In this episode, I'm going to share 3 tips on how to integrate relaxation practices into your life to help your reduce stress, overwhelm and create a happier lifestyle.

1 - Morning Routine/Practice

Before jumping into a busy day, take a few minutes to yourself to create a positive start.

Starting your day with your phone, emails, texts etc.,  can create a negative vibe before your day even starts.

Your morning routine can be a few simple practices, it does not have to be long. For instance, a 10 minute meditation and a quick journal exercise could create that positive vibe to start your day.

2 - Chunking things down

Take your bigger projects and create bite sized pieces. Once you finish a bite size piece, take some time (yes a break)  to practice a relaxation technique. This will help you rejuvenate, refocus and relax.

3 - Take a break

If you start feeling stress, overwhelm or burnout - it is your body /mind telling you to slow down. Taking a 15-20 minute break can help you refocus and rejuvenate. 

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Implementing relaxation practices into your life, will change your life forever!

You may ask - Where do I find fun, easy to use, quick relaxation practices?

The Relaxation Lounge!

 See you in the Lounge: