Find your voice - Episode 17- "Wonderfulness of Life" - Louise Blyth #17 Part 2

Tagline: "Be the captain of your fate and master of your soul"

Louise Blyth, is an incredible lady who has experienced losing the love of her life, George Blyth tragically from cancer. With cancer now affecting 1 in 2 families it is a common occurrence so many of us face in our day to day life. But unlike any other story Louise world took a massive turn upon the sad death of her spouse and soul mate.

Experiencing a supernatural event during his last few days Louise beliefs, perceptions, outlook and whole world had been turned around where she found herself finding, what she describes as "the greatest love all of us could ever know"

A 2 part special episode, this incredible story does not lean on an emotional tale which will have you in tears of sadness, despite its tragic theme. Instead, tears of happiness seeing someone recover from grief and finding a bigger purpose and understanding of her being in the world takes over the story's narrative and leaves you feeling rather refreshingly happy that in such a sad circumstance someone can continue their life in a positive, fulfilling way.

Now a widow of 2 children, Louise has created The Wonderfulness of Life which focuses on, Happiness being a choice and a state of mind.

I am sure you will all agree this story truly warranted two episodes and if anyone can take anything positive away from this, it is to cherish all the moments we have with our loves ones and find blessings in whatever cards we are dealt in life.

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#JustDeuIt #FindYourVoice


welcome to an episode of find your voice

a movement led by yours truly

Aren do a guy who has overcome

crippling anxiety adversity and

difficulty like so many of you in life

whose main goal now is to help you

combat your excuses take control of your

life write your own story and most

importantly find your voice so now

without further ado I welcome the host

of the show himself mr. Aren do what's

going on people thank you for tuning in

to another episode of find your voice I

am the host of the show so this is

actually the second part of a two-part

episode so if anyone has accidentally

stumbled across this episode first

please do go back and listen to part one

which was literally I a couple of

minutes ago now this episode is

incredible and I want to keep those who

have literally followed it from Part one

straight to this part keeping it in flow

so I'm gonna stop talking on the jump

straight back into it so Louise ended

the last episode by talking about how

she was in the presence of something she

described is almost supernatural so what

what happened at the point of his death

is I went from not believing in God to

believing in gods in the space of a week

and that has changed my life as much as

George's death has changed my life which

has in turn changed my daily practices

if that makes sense and my day is now

rooted in some practices around faith

because of that because I've never been

more certain that God exists say could

you elaborate on that I mean I've got no

problem missing out some of my pointless

questions because this is this is more

prevalent if you wouldn't mind so what

what would you like me to elaborate on

the which part of the story just to put

context into one interested in this

little bit in particularly I am an

atheist and the reason I say I'm an

atheist now is because I grew up as a

Sikh and I was very I say somewhat

religious and when I heard I had it in a

space of 18 months I lost seven people

66 family members and what and one

friend and I had a very similar outburst


private which have never cheat on Norma

where I had the kind of it was like it

was like when you shake about sorry

apologies I said when you shake a bottle

of coke and then all of a sudden tell

you you know whenever you talk about God

you always get interrupted that's so

funny that your favorite so good you

could touch a rafter with us so weird as

well because that's never happened in a

podcast previously yeah whenever you

talk about God you always get

interrupted Wow

for me my logic is just simple it's

stick to science and it's if there was a

god then kids wouldn't suffer kids

wouldn't just be killed there wouldn't

be all this horrible stuff happening in

them and I've kind of justified it that

way but I just want to bring this

straight back to you yeah so like I said

you know I was an atheist I didn't

believe in God I didn't think God was

real I thought that you know so I've

obviously grown up in the UK where I've

been to school where I've learnt Bible

stories so I knew some of the Bible

stories I knew about Jesus but I didn't

think Jesus was the son of God I thought

Jesus was a good guy from you know two

thousand years ago he'd done some great

things and maybe over time his his his

achievements have maybe kind of been

exaggerated is how I it's genuinely how

I looked at you know the gospel in the

New Testament and you know religion

wasn't something that featured in my

life at all so the very fact that I felt

I felt like I had nowhere else to turn

was and the fact that I tend to God I

mean I can't still explain what it was

logically that made me do that because

at that point in time I wasn't my brain

wasn't working in a logical way it was

all based on heart not on head if that

makes sense in terms of the actions that

I was that was undertaking but what what

then led me to believe that God was real

was incredibly powerful so essentially

and I'm really mindful now that I'm not

going to do this survey at this story

it's justice which is why I'm writing

the story down because essentially what

happened was I was introduced to

somebody who I didn't know through a

really really good family friends who

asked if they could pray for Joe

which you kind of go okay that's not

that weird that's that's that's not that

odd but what happened was and what and

what I've realized since I picked it is

that that introduction came after I'd

made this cry so after I'd made this cry

this family friend got in touch with me

and said look I've met this girl and she

seems to be like a really devout

Christian and she didn't she's she

thinks that maybe there's some level of

of healing prayers that we can do for

George now what I didn't know at that

point in time was their healing is you

know central to all of the stories of

what what Jesus did in the New Testament

so obviously Jesus did a huge amount of

miraculous things which I always talk

about to get my head around like this

how can this person be doing all these

things okay but there's a lots of

stories in the New Testament where Jesus

heals people who have paraplegic who are

blind who have bled for 12 years all

these different things so healing is

essential to Jesus and the way in which

Jesus can work and again I knew non of

this and this girl had offered to pray

for isn't and offered prayers of healing

and at this point in time I'm literally

like I'll take anything I'll take any

one course to give us anything we were

so desperate and again to cut a really

really long story short we ended up in a

situation when George was quite

literally on his deathbed and it was it

was hideous our and like he was he

declined incredibly quickly so again I

don't want to sort of put fear into

people's heart because this is a story

of beauty but you have to understand the

pain that he was in to be able to

understand the beauty and the miraculous

of what happened because he was in an in

an inordinate amount of pain so he

basically after that day when I went out

and told me he wasn't gonna die anytime


a few days later was admitted to

hospital and just went downhill day

after day after day and it was it was

disgusting to have to watch him I mean

he he was in he couldn't eat he couldn't

drink because his liver was so enlarged

it was basically pushing against his

esophagus and his stomach and pushing

kind of bile out of his mouth 24 hours a

day which I'm really mindful that this

is kind of like quite Gorian quite

brutal but it was awful I mean this this

was a man that was that was broken in

front of me you know the guy that had

eight weeks before

go to Paris and I and I was kinda like

whereas my husband like whom is he like

he looked he looked like death like his

cheeks will concave he was so weak he

was crying the whole time he his mum set

with him in the hospital because he was

absolutely terrified to be left alone it

was it was every parts again you know if

you think of sort of movies and stories

it was all of what you've seen on TV and

in a film around what you think it's

gonna be and worse I literally just felt

numb sitting on watching him and I

wanted to this is gonna sound really

awful as well I wanted to put him down

so I I remember I had never been a

believer in euthanasia and actually I'm

not now because of my spiritual beliefs

I'm not a believer in euthanasia but at

that point in time he was so ill but I

remember just being in the hospital

thinking this is horrendous there must

be something that someone can do how is

this okay yeah human can sit here in

this much mental and physical pain that

this is not alright of course so and

that and that also led me to keep

looking into other things and I was

looking at like I actually looked at

could I even like get him in my car and

drive him to Switzerland where there's a

euthanasia clinic oh yeah I even looked

at that one point it was so desperate so

in amongst all of this absolute

desperation this kind of narrative with

God continued and this girl who I didn't

know who had met a friend basically

offered to come and pray with us in

Nottingham so she came all the way from

London on the train for the day ask for


and I met her in the in the canteen of

the hospital and I remember so nervous

meeting her as I thought oh my god is

she gonna be at one of these really

weird religious fanatics like is she

gonna kind of try and brainwashers is

she is she a bit odd she can ask me for

money these are all of the thoughts that

I had in my head and I remember I sat

with her and I said to have really

really once believed in the healing and

sort of stories and and powers that

you're speaking of I just I've got to be

honest with you like I don't really

believe in God I just don't think that

God's be all like her just think it can

be and she she had a Bible out and she

she held my hand and she just said to me

look you know

I've got enough face for his face like

don't you don't need to worry about that

like just relax like I can carry you

like I can believe for you and I can

believe for George is what she said to

me which literally felt like someone had

lifted this way because I felt like I

was lying a little bit as well kind of

thing I can try to pretend that I

believe in this thing I don't know

anything it might in case it might work

you know so that day we prayed in George

is really in which again I probably

don't have the time to tell you all of

the detail of what happened but this

girl who came and prayed is now a really

really good friend is something called a

prophetic Christian and that means that

basically they can hear God in a way

that not maybe everyday person can and

they can hear really really clear things

from God sometimes absolutely

crystal-clear messages like what your

bank account number might be just a sort

of prove a point you know and it is at

the time I remember they're thinking

this is odd this is like psychic

mediumship I'm not really sure how I

feel about this so we did these really

really beautiful prayers with her and

then during the prayers basically she

she said look I've got a word for you

and at this point in time I was like how

do you know where it is like you know

what's word so I've got a letter for you

from God and I remember wanting to laugh

out loud and it was this black comedy

moment because my husband sat on a bed

dying and I'm there with this girl I've

never met before who's praying and

telling me that I've got a word which is

basically a letter that she's written to

me from God and I was sat there thinking

you know this girl's off her rocker you

know this is absolutely mental but

honestly Orin what was written in these

letters so she'd written a letter to me

and she'd written a letter for George

and what was written in these letters or

was just so us it was someone the new

our hearts it wasn't it wasn't someone

that had looked me up on Facebook or

Instagram and gone oh you Louise and

you've lived in Windsor and you've lived

in France and you you've worked here and

you've got two kids it was things about

me small details that I thought

inconsequential that God knew it was my

heart he spoke to my heart that day so I

was amazed the word that was written for

George was equally as amazing and then

there was sort of several things that

happened after that maiming so we walked

of that room and after that moment when

she came and prayed in the room

the-the-the sort of atmosphere in the

room tangibly changed and it wasn't it

was the it was the sort of spiritual

atmosphere if that makes sense it kind

of went from feeling dark and heavy to

full of life of an openness and I I was

just on my knees literally exhausted and

I remember saying to carrying that I

just love what you've done I don't know

how you've done it but you have bought

some peace and it was it was tangible

the creep the peace that she brought on

that day because it was the first time

that I'd seen George sort of soothed if

that makes sense in all of the

medication and everything that you've

been given so I just kind of said to her

like we maybe need to do a bit more of

this she said to me but you can pray you

can learn how to pray like they're going

I can't pray I don't even think I

believe in God I don't know how you pray

like what do I do with my hands how do I


what do I say like I don't know how to

do this you're gonna have to find me

someone else that knows what they're


and basically what then happened was the

next day I went into the hospital after

that night when I went home and put my

kids to bed and done all the other live

things I still had to carry on doing I

tried to pray for the first time and I'd

really struggled and I couldn't do it I

was like this just feels like I'm a

complete fraud I'd tried to kneel down

in my bathroom I remember like kneeling

down in my bedroom and putting my hands

together and I'm thinking what do I say

I can't do this this is already odd and

then the next morning I got up went to

the hospital at all walked into the

hospital and that morning when I went in

George was laid on his bed and the Sun

was beaming into the room like onto his

face and he's laying with his arms open

and he looked at me and he smiled and he

said to me no he's what they're giving

me I feel amazing

I just feel amazing and I just started

to cry but I knew in that moment that he

hadn't been given anything and I went

and spoke to the nurse and the nurse

looked at all of his you know details

and said he's not had anything he had

some morphine at 1:00 a.m. it was now

like 11:00 in the morning and she was

like it was enough morphine to maybe

last him a couple of hours he's

definitely not had anything so I went

back to his room and I didn't say to him

you haven't had

because I kind of thought I don't want

him to know that he hasn't had anything

if he thinks that the effort that he's

had is making people better I just

didn't want to sort of distract him from

the absolute peace that he'd

miraculously found and he literally laid

on the bed that day and just said to me

it's all gone the pain is gone

the fear is gone we'd had these

heartbreaking conversations the day

before before this this girl had arrived

to complain with us about what we did

with the kids like to be bringing the

kids in to come and see him to say

goodbye and it was probably this sounds

really awful it was less than the kids

but it was more for him because we knew

that our children was so little that

they wouldn't remember it and he and he

was really emotional about that because

he just didn't think he had the strength

to say goodbye and he didn't think he

could do it and he said to me I just I

don't he said that everybody is here now

with me you know and honestly he wasn't

the kind of person that spoken this they

already he was not a spiritual guy like

he layed on this bed so at peace and

said to me everything now is in my heart

the boys are here my love for you is

here my love all of my family is here

and it's like a bright burning ball of

energy that's never gonna go and I was

just I was absolutely overwhelmed

because I remember thinking who is this

person that's laid here because this is

my husband but it's not my husband and I

really liked what he was saying to me

was completely the tree so I knew that

he believed it you could see it

physically in his body and that that

then propelled me to go okay there's

something in what we've done here this

prayer whatever this prayer thing is

it's worked there's something in it that

we've got to do more of it maybe this

can help him and that triggered me then

to start writing letters to God so I'd

already been writing letters to George

because I've mentioned earlier I was

seeing a psychologist and she'd said to

me look like how do you communicate I

said look I like to ride she said why

she can write write write about the

trauma journal about it and I'd been

writing letters to George every day in

hospital all the things that were on my

heart that I wanted to tell him that he

didn't have the energy to hear because

he was so sick but I needed to kind of

let bubble out of my system so that that

that night I went home and I wrote my

first prayer to God and then what what

ensued was every time I prayed and wrote

a letter the girl in London who I didn't

really know who that well at the exact

moment that I would finish praying would

write a response so she'd write back and

it would be like it would be a response

to the prayers that I wrote and she

didn't know that I was writing them it

was just the most unbelievably beautiful

story so we had this you know we had

George laying on his death bed in this

state of peace in this state of perfect

bliss and he was quoting scripture okay

so George never read the Bible or

anything and he was talking to me about

perfect love which is alone for John in

the gospel and so we had that going on

so we had the sort of miraculous bodily

visible you know George George has gone

from being in pain to being at peace I

had this girl that I didn't know who was

somehow supernaturally connected and in

sync with me responding to my prayers

every time I it was like that old Tom

Hanks movie you've got mail I write I

write I write on my iPhone I ordered mr.

for my notes on my iPhone and every time

I literally press turn on the top of my

top right while I faint screen I'd get a

text it would be just like you know

scripture responses words that gotta

push you is used to frame as this is

what God's put on my heart so that

happened and then there was just this


presence in the room that everybody was

drawn to sit everybody at the hospital

was drawn to George's room which I now

know was the sort of you know what would

call in Christianity the Holy Spirit it

was the Holy Spirit was there it just

was pulsating through the room and what

what I find interesting now is that I

know that we all actually recognize that

if that makes sense but we don't realize

that we recognize it because it is in us

we just don't know it and and everyone

who was there you know some people were

religious some people weren't but

everybody knew there was something going

on if that makes sense that the only

universal recognition was that there's

something bigger at play here at the

hospital you know they said to me after

George died like we wish everyone could

die in this way like we

we could document it and process it so

everyone could have this des nurses were

coming in on their days off to sit with

him and just be with him because

incredible presents were so calming it

led to a great friendship that I've made

with a with a pastor of a church and not

something that we now go to every week

as he he was basically the person that

then came and prayed with us every day

because I had sort of said to this girl

in London you're gonna have to find me

someone to pray with because I knew my

friends I wasn't a person he was

religious and so yeah it was just the

way I frame it to people is I lost the

love of my life but I've gained the

greatest love all of us can ever know

and it was just so incredibly beautiful

and I'm still trying to pick the story

two years later and question you know

how why you know what does this mean all

of those are the things but ultimately

all I know is that God is real and God

is good and you know Jesus is real too

you know all of the stories that happen

in the Bible now I have now I've got

this understanding of the supernatural

that I saw in that hospital room I can

read those stories with the lens of

acceptance that I never had before and I

understand them and get that they did

happen and but I think we just I think

in the society that we live in now we

want everything to be like Amazon Prime

timelines you know and actually what

I've also very knows is that the timings

of the supernatural and the holy spirit

are just not linked to earthly timing so

you know I can never answer questions

like you know why did you need seven

people in a row why did I lose my

husband and then three months later his

mother died she dropped dead and

simultaneously to my husband dying my

dad was diagnosed with stage four cancer

you know says we it wasn't like life was

beautiful on any show yeah it really

wasn't but what I did what I do you

think I'm what I do maintain is there

you know cancer is not god-given and if

you look for God he's always there even

in the bad situations but the bad

situations are not always given by God

you know like it's man's got three will

right and some

and the way in which we behave in in the

world that we now live in is driven by

all three well it's not driven by God

because he made us that way so yeah Wow

got goosebumps yeah just a remarkable

story this gonna be in your novel yeah

this is gonna be in my novel and what

would be amazing so I'm actually doing

some edits at the moment so I'm hoping

to get the book out this year that's the

last thing so it would be it would be

really cool to like speak again might

wants the books available so I can say

to people yeah because there's so

there's such steps is the story on save

me levels and I also I'm hugely mindful

there you know like I I like they say I

can't believe what's happened to me

because I kind of look at it and go what

why like why was all of this way it went

for us but it was and it is and I just

now feel really strongly about the fact

that I have to do something with this

tale and with this story you need to

raise awareness of cancer to raise

awareness of what it is to live with

cancer that it isn't the end of your

life to raise awareness of the fact that

death is it's gonna be something that

happens to all of us and could be the

most unbelievably beautiful experience

you ever ever imagined and they're also

you need death is at the end and that

God's God is real and God is here for

you and and loves you but I also

recognize that just because I say that

doesn't mean that I can impart that

belief into life yeah I mean your your

truth is your truth and everyone's got

their own kind of truth I'm always open

to anything really I mean you've said

some certain things there that make

obviously make me think because from a

spiritual perspective I have sinned and

I have tail as many of them of stuff

similar oh yeah I'm absolutely in

cheering my spiritual stuff and even

like in terms of psychics and mediums

and I'm going to find a tangent here but

I do believe in that supernatural power

I suppose or just the whole the fairy

tale story of this person just one

person they're kind of I don't know

maybe I've just got the wrong image of

of God when I said it you knew what they

were and I think that that's the case

like I think go back to the point that

you made earlier about we have this

vision of our life should all be very


kostik and we meet the dream partner and

we get the dream house and we get the

dream kids and we do things by certain

ages and I think we're all for whatever

reason book to believe that God is a

person on the cloud somewhere and I mean

I'm no theological expert you know I'm

two years into my journey of faith and

I'm still understanding the Bible and

getting my head around there and what

that means to me and how I live my life

but equally I kind of go it's not the

way that I ever thought it was if that

means I should be passionate about

because I kind of have now reflected on

my life because of everything that's

happened and gone well I mean what God

was actually there the whole time

I just didn't know him I didn't know no

I didn't know how he worked I didn't

know how he communicated I mean I if I'm

honest as a feminist have a huge beef

with the fact that he's always referred

to as a man I mean I'm not I'm not

disputing that Jesus Jesus was a man

okay but but God you know God is what he

is and that's what it says in the Bible

like he is not man he's not woman he he

is what he is and but he is called a he

because of the time in which the Bible

was written which is when you know men

ruled the world not in the way that not

that the hopefully not yeah there's a

certain but you said that you lost the

greatest love of your life or you did

then find the greatest love that we

could all will ever know and I just yeah

I was so powerful food for thought for

me absolutely because there are that I

think I think we could know how you

mentioned in that room and I was kind of

imagining like almost like watching a

film you know when you see him you Jobs

and then the sun's beaming and then

we've all probably had that feeling of

euphoria with this dis just isn't normal

life let's something else is here yeah

and I get that and if anything is weird

because although I sometimes say okay I

don't believe in God anymore

I believe in every other thing like all

these miraculous character things so

it's kind of okay maybe again is just my

language that I use language because I

find that so fascinating and I could

talk to you for hours just on that and

some of this stuff I've seen people do

like how you mentioned he was speaking

Scripture and stuff I've seen people

speak a different language that they've

never heard of yeah yeah yeah what

yeah yeah yeah is amazing Wow I'm just

I'm just so happy that it's such an

unfortunate circumstance that you've

managed to find some level of happiness

yeah life life can be found in there

like it really really and I I feel like

I've been given a second chance at life

through my husband's death which is so

desperately sad and you know my greatest

wish is that I could have this

perspective with him by my side but for

whatever reason it wasn't meant to be

that way and I'll only ever know that

reason when I am living and having with

him you know so and until then I have to

live the best life I can and the

happiest life I can for me and my

children because that's all he wanted

for us and that's what God wants for us

too so I just kind of go you know what

it's my choice you know I can choose for

this to be miserable and this can break

me or I can choose for it to make me and

I know how to do this let it make you

and let it also inspire you to share

your story with as many people as

possible yeah with the perspective you

have so yeah yeah that's fantastic Wow

okay fantastic this is actually gonna be

my first ever tea pot podcast because I

it was almost too good for me to kind of

quit off so I'm gonna actually make it a

two part show okay I think we could fit

everything in two parts as well and yes

it's fantastic so you're actually the

first ever two-part show and it's been

worth it honestly yeah could just

resonate with so many things I'm sure

they listen as well as well yeah so

adversity I think we've definitely hit

that yeah I'll on the head there a

million times over and I'm done like I

said early I'm just so happy that you're

in a much better place now what now then

now that you've found God and you've

you've almost found this new perspective

I suppose what scares you now my biggest

fear is not being able to live a faith

filled life so I I fear that I won't

that something may happen that imbalance

is this faith because actually I feel

like with my faith I can and nothing

scares me

does that make sense my biggest fear

would be to not for whatever reason to

not believe in God anymore absolutely

because of what you believe God has

given you yeah and God has for ISM for

all of us so I kind of feel like with

God by my side I don't fear anything

feel invincible I'm not so not to say

that it wouldn't be difficult and

incredibly painful and all of those are

the things but I know that God would be

with me but if for whatever reason I

lost God or I lost my connection with

God that that's my greatest fear now to

not not have that okay I understand that

okay and in terms of so your motivation

I suppose we kind of touched on it

earlier in terms of persevering and

going forward is that now to kind of

share your message further and try and

enlighten other people yes and why I

suppose my purpose now is to is to share

my story so I always say to people I

don't wish the circumstances that I have

found myself in upon anyone it's been

hell to live through but what I do wish

is the perspective if it's given me and

I realize that I've always been like

this fast track version of life yeah so

because I've had something so bad happen

to me it's maybe meant that it's

exploded in a way that's been so good

does that make sense yeah yeah maybe

think about the situation logically and

what I'm hugely mindful of and I know

I've said this already is I don't expect

that other people I mean you're gonna

come to faith with the same power and

passion that I have but for me if people

listening to my story and hearing me

talk about what I've lived through can

make them maybe think about how they

behave with people that they know with

cancer differently or lean in and help

them better or think about what they can

do to build their resilience muscle or

ultimately think about is there more

like what what isn't this life like why

am I here are you I mean ultimately you

know if I'm talking in corporate

language you know like my ultimate

optimum success would be that people

find God nutri through hearing my story

and then it kind of sparking a journey

of interest in themselves and kind of

wanting to to sort of know more and

understand more but I think there's

loads of other stuff that it could spark

for them as well so for me it's kind of

wanting to share the sadness of what's

happened to me to make people realize

they're you know there's so much life to

be lived and you've got so much more in

your tank than you ever know that you've

got until you have to be in a situation

where you're forced to use it so

yeah that's fascinating that's why you

were saying that Episode five Ashley

Nixon I think you're really really resin

L not I'm not trying to give you money

Felicity yeah he was a boxer yeah and he

found God yeah look I've shared it with

all of my it's incredible because that

one yeah okay like I said I mean I'm

here saying I don't necessarily believe

in God but that episode was so powerful

that I remember I mean I didn't put it

in the actual episode where I was

actually like screaming kind of like I

get it I get where you're kind of saying

you know how you see put in the church

and they're all like yeah yeah yeah yeah

I'm kind of getting that now with

yourself and I'm just thinking they're

encouraging I think not be a great

connection as well because I know he's

doing fantastic things I think he might

be up north now he's working yeah he's

not really on social media which but

he's just such a beautiful soul yeah

anything yeah what we're gonna do now

we're actually gonna just completely

flip the script

okay go into a segment of the show that

I just put in here just for a little bit

of fun and this is people obviously know

you now in terms of your story and

everything but I know there's also you

know just a little fashion stuff that

they could probably play from just

knowing so you ready yeah I'm ready okay

we're gonna go in three two one

okay what did you eat for breakfast

shreddies and granola the ability to fly

or be invisible be invisible money or

fame fame so I could impact people's

thoughts your proudest moment can I have

to both both of my boys face am i

achieve all those face of my boys your

favorite food

Oh chocolate Netflix our YouTube net

legs okay your number one goal this year

to publish my book to your coffee tea

your favorite sport oh gosh I don't have

a favorite sport to watch I'd probably

say tenants okay so you participate in

oh I don't really do sport I do I like

like sir

Jim can we call that a sports boys'll

why not there's no rules here fantastic

okay if you can sit with one person in

the world for an hour who would it be

Jesus your worst fear is a child Oh

probably something to do with snakes I

really don't like snakes they scare me

your favorite place in the world lake in

New Zealand South Island of New Zealand

sounds amazing speak our languages we'll

be able to speak to animals speak all

the languages if you could have punished

one thing in the world what would it be

poverty would you rather than on how you

would die or when you were they how or

when I probably say when because I think

the power of being able to say goodbye

is unbelievable and it's interesting

actually because I remember someone

asked me this question before George

died and I always just said I wouldn't

want to know I just want to be shot and

actually what I would say to people now

is it's just so unbelievably powerful

and to have the opportunity to say

goodbye and even though it's sad it's so

so healing to be able to do it say that

I think you know when you're gonna die

so you can prepare for it emotionally

financially is a huge blessing yeah

absolutely I think we're gonna leave it

there and I think that's it that's a

great that you said because I think with

death it's more the uncertainty and than

the shock of it that really just throws

people into a whole whirlwind yeah yeah

we're almost at the end of the show no

sadly just got two more things I want to

ask you and I think this would be an

interesting answer from yourself because

it's about reflection and I'm not used

to turn it easier how you wish you had

your perspective when George was around

so my my view is always the same

hindsight you know it's a wonderful

thing we can obviously learn ways where

we can get to places quicker easier with

less heartache but like yourself which

I'm sure you'll agree it teaches us so

many lessons yeah access to people that

we are so knowing exactly what you know

now if you could go back and take

yourself back to a younger Louise you

can choose whatever age you wish what

would you what would you whisper in your

younger selves is I'd whisper in my ear

you're loved

God is real he's for you he has a plan

for you he's with you and he wants you

to surrender to him in a way that only

is right for you I love that I think

obviously because your experience with

God knows if you were able to have that

then yeah yeah absolutely yeah

suddenly were actually at the last

question now and again this is a

question ask all of my guests I'm always

interested to kind of know how people

want to be remembered and I'm always

eager to get as many people to share

their stories as possible because at the

end of the day I truly believe nobody

really wants to be forgotten and I think

we've all got a story out there so if we

say in 150 years time science fails to

save us and all that is left is a book

and this book is by yourself and it's on

the table and you've got a I suppose

kind of make people want to pick it up

so what firstly would the title say and

secondly the blurb at the back of it

what would it tell us about yourself

well this is easy re because I'm right

looking I want to write more than one

book so the series the series of my book

would be called the wonderfulness of

life and which is actually a name that's

taken a lot of letter it's a name that's

taken from a letter that George wrote

and before he died reflecting on the

wonderfulness of life the first book

would be called he heard my cry and

that's the story that I've sort of told

in part today so if we take that first

book which is the book I'm hoping to

it's obviously kind of published this

year and that story is a true story

about love's exploding into my life a

moment when I was least expecting it and

you would maybe say that I was like

Bridget Jones meeting God tragic about

that backdrops and it's the tale of how

I was gifted a front-row seat to a

real-life miracle the tale of how I lost

the love of my life that gained the

greatest love we can all ever know and

it's a tale that I hope and wish will

impact the thinking of a generation wow

I love that

a real-life miracle yeah it's a

brilliant tagline just in relation to

your book and I'll keep jumping back to

this are you gonna be releasing an

audible version I haven't even got that

far that's a good idea

I'd like to yeah like I'm just being

selfish here because if I read pages

from a book I'm asleep within three

seconds so I listen to a lot of my stuff

i podcast and I would take that as a

sign are you amazing please do that I

think you're being credible and just

before you leave then I'd like to put in

the show notes obviously for people to

be able to contact you and then yeah

hopefully by them contacting you can

obviously keep them up to date with the

release of the novel but then I'd love

to get you back as well

closer to that release or after you've

released it as well because I just you

know this is an incredible inspiring

remarkable story I think you're

fascinating the way you've you just

found this bliss and I can hear it from

your voice all the way through because I

was expecting and I'm quite an emotional

person to get choked up during this

interview mm-hmm if anything you're

making me just I've just been smiling

just hearing it although there's a sad

element to the story it's just almost I

just feel I just feel happy for that so

if you caught my husband used to always

say say be sad but she was happy yeah he

always she's happy I love that yeah yeah

so if you could just give us where the

listeners can find yourself yeah I say

the best the best place to find me is

probably on Instagram so I'm on

Instagram as wonderful nurse underscore

of underscore life so it's wonderfulness

of life the two underscores I have got a

website that it's being built at the

moment and and yeah I'm also on Facebook

as Louise Bligh is but I post on

Facebook cause wonderfulness of life and

that's kind of my reflections on life I

suppose and the wonderfulness that we

find in in every day in everyday joy you

know so it's me talking about how I you

know I think it's an invitation to come

and see life through my eyes almost

certainly I didn't knew this afternoon

as well when I get back from my next

meeting I'll add that all in the show

knows and once

or website is sell and please do let me

know because what I can do is go back

into the show notes and edit it because

these episodes they get listened to all

sorts of weird and wonderful it's just

not it is www.hs wonderful nurse of life

calm I think computer I think that's it

my it's there there's a holding page

there and there's a picture of me it's

linked to my Instagram but it's not got

all the content on it at the moment but

if you put that on it is it will take it

will take you somewhere to me and you

can send me a message that I'll get on

that as well so fantastic ok so this has

actually been our first ever two-part

episode thank you thank you thank you

honestly thank you so much for sharing

your story I'm sure it's gonna resonate

with so many people it's been an

absolute pleasure for the listeners as

well thanks for listening oh you're so


and remember this podcast is absolutely

free so all we ask in return is for you

to share this with a friend and drop us

a five star review over on iTunes have

an awesome day

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