional medicine that she was able to get t...

016 The Case of Never Ending Morning Sickness w/ Kristin Mallon

July 04, 2019 08:00 - 35 minutes - 41.2 MB

The Case:  Katherine is 37years old and 20 weeks pregnant Since early in her pregnancy, she’s had stiff joints and been exhausted and extremely nauseous. Prenatal vitamins made her morning sickness worse and time wasn’t making anything better.  Katherine was having trouble keeping food down and was worried about getting sufficient nutrients to the fetus.  The Investigation During the first trimester of pregnancy, it’s common to experience nausea and fatigue. For most women...

016 The Case of Never Ending Morning Sickness w/ Kristin Mallon

July 04, 2019 08:00 - 35 minutes - 41.2 MB

The Case:  Katherine is 37years old and 20 weeks pregnant Since early in her pregnancy, she’s had stiff joints and been exhausted and extremely nauseous. Prenatal vitamins made her morning sickness worse and time wasn’t making anything better.  Katherine was having trouble keeping food down and was worried about getting sufficient nutrients to the fetus.  The Investigation During the first trimester of pregnancy, it’s common to experience nausea and fatigue. For most women, the bod...

015 The Case of Relationships in Danger w/ Alicia Munoz

June 27, 2019 08:00 - 35 minutes - 41.7 MB

The Case:  The husband, wife, kids and friends of people dealing with health mysteries can feel invisible or taken advantage of.It may not be happening to them, but they are impacted.  Likewise, those dealing with health issues often feel their partners can’t understand them and therefore may not support them in a way they would like. Stress, frustration, heartbreak and even new illnesses can be side effects of loving someone dealing with a health mystery. For every person dea...

014 The Case of the IBS Relapse w/ Debi Silber

June 20, 2019 08:00 - 40 minutes - 47.3 MB

The Case: Naomi is 39 and has been dealing with IBS for years She was experiencing chronic bloating stomachs and diarrhea We solved this issue once but it came back The Investigation Naomi seemed like a typical IBS case. We did some testing and were able to identify some intestinal infections and food sensitivities. These we were able to address through natural remedies and diet changes. She felt better than she had in decades. It seemed like it her case was closed; her he...

013 The Case of Becoming a Health Self-Advocate with Misty Williams

June 13, 2019 08:00 - 45 minutes - 52.7 MB

The Case: Misty was 35 and concerned about fertility Doctors discovered (and operated on) endometriosis leaving her with brain fog and extreme fatigue Medication and more surgery were suggested but she was told that her symptoms were normal The Investigation We Americans tend to trust our medical system despite statistics that show a failing system. We feel lost when a doctor tells us something is fine when we know in our gut it’s not. We don’t speak up when we’re told our ...

Invitation to the Overcoming Hashimoto’s Summit

June 11, 2019 09:00 - 4 minutes - 5.91 MB

If you or someone you know has Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s, you probably know that the diagnosis often comes with mixed emotions. On the one hand, it’s a relief to know that there really is a reason for all of these symptoms. No more confusion around symptoms that come and go. No more doctors dismissing your concerns. You finally have proof that it’s not all in your head. But, that relief often ends when you discover that there is no specific cure. Soon the frustration, fear...

012 The Case of Daily Bloating and Gas w/ Dr. Seth Osgood

June 06, 2019 08:00 - 40 minutes - 47.4 MB

The Case: Melissa is 35 woman experiencing daily stomach discomfort. As each day progressed she got more bloated, gassy, and uncomfortable belly distention. She tried elimination diets and even antibiotics but the bloating kept coming back. The Investigation When Melissa came to me she had already been diagnosed with SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth). Her doctor prescribed antibiotics and that worked, at first. But, the symptoms came back so I knew we had to get to...

011 The Case of the Super Low Libido w/ Lauren Handel Zander

May 30, 2019 08:00 - 37 minutes - 43.3 MB

The Case: Elise is 37 and for the past 5 years, she’s had very low sex-drive Extensive hormones tests gave no physical explanation She and her husband wanted to find a way to reconnect and make sex a part of their relationship again. The Investigation A sexless marriage is defined as one where the couple has sex less than 10 times a year. For Elise, her disinterest in sex had been going on for 5-years. There were many factors that played into this - including being on an opp...

010 The Case of the Embarrassing Eczema and Rash w/ Beth Mosher

May 23, 2019 08:00 - 30 minutes - 35.3 MB

The Case: Karen is 31 and eats a very healthy diet. She started to experience eczema, rashes, and itchy skin as well as anxiety. Doctors prescribed topical steroids and antihistamines but these only masked the symptoms. Here condition escalated to swollen eyes and hives on her face. The Investigation When I met with Karen I suspected that her diet was to blame for her condition even though she was eating really healthy. I just knew there was something in her diet that was ...

009 The Case of the False Negative Celiac Test w/ Dr. Peter Osborne

May 16, 2019 08:00 - 22 minutes - 26.4 MB

The Case: Diana is 36 and suffers from irregular bowel movements and stomach upset. Endoscopies, colonoscopies and genetic testing for celiac disease provided no answers She tried adjusting her diet but nothing has helped and her doctor was stumped. My first suspicion was that her Celiac test was a false negative or that she had some underlying gluten-sensitivity. Gluten is found in wheat, rye, barley and oats and many people may have the sensitivity. It’s estimated that 30 – ...

008 The Case of Significant Spider Veins w/ Belinda Brown

May 09, 2019 08:00 - 21 minutes - 24.6 MB

The Case: Victoria is a 45 year-old mom of three who works full time. In the last 9-months, severe pain in her hip has made her active lifestyle difficult. She was treated by a physiotherapist and a chiropractor and even tried natural supplements but nothing helped. The Investigation When I met Victoria, I noticed she had spider veins on same leg that was in pain. I suspected that was a clue. Spider veins, a form of varicose veins, are abnormally enlarged vessels that usua...

007 The Case of the Teacher Who Was Always Sick w/ Dr. Mario Martinez

May 02, 2019 08:00 - 41 minutes - 48.8 MB

The Case: Bethany is a 37 year-old teacher who’s always sick Doctors can’t explain why her immune system is failing She’s meticulous about her hygiene and has tried every natural supplement available. The Investigation The obvious explanation for Bethany going from cold, to flu, to cold was that she worked in a classroom full of germs. But, her fellow teachers weren’t getting sick like she was. Bethany seemed to be sick with something new every month. When changing her diet ...

006 The Case of the Dizzy, Tired, Confused Brain w/ Evan Brand

April 25, 2019 08:00 - 41 minutes - 48.5 MB

The Case: Jena is 35 who recently moved across the country. Since then, she’s experienced sinus issues, brain fog, dizziness, and fatigue. Her GP sent her to specialists who did countless test but they couldn’t figure out what was going on. The Investigation Jena knew there was something going on even though all of the doctors and tests revealed nothing. When she came to me, we looked at a bunch of possible causes that the specialists may have missed. But, when she told me t...

005 The Case of the Soul-Crushing Insomnia w/ Emily Fletcher

April 18, 2019 08:00 - 29 minutes - 34.5 MB

The Case: Amanda is a 37 year old mom working part time. For 5 years she struggled with insomnia that kept her mind racing and her body tired. She tried sleep medications, antidepressants, and melatonin but they made her groggy. I tried addressing her adrenal issues with supplements, but the insomnia persisted. The Investigation There was no question that Amanda’s case was not your typical insomnia case. When we discussed her busy lifestyle, it became clear to me that stress...

004 The Case of Exercise Zapping Energy w/ Dr. Kasia Kines

April 11, 2019 08:00 - 50 minutes - 58.7 MB

The Case: Patti is a physically fit 42 year-old. She was experiencing fatigue, brain fog, the strangest part - exercise that used to energize her was now making her more tired. Extensive tests proved her thyroid was not to blame so we had to dig deeper in to her health history. The Investigation Despite having typical symptoms associated with hypothyroidism, Patti’s levels were well within the normal range. With that off the table, we had to really think outside the box. I ...

003 The Case of the Insidious Fatigue w/ Dr. Justin Marchegiani

April 04, 2019 21:43 - 29 minutes - 34.9 MB

The Case: Sally is 41 year old mom working part time. She was experiencing extreme fatigue, needing naps to get through the day and unable to find the energy to do anything. She thought it might be a thyroid issue because it runs in her family but her doctor said her levels were in the normal range. The Investigation When fatigue is a symptom, the thyroid is often involved. I wasn’t about to take that possibility off the table. According to the American Thyroid Association...

003 The Case of the Insidious Fatigue w/ Dr. Justin Marchegiani

April 04, 2019 21:43 - 29 minutes - 34.9 MB

The Case: Sally is 41 year old mom working part time. She was experiencing extreme fatigue, needing naps to get through the day and unable to find the energy to do anything. She thought it might be a thyroid issue because it runs in her family but her doctor said her levels were in the normal range. The Investigation When fatigue is a symptom, the thyroid is often involved. I wasn’t about to take that possibility off the table. According to the American Thyroid Association, an esti...

002 The Case of the Missing Periods w/ Nutritionist, Aynsley Kirshenbaum

April 04, 2019 20:26 - 33 minutes - 39.3 MB

The Case: Jen is 34 with the hopes of getting pregnant but her menstrual cycle was very irregular She was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) The doctors and gynecologists recommended birth control pills but they left her feeling moody and depressed. Plus, it wasn’t going to help her get pregnant! We had to find a way to regulate her period, optimize her fertility and the first clue was in understanding  the cause of her PCOS. The Investigation Birth control ...

Introducing Health Mysteries Solved with Inna Topiler

April 04, 2019 08:00 - 8 minutes - 9.92 MB

The Case: A woman in her early 20s working on Wall Street She was experiencing digestive issues, headaches, brain fog, fatigue, and acne.   She sought the advice of many specialists including a gastroenterologist, a neurologist, a dermatologist, and a gynecologist. She was diagnosed with IBS (and was told to learn to live with it) and was prescribed traditional medicine to mask the other symptoms. She was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease but no treatments were offered.  ...

Welcome to Health Mysteries Solved

March 15, 2019 22:42 - 1 minute - 2.83 MB

Health Mysteries Solved with Inna Topiler is a weekly podcast that finds the answers to nagging health issue so that more people can feel better and live well. The show is hosted by Inna Topiler, a Clinical Nutritionist who practices a holistic and functional medicine approach to her patients’ health concerns. Each episode, she introduces you to a real case from her files, discusses it with top health experts, and then explains how they were able to dig a little deeper, unravel the ...


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