Your body is a messenger.  At all times in your life, it's giving you cues as to how to live your life.  Although, if you're unaware of this, you likely think that those aches, pains or discomforts are just your body's way of shutting down or aging when really they're signals of something deeper...and when you can tune into them, you may be giving yourself blessings beyond what you'd ever imagine.  As is the case with my guest's story today.

Stacy Hart's journey with using her rhythms began when she and her husband couldn't get pregnant for the second time.   Upon being prompted by a specialist to just begin tracking her cycle, she became pregnant.  Only 2 years later, while remembering to do her monthly self-breast exam, she discovered a lump that changed her life. 

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, listen in to Stacy's story and how knowing intimately her body's signals and rhythms helped her both create life and save her life. 

Also, find out the best time of your cycle to do your self-breast exam and when the ideal time is to have that regular Pap Test. 

For recommendations for early detection of breast cancer, check out the American Cancer Society or the National Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation.

To know where you are in your cycle, download the Daily Rhythms Tracker.

For recommendations for regular pap screening, check out the National Cancer Institute.

Other Episodes Like This One:
#38:  Welcome Back to the Show
#40: Energetic Rhythms and You
#41: Discovering Your Energetic Rhythms

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