When you get stuck in one energetic rhythms phase and miss the other phases that are necessary to live in flow with life even when unexpected things come up, you find yourself doing all the little things to just get by instead of doing the big things that ultimately help you listen to your inner guidance to take action and make all those little things even easier, or perhaps, make them drift away.

It's all perception and pat of the solution is choosing the things in life that will help you stop spinning your wheels in motion and get to actually take action on the things that matter.  That's the difference in perpetually being in Phase 2 of your Energetic Rhythms vs. moving into Phase 3 so that you can eventually complete the cycle start over again, feeling as though you're living in flow with life instead of trying to paddle against the current.


Daily Rhythms Tracker

More Episodes like this one:

#40:  Energetic Rhythms and You
#41:  Discovering Your Energetic Rhythms
#48:  Chaos in Life is Inevitable

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