When you feel chaotic, unsettled, or distracted and unable to focus, it’s necessary to have resources that you can call on to settle or ground back into yourself.

In last week’s episode I gave you permission to be in that space of distraction and chaos, and to just allow yourself to be there. It’s inevitable that there are going to be things in life that make you feel a little bonkers and scattered, but there are resources you have access to that can help so you feel at ease with your time, energy and focus when those unexpected things come up.

There are so many techniques out there that you can use to feel settled and reconnect with your highest self, but hands down, the best way I believe to do this, is yoga.

Yoga is the gateway to understanding yourself.  It is the one tool that begins the process of connecting with your energetic rhythms and revealing your true emotional, mental and spiritual self.

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More Episodes like this one:
#38:  Welcome Back to the Show
#40:  Energetic Rhythms and You
#48:  Chaos in Life is Inevitable

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