IgY Max is a new compound designed to improve gut function with some decent research behind it which I’ll cover in this article. Thousands of studies are coming out every month on the gut microbiome and millions of people worldwide are suffering with gut issues like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBD), and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). We need all the tools we can get when it comes to gut health so I was excited to see the research on IgY Max and the introduction of GI Globulin Select by Moss Nutrition which contains IgY Max.

Many people have gut problems because they have dysbiosis which basically means that the bacteria in the gut are out of balance. This means that there are too many harmful bacteria and not enough beneficial bacteria. IgY Max actually targets 26 of these bad bugs and helps your body suppress their growth.

What is IgY Max?
It is a compound made from specifically immunized chicken eggs. IgY is in the immunoglobulin family which basically means a protein that is important for immune function. Our bodies have the immunoglobulins IgG, IgA, IgE, IgM, and IgD all of which have important immune properties and functions.

IgG makes up the bulk of the human immunoglobulin system which is used in products like colostrum or specific IgG products all designed for gut healing and immune health. IgY however has some advantages over IgG:

IgY is 3 to 5 times stronger than IgG due to increased efficiency of the immune response
IgY does not stimulate inflammation
IgY has a more rapid and specific local response such as targeting specific bacteria
Eggs have 20 times more immunoglobulins than IgG so it is more economical

IgY Max does the following:

Heals the gut lining making it ideal for leaky gut
Ensures the right bugs stick to the gut lining and the wrong ones don’t stick
Reduces harmful bacteria
Supports overall immune system health
Helps the body fight infections
Reduces inflammation

The gut barrier protection that this compound provides supports any probiotics or prebiotics that you may be taking. The “bad” bacteria are inhibited from multiplying and sticking to your gut lining so the good bacteria can remain intact.
What does the research show on IgY Max?
The first is a pilot study done by the company itself which can be a bad thing but not necessarily if the study is well done. Six subjects with mild to moderate gut complaints were given two 500mg capsules twice a day of IgY Max for 8 weeks and had gut assessments of zonulin, histamine, Diamine oxidase (DAO) for gut integrity at the beginning and the end of the study.

Zonulin is a decent test for gut barrier integrity, histamine is a good marker for inflammation and gut barrier integrity, and DAO is the enzyme that breaks down histamine so low levels are connected with chronic inflammation and autoimmune diseases.

Three of the six subjects did a comprehensive digestive stool analysis to assess their gut bacteria as well as testing yeast.
What were the results?
None of the subjects had any adverse reactions to the supplement. The subjects did report improvements such less gas and bloating as well as feeling more energy at 8 weeks. Zonulin improved, DAO improved, and histamine improved in all six subjects. There was also an improvement in beneficial flora in all 3 subjects as noted on the repeat stool analysis. Lactobacillus was the specific strain in the gut that improved.

Another clinical trial to mention is an unpublished study by Rehnini Ambekar, MD entitled, “Effect of a nutritious drink fortified with immune egg in improving the weight and enhancing the well-being of subjects.” In this study 14 patients with AIDS were given a drink that contained IgY egg powder for 8 weeks. Most of the patients reported significant improvements in all aspects of quality of life including energy levels, mood, and physical health.
