Krystal is the founder of Designed Life Studio and the creator of The Designed Life Method℠.

She is a Feng Shui Designer & Clutter Expert who helps soul-driven leaders declutter and design a workspace that empowers them to create the life & business that they want.

In this episode, she discusses:

The importance of creating a stress free environment around you. Your space is a reflection of you and creating a space that allows you to feel how you want to feel is important.If your space is making you feel stressed out, the space is a reflection of how you are feeling on the inside.Making changes to your space, removing the clutter that is creating stress creates a better alignment with you (physically, emotionally mentally).She talks about her 5 step method that she uses with clients. 1) Discover 2) Diagnose 3) Disconnect 4) Dissolve 5 Donate. For example, she talks about the clutter of books as paper is dead wood energy. She usually recommends starting with any paper clutter to start creating your energetic space.

Decluttering your space will reduce the stress in your life/environment, which will change your life!

Download her simple, 5-step guide here:

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