Functional Medicine Research with Dr. Nikolas Hedberg, DC artwork

Functional Medicine Research with Dr. Nikolas Hedberg, DC

144 episodes - English - Latest episode: 5 months ago - ★★★★★ - 70 ratings

Functional Medicine Research with Dr. Nikolas Hedberg, DC covers cutting-edge research on Functional Medicine. Dr. Hedberg covers the latest research on thyroid disorders, gut health, autoimmune disease, nutrition, hormones and much more. If you’re tired of long-winded podcasts without useful information that actually works, then this show is definitely for you.

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Iodine and Hashimoto’s Disease

March 02, 2020 11:22 - 32 minutes - 24.3 MB

The connection between iodine and Hashimoto’s disease has been one of the most requested topics that I cover, so I’d like to present the research on this topic, so we can set the record straight. Please be aware that none of this is my opinion but rather a detailed analysis of what the scientific literature currently presents. Your body has about 15 to 20 mg of iodine and 70 to 80% of it resides in the thyroid gland. Iodine is transported into the thyroid gland through the sodium-iodine symp...

The Bi-Phasic SIBO Diet with Dr. Nirala Jacobi

February 17, 2020 11:20 - 42 minutes - 31.2 MB

In this episode of the Functional Medicine Research podcast, I interview Dr. Nirala Jacobi in a discussion about the Bi-Phasic SIBO Diet.  I have successfully used the Bi-Phasic SIBO Diet with many of my patients so I was excited to cover this topic with Dr. Jacobi.  We discussed the specifics of the diet including the various phases, oxalates, salicylates, FODMAPs, vegetarian options, candida, histamine, fermented foods, MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome), SIFO (Small Intestinal Fungal Ove...

Overcoming PTSD with Dr. Robert Hedaya

February 03, 2020 16:12 - 42 minutes - 31.3 MB

In this episode of Functional Medicine Research, I interview Dr. Robert Hedaya about overcoming PTSD.  Post-traumatic stress disorder is an extremely difficult condition to manage but Dr. Hedaya and I discuss multiple approaches that can help patients with PTSD get well.  We discussed how PTSD is defined, how it changes the brain, QEEG guided laser, neurofeedback, loneliness, social isolation, social media and much more.  I always love having these kinds of conversations with psychiatrists an...

Overcoming PANDAS with Dr. Scott Antoine

January 20, 2020 15:54 - 47 minutes - 34.3 MB

In this episode of the Functional Medicine Research podcast, I interview Dr. Scott Antoine in a discussion about overcoming PANDAS.  Dr. Antoine shares a personal story about PANDAS and his daughter which sparked a deep interest in this disorder that is misunderstood by conventional medicine.  We discuss PANDAS, PANS, IVIG, OCD, and Dr. Antoine's Fully Functional practice model.  You'll also learn how to find a practitioner who is well-versed in PANDAS and the associated disorders discussed i...

The Methylation Diet with Dr. Kara Fitzgerald

January 06, 2020 16:10 - 53 minutes - 38.8 MB

In this episode of Functional Medicine Research I interview Dr. Kara Fitzgerald about her book, "The Methylation Diet" and a preview of her upcoming study on The Methylation Diet.  We had a great discussion about topics like methylation and diet, MTHFR, COMT, SAMe, methylated folate and B12, homocysteine, epigenetics and much more. The Methylation Diet with Dr. Kara Fitzgerald Interview Transcript Dr. Hedberg: Well, welcome everyone to "Functional Medicine Research." I'm Dr. Hedberg, and I'...

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome with Dr. Bruce Hoffman

December 07, 2019 17:04 - 58 minutes - 55.6 MB

In this episode of Functional Medicine Research, I interview Dr. Bruce Hoffman, who’s a board certified physician and he has a fellowship in Anti-Aging as well as a Master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition. He is also a certified functional medicine practitioner. Speaking with Dr. Hoffman was extremely educational, we spoke about mast cell activation syndrome and how exactly the condition is diagnosed. Dr. Hoffman covers how he first got interested in the disease and the progress that he’s made ...

How to Improve Digestion Naturally

November 25, 2019 12:00 - 23 minutes - 23.8 MB

“All disease begins in the gut.” --Hippocrates Was Hippocrates right over 2,000 years ago? I would have to agree with him a majority of the time when it comes to chronic diseases. A healthy digestive system begins with excellent digestion so let’s go over some tips to help you improve your digestion naturally. Firstly, I’d like to briefly cover the reason why your digestion may be out of balance. What causes bad digestion? Eating very quickly while on the run and not completely focusing on yo...

What is the Best Fiber Supplement?

November 11, 2019 21:04 - 30 minutes - 29.8 MB

Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet but like anything we consume, too much or too little may be problematic.  Fiber has been touted as an extremely important nutrient but is it really as beneficial as it is purported to be? When used at the right time in the right individual, fiber can be a game changer for healing the gut and improving overall health.  Let’s discuss the health benefits of fiber and the best fiber supplements if supplementation is necessary. What is Fiber? Fiber is ...

How Inflammation Causes Hypothyroidism

October 25, 2019 17:50 - 21 minutes - 22 MB

Inflammation is at the core of most chronic illnesses including hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s disease. But how exactly does inflammation cause hypothyroidism? Nonthyroidal illness syndrome (NTIS) is the state in which inflammation causes negative changes to thyroid hormone including low T3 and increased reverse T3 (rT3). T3 is the most active form of thyroid hormone and rT3 actually blocks T3 receptors so inflammation can really knock out thyroid function. TSH levels however stay relatively ...

What are Optimal TSH Levels in Hashimoto’s Disease and Hypothyroidism?

October 15, 2019 13:00 - 20 minutes - 20.8 MB

TSH is the current gold standard for diagnosis of hypothyroidism but are the current TSH levels optimal and how do they relate to Hashimoto’s disease? An excellent paper out of China entitled, “Using Hashimoto thyroiditis as gold standard to determine the upper limit value of thyroid stimulating hormone in a Chinese cohort” has shed some light on this important question which looked at the upper limit of TSH levels in relation to Hashimoto’s disease and hypothyroidism. The authors begin by s...

How to Boost Your Immune System

September 27, 2019 11:21 - 30 minutes - 29.8 MB

Would you like to learn how to boost your immune system and stay healthy this cold and flu season? Read on to find out what simple diet and supplement strategies you can follow to beat these viruses in their tracks. Your immune system is constantly protecting you from invading organisms at a level of complexity most of us cannot comprehend. Modern medicine focuses mainly on the invading organisms as the source of disease without an appreciation for the beauty of your immune system’s ability ...

The Best Protein Supplement for Muscle Growth

September 13, 2019 15:00 - 25 minutes - 25.5 MB

I’m excited to announce the new release of a protein supplement that I’ve been waiting for for a long time. When I first started practicing functional medicine 15 years ago, most patients could easily tolerate whey protein which was the best quality protein powder at that time. As the years went by more and more patients were reporting sensitivity to whey so I had to try and use alternate solutions like rice, hemp, and pea protein. But after a few years of using these alternate protein sourc...

Heal Your Gut with IgY Max

August 30, 2019 13:31 - 24 minutes - 24.6 MB

IgY Max is a new compound designed to improve gut function with some decent research behind it which I’ll cover in this article. Thousands of studies are coming out every month on the gut microbiome and millions of people worldwide are suffering with gut issues like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBD), and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). We need all the tools we can get when it comes to gut health so I was excited to see the research on IgY Max and ...

How Your Gut Microbiota Affects Your Thyroid

August 16, 2019 18:20 - 21 minutes - 21.3 MB

Your gut microbiota has an intimate connection with your thyroid including connections with hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s disease and Graves’ disease. In this research review I’d like to cover a recent paper entitled, “Microbiota and Thyroid Interaction in Health and Disease” published in the journal Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism by Eleonare Frohlich and Richard Wahl. The authors begin by stating that the gut microbiota can act on thyroid function due to the region of where someones l...

Ashwagandha, Hashimoto’s Disease, and Subclinical Hypothyroidism

August 01, 2019 16:29 - 22 minutes - 22.8 MB

Ashwagandha is one of my favorite supplements for Hashimoto’s disease and hypothyroidism and we have some excellent studies to support using it for these conditions. The main study I’ll cover in this research review is entitled, “Efficacy and Safety of Ashwagandha Root Extract in Subclinical Hypothyroid Patients: A Double-Blind, Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial” published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. We’re already off to a good start just by reading the title ...

Autoimmune Paleo Diet and Hashimoto’s Disease

July 19, 2019 12:48 - 18 minutes - 18.7 MB

We finally have a study specifically looking at the efficacy of the Autoimmune Protocol Diet, also known as the Autoimmune Paleo Diet or AIP, and Hashimoto’s disease. The exact title of the paper is, “Efficacy of the Autoimmune Protocol Diet as Part of a Multi-disciplinary, Supported Lifestyle Intervention for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis” by Abbott et al. Published in April of 2019 in the journal Cureus.  I break down the study details below so you can better understand if this diet actually work...

The Hashimoto’s Disease and SIBO Connection

July 12, 2019 13:47 - 25 minutes - 23.5 MB

Is there a connection among Hashimoto’s disease, hypothyroidism, and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth also known as SIBO? Does Hashimoto’s disease cause SIBO or does SIBO cause Hashimoto’s? I’ll answer these questions in my latest research review below. There isn’t a lot of research, only two papers actually, on the specific connection between Hashimoto’s disease and SIBO which I’ll cover in this article. There are more papers on the connection between hypothyroidism and SIBO without me...

The Truth About Plant-Based Diets and Meat with Diana Rodgers

June 28, 2019 12:23 - 49 minutes - 45.9 MB

In this episode of The Dr. Hedberg Show, I interview dietitian Diana Rodgers in a discussion about plant-based diets, meat, and her upcoming documentary and book project Sacred Cow.  Speaking to Diana was a breathe of fresh air among all the misinformation out there about plant-based diets and meat.  We discussed the potential pitfalls of plant-based diets including protein and micronutrient deficiencies.  Diana covered important information about the true environmental impact of meat and how...

Can Blastocystis Hominis Cause Hashimoto’s Disease?

June 07, 2019 16:17 - 10 minutes - 10.4 MB

Our discussion today revolves around a microscopic parasite called Blastocystis hominis, a case of hives and Hashimoto’s disease! The case report was published in 2015 in The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries.  The report was entitled, “Eradication of Blastocystis hominis prevents the development of symptomatic Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: a case report.  The case involved a singular subject who was suffering from chronic urticaria (hives), angioedema (skin swelling) and overly soft s...

Can Thiamine Improve Hashimoto’s Disease-Related Fatigue?

May 17, 2019 14:59 - 18 minutes - 17.1 MB

Are you doing everything right for your Hashimoto’s disease and hypothyroidism but still experiencing fatigue? A chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link and the b-vitamin thiamine is an important link in thyroid function and energy production that could improve Hashimoto's disease-related fatigue. Restrictive diets like the Autoimmune Paleo Diet, gluten-free diet, and ketogenic diet can possibly lead to a thiamine deficiency if there isn’t enough variety in the diet. Once this important ...

Healing Hashimoto’s Disease with Andrea Nakayama

May 03, 2019 15:20 - 40 minutes - 37.8 MB

In this episode of The Dr. Hedberg Show, I interviewed Andrea Nakayama in a discussion about strategies for healing Hashimoto's disease.  We talked about her "3 Tiers to Epigenetic Mastery" and how they relate to Hashimoto's disease and thyroid health.  Within the 3 tiers we discussed stress, gut health, infections, micronutrient deficiencies, adverse childhood experiences, SIBO, reproductive hormones, goitrogens, iodine, and all the various diets that people are following these days. Andrea...

The Truth About Fluoride with Melissa Gallico

April 19, 2019 15:41 - 37 minutes - 34.5 MB

In this episode of The Dr. Hedberg Show, I interview Melissa Gallico about fluoride.  We talked about where fluoride comes from, why it was added to our water supply, how to know if your water is fluoridated, how to filter fluoride, other sources of fluoride, the fluoride-acne connection, the fluoride-thyroid connection, how to detoxify fluoride with iodine, and how to petition your local legislators to remove fluoride from your water supply.  I was not aware of the fluoride-acne connection s...

Hashimoto’s Food Pharmacology with Dr. Izabella Wentz

March 29, 2019 13:20 - 29 minutes - 27.3 MB

In this episode of The Dr. Hedberg Show, I interview Dr. Izabella Wentz about her new book, "Hashimoto's Food Pharmacology."  We had a great talk about Hashimoto's disease, Dr. Wentz's Hashimoto's healing journey, foods that can help heal Hashimoto's disease, green smoothies, bone broth, and some recipes that can help heal Hashimoto's disease. I highly recommend all of Dr. Wentz's books and her new book will help you make food easier and healthier so you can heal your Hashimoto's disease. D...

How to Heal Multiple Sclerosis with Dr. Terry Wahls

March 22, 2019 13:43 - 51 minutes - 47.4 MB

In this episode of The Dr. Hedberg Show, I interview Dr. Terry Wahls in a discussion about how to heal Multiple Sclerosis.  We had an excellent discussion about how she overcame Multiple Sclerosis, her research into MS, The Wahls Protocol Diet, the causes of MS, how the gut and the microbiome influences autoimmune disease, the Paleo diet compared to the Wahls Protocol and much more. If you have MS or know someone who does, please share this episode and transcript of the interview below.  It ...

How to Overcome Fibromyalgia with Dr. David Brady

March 08, 2019 11:20 - 45 minutes - 42.4 MB

In this episode of The Dr. Hedberg Show, I interview Dr. David Brady about how to overcome Fibromyalgia and his new book The Fibro Fix.  We talked about the history of fibromyalgia diagnosis, the causes of fibromyalgia, the difference between "Classic"  Fibromyalgia and "Pseudo" Fibromyalgia, treatment strategies, supplements for Fibromyalgia, and much more.  If you have Fibromyalgia or know someone who does, this is one interview you definitely don't want to miss. Dr. Hedberg: Well, welcome...

Should You Avoid Dairy if You Have Hashimoto’s Disease?

March 01, 2019 15:59 - 18 minutes - 17 MB

In the last several months, we’ve examined how certain supplements such as vitamin D, genistein, cordyceps and inositol impact Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Today, we’re going to investigate how dairy—in the form of lactose—affects Hashimoto's disease. Specifically, I’m going to be addressing these two points:   1. How avoiding dairy helps Hashimoto’s disease 2. How dairy affects the absorption of thyroid medication Background Before launching into our discussion, let’s talk briefly about la...

Healing Adverse Childhood Experiences with Niki Gratrix

February 22, 2019 15:05 - 54 minutes - 50 MB

In this episode of The Dr. Hedberg Show, I interview Niki Gratrix in a discussion about adverse childhood experiences, overcoming trauma, PTSD, EMDR, somatic experiencing, relational trauma, anxiety, depression, emotional freedom technique, ADHD, chronic fatigue, and psychedelics.  Niki speaks with great passion about her work which is why I wanted to interview her. Dr. Hedberg: Well, welcome everyone to the Dr. Hedberg show, this is Dr. Hedberg. I'm very excited today to have Niki Gratrix o...

Ferritin and Hypothyroidism

February 15, 2019 15:51 - 17 minutes - 16 MB

In this post I'll cover everything you need to know about ferritin and hypothyroidism.  The ferritin test is a simple blood test and it is one of the most important tests you should have if you have Hashimoto’s disease, Graves’ disease, and hypothyroidism. Ferritin is a storage form of iron and the ferritin level test can tell you if your iron stores are low and need to be increased. The ferritin test is rarely ordered by conventional doctors so many patients are left with the signs and sympt...

The Iodine Crisis with Lynne Farrow

February 08, 2019 14:32 - 42 minutes - 39.7 MB

In this episode of The Dr. Hedberg Show, I interview Lynne Farrow the author of the book, "The Iodine Crisis:  What You Don't Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life."  We had an in-depth discussion about iodine and how important it is for your body.  We covered many topics including why iodine deficiency is so prevalent, bromide, fluoride, sources of iodine, the best iodine supplements, how to test for iodine deficiency, breast cancer, iodized salt, goiters, iron and ferritin, hypothyroidism, ...

Inositol and Selenium Improve Hashimoto’s Disease

February 01, 2019 12:00 - 25 minutes - 23.5 MB

One of the main priorities in my practice is to stay on top of the latest cutting-edge research in Hashimoto’s disease and thyroid disorders. My latest round of research reviews involved six clinical studies that examined inositol and selenium and how they conferred major benefits in those with Hashimoto’s disease and subclinical hypothyroidism. The highlights of each study are summarized in a table at the end of this article for ease of reference. What are Inositol and Selenium? Before we g...

Chris Kresser Interview on Unconventional Medicine

January 25, 2019 13:31 - 1 hour - 59.4 MB

In this episode of The Dr. Hedberg Show, I interview Chris Kresser about his new book "Unconventional Medicine" as well as "The Paleo Cure."  We discussed many topics including how to reform our healthcare system, functional medicine, gut health, SIBO, social isolation, diet, psychoneuroimmunolgy, social media, ancestral diets, and eating seasonally.  I think you'll find many excellent takeaways from this interview whether you're a healthcare practitioner or someone interested in health. Dr....

Hormone Balancing and Testing with Dr. Carrie Jones

January 04, 2019 14:22 - 1 hour - 55.7 MB

In this episode of The Dr. Hedberg Show I interview Dr. Carrie Jones of Precision Analytical on hormone balancing and testing.  We cover a lot of detail about reproductive and adrenal hormones including testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, DHEA and more.  Dr. Jones explains the causes of elevated and decreased hormone levels and some strategies on balancing these issues.  We also discuss the best way to test hormones including the DUTCH test which is my favorite hormone test offere...

The Health Benefits of Yoga with Sara Lewis

December 07, 2018 15:20 - 31 minutes - 29.6 MB

In this episode of The Dr. Hedberg Show, I interview Sara Lewis in a discussion about the health benefits of yoga. If you struggle with pain, fatigue, depression, anxiety, insomnia, gut issues, or have adverse childhood experiences, this is one episode you should really listen to. Sara spent 25 years providing program management expertise to international public health projects in South America, Eastern Europe, Africa and South Asia.  The work included directing, managing and planning projec...

Cordyceps and Hashimoto’s Disease

November 15, 2018 15:12 - 13 minutes - 13.1 MB

The Therapeutic Effect of Cordyceps on Hashimomoto's Disease and Graves' Disease In 2016, a clinical trial was conducted in China that aimed to investigate the therapeutic effect of cordyceps on Hashimoto's disease and Graves' disease. The research paper was entitled, “Dual-Directional Effects of Corbrin Capsule on Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases” and was published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Let's find out what this research paper showed if cordyceps ...

Genistein and Hashimoto’s Disease

November 01, 2018 14:44 - 12 minutes - 11.4 MB

Can Genistein Help Heal Hashimoto’s Disease and Hypothyroidism? In the fall of 2016, a study was conducted in China and published in the medical journal Immunobiology. The researchers looked at the compound genistein and Hashimoto's disease to see if it affected thyroid function in patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.  The research paper was entitled, “Genistein improves thyroid function in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis patients through regulating Th1 cytokines.”  To clarify, “Th1 cytokines” refe...

Does Vitamin D Supplementation Help Heal Hashimoto’s Disease?

October 19, 2018 13:49 - 26 minutes - 24.4 MB

Is There a Connection Between Vitamin D and Hashimoto's Disease?  Does Vitamin D Supplementation Help Heal Hashimoto's Disease? Vitamin D has long been established in literature as a highly essential nutrient with benefit to the musculoskeletal system and bone density. It also functions in the body as an immunomodulator, facilitating normal immune system function and improving resistance against certain diseases. Given this background, one has to wonder if a deficiency in vitamin D would be ...

Do Food Intolerances Affect Hashimoto’s Disease?

October 04, 2018 20:45 - 31 minutes - 29.1 MB

We have never had any good studies looking at how food allergies, or more specifically food intolerances, affect Hashimoto’s disease. A recent paper, however, did show that people following a gluten-free diet can help heal Hashimoto’s disease.  In this article, Dr. Hedberg answers the question if food intolerances affect Hashimoto's disease? I was excited to find a new paper just published last month that looked specifically at food intolerances and Hashimoto’s disease. The paper was publish...

Healing Adverse Childhood Experiences with Patti Elledge

September 21, 2018 14:06 - 51 minutes - 47.6 MB

In this episode of The Dr. Hedberg Show I interview therapist Patti Elledge in a deep discussion about healing adverse childhood experiences (ACE's), trauma, epigenetics, attachment theory, somatic experiencing, evolutionary biology, and much more. Patti Elledge has specialized in therapeutic application of neuroscience for more than 40 years. She has a broad clinical background in developmental and attachment based traumas and worked directly with babies, children and families for more than...

How to Heal Adverse Childhood Experiences

September 07, 2018 12:44 - 34 minutes - 23.9 MB

If you’re reading this then you’ve probably taken the ACE Survey but if you haven’t then you can download it here. If you even just scored a 1 on the ACE Survey then this article is definitely for you. The higher your ACE score the more likely you are to have health problems as an adult due to what you went through as a child. Additionally, if you feel like you’ve been doing everything right with your diet, exercise, sleep, managing stress levels etc. but you just can’t get well, then you pro...

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Hashimoto’s Disease

August 30, 2018 14:15 - 22 minutes - 15.9 MB

Recently I have been researching the fascinating field of childhood trauma and uncovered an interesting link between adverse childhood experiences and Hashimoto’s disease. One of the studies I discovered came out of a large, important public health study, The ACE Study, but it focused specifically on cumulative childhood stress and autoimmune disease in adults. What are adverse childhood experiences? Adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, are experiences that expose individuals under the ag...

Healing Trauma and Finding Joy with Dr. Shannon South

August 16, 2018 13:29 - 40 minutes - 28 MB

In this episode of The Dr. Hedberg Show, I interviewed Dr. Shannon South to discuss healing trauma and finding joy in our lives.   Dr. Shannon D. South, aka the “Joy Doctor”, is an award-winning therapist, an Amazon best-selling author, and a professional speaker. As an expert in the field of spirituality and healing trauma for over 20 years, she knows how to assist people in finding wholeness and joy naturally. In 1994, during graduate school, Shannon had a spiritual experience during medita...

Can Stress Override a Healthy Diet?

July 27, 2018 17:14 - 17 minutes - 12.1 MB

A fair number of the patients I see are already eating a healthy diet but they’re still not feeling well. Once we delve deep into their history and their lives, it becomes very clear that stress is at the bedrock of their illness. It’s extremely frustrating to be eating well all the time but still experiencing symptoms. We know that stress shuts down digestion including suppression of stomach acid, bile flow, and pancreatic function. All of these are necessary for healthy digestion but if we...

Dr. Michael Ruscio Interview

June 28, 2018 19:40 - 37 minutes - 26.4 MB

In this episode of The Dr. Hedberg Show, I interview Dr. Michael Ruscio and we discuss non-celiac gluten sensitivity, prebiotics, probiotics, the microbiome, SIBO, FODMAPs and much more.  You can read the transcript below. Michael Ruscio is a doctor, clinical researcher and best-selling author whose practical ideas on healing chronic illness have made him an influential voice in functional and alternative medicine. His work has been published in peer-reviewed medical journals and he speaks a...

Black Cumin Seed Oil and Hashimoto’s Disease

June 06, 2018 16:39 - 13 minutes - 9.52 MB

I was pleasantly surprised to learn about some recent research on the positive effects of black cumin seed oil and Hashimoto’s disease. I’m always searching for compounds that can help my patients with Hashimoto’s disease and black cumin seed oil looks like a real winner.  In this article I break down two promising studies on black cumin seed oil and how it can help autoimmune thyroiditis. What is Black Cumin Seed? Black cumin seed is also known as Nigella sativa which is a medicinal plant a...

Hashimoto’s Disease: The Infection Connection

May 25, 2018 17:53 - 17 minutes - 12.1 MB

Hashimoto’s disease can have many triggers including iodine, low birth weight, pregnancy, smoking, mercury, drugs, stress, leaky gut, environmental toxins, and of course infections.  This article will focus on the connection between infections and Hashimoto’s disease. The infection connection and Hashimoto’s disease is something I have been investigating since 2005 when I first learned about the connection between Yersinia enterocolitica and Hashimoto’s disease.  Since then, I’ve been resear...

Aloe vera and Hashimoto’s Disease

May 11, 2018 15:12 - 23 minutes - 16.8 MB

Aloe vera is one of the oldest medicinal plants we know of that was used by the ancient Egyptians who called it “the plant of immortality.” And 200 years ago Greek scientists considered Aloe vera a “universal panacea.” Aloe vera is technically named Aloe barbadensis and you most likely have heard of using Aloe topically for burns or internally for soothing an inflamed gut. I’ve used Aloe vera over the years as one of the compounds in a gut-healing supplement I use for leaky gut, inflammatory...

Does the Ketogenic Diet Cause Hypothyroidism?

May 04, 2018 08:00 - 18 minutes - 12.9 MB

The ketogenic diet is currently sweeping the internet and the diet book world as the best thing since sliced bread for everything under the sun. Unfortunately, you can’t eat bread on the ketogenic diet and it really can be difficult to follow for some people. Since I work with many patients who have Hashimoto’s disease and hypothyroidism, I wanted to investigate whether the ketogenic diet can cause hypothyroidism or decrease thyroid function. Let’s jump into the research and see what it has ...

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and Selenium Supplementation

April 27, 2018 08:00 - 21 minutes - 15.4 MB

Did you know that the thyroid gland has the highest concentration of selenium compared to any organ in your body? Selenium is a powerful and essential trace mineral actually first discovered by the Swedish chemist Berzelius in 1817. Selenium mainly acts as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and it is involved in the production and activation of thyroid hormone. Selenium protects the thyroid from oxidative damage but a deficiency can lead to an increase in the weight of your thyroid which can ...

Optimal Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody Levels

April 12, 2018 12:37 - 13 minutes - 9.44 MB

One of the most common questions I get is, “What are optimal Hashimoto’s thyroiditis antibody levels?” For years, many patients and clinicians have been chasing thyroid peroxidase (TPO) and anti-thyroglobulin (TG) antibody levels in an attempt to get them as low as possible or even undectable as a measure of success.  This can leave many people frustrated and stressed about their condition.  Some individuals feel that these levels should become undetectable in order to consider the condition ...

What is the Best SIBO Test?

April 06, 2018 12:01 - 48 minutes - 33.5 MB

In this episode of The Dr. Hedberg Show, I interview Gary Stapleton of Aerodiagnostics Laboratory answering the question, "What is the best SIBO test?"  We covered a lot of ground about the ins and outs of SIBO breath testing including the best methodology, glucose vs. lactulose, how to properly perform the test, proper test interpretation, hydrogen sulfide, when to retest and much more. Gary is the founder of Aerodiagnostics Laboratory which I personally use in my practice and highly recomm...


Andrea Nakayama
1 Episode
Chris Kresser
1 Episode
Diana Rodgers
1 Episode
Dr. Carrie Jones
1 Episode
Dr. Terry Wahls
1 Episode
Sara Lewis
1 Episode

Twitter Mentions

@hypothyroidmom 1 Episode