English Lessons London Teacher artwork

English Lessons London Teacher

59 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 2 years ago - ★★★★ - 30 ratings

Learn real London English with London teacher Jade.

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Confident English, English accent, informal lessons

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10 полезных советов, как самостоятельно выучить английский

February 25, 2022 11:48

Вам не обязательно ходить на уроки английского языка, чтобы улучшить и усовершенствовать свои навыки владения английским языком. Вот несколько стратегий и советов, которые помогут вам...

Английские предлоги – упражнения с ответами

February 25, 2022 08:28

Предлоги времени Задание 1. Заполните пропуски, где это необходимо, подходящими прeдлогами at, on, in. Пример: He works out … the morning every day. – He...

Нулевой артикль

February 11, 2022 07:42

Иногда мы не используем никакого артикля вообще. Нулевой артикль, или отсутствие артикля, нужен, когда нужно поставить неопределенный артикль, но это невозможно: если существительное является неисчисляемым...

Артикли с именами собственными

February 10, 2022 08:43

the без артикля Имена собственные целая семья, параthe Addams (= the Addams family) имя, прозвище,имя с титуломWilliam Shakespear, Bono, Kennedy, Mrs Smith, Doctor Martin Города...

Each и every – какая разница

February 02, 2022 11:15

Each и every – это синонимы, и оба они означают “все”. Однако эти два слова имеют немного разное значение и употребление. Each Если мы говорим...

Each и every – какая разницаnullnullnull

February 02, 2022 11:15

Each и every – это синонимы, и оба они означают “все”. Однако эти два слова имеют немного разное значение и употребление. Each Если мы говорим...

Both, neither, either – Какая разница?

February 02, 2022 10:50

Мы используем both/neither/either когда говорим о двух вещах. Представьте, что вы выбираете, какой смартфон купить, и рассматриваете два варианта (A и B). Вы говорите: “Both...

a lot, many и much – какая разница?

February 02, 2022 09:57

Как выбрать между a lot, many и much Эти три слова имеют одинаковое значение, но разное употребление. Какое слово использовать, зависит от двух факторов: от...

A little, little, a few, few – Какая разница?

February 02, 2022 09:41

” A little” и “a few” означают не много/много, а несколько.“Little” и “few” означают почти нет, близко к нулю. Когда мы используем ” little” и...

Though, tough, through, thought, thorough – Какая разница?

February 02, 2022 09:21

Эти пять слов часто путают, неправильно пишут и произносят. Мы советуем изучить их по одному, а затем выполнить ряд упражнений для практики. though /ðəʊ/ —...

Упражнение на предлоги (с ответами)

January 24, 2022 10:21

1. Don’t make a such a bother ………………….. which dress to wear. over about with 2. The ship sank ……………………. the bottom. in at to...

23 способа сказать “до свидания” по-английски | синонимы Goodbye

January 24, 2022 09:59

Как сказать “до свидания” на английском языке! Список других вариантов прощания на английском языке с примерами. Выучите эти синонимы goodbye, чтобы улучшить и расширить свой...


January 11, 2022 10:04

Хотите расширить свой словарный запас в разговорном английском? Это руководство поможет вам улучшить вашу светскую речь, чтобы вам было легче начинать разговор на английском языке....

Множественное число существительных: Правила и примеры

January 11, 2022 09:41

Большинство существительных единственного числа образуют множественное число, просто поставив в конце букву -s. Существует множество различных правил образования множественного числа в зависимости от того, на...

Past Simple по Гарри Поттеру

January 11, 2022 09:23

В этом рабочем листе вы найдете параграф (связанный с историей Гарри Поттера), который нужно закончить, используя правильную форму глаголов в простом прошедшем времени (Past Simple)...

10 легких детских книг для изучения английского языка

January 11, 2022 09:16

Дети, кажется, получают удовольствие практически от всего… …даже от чтения! Но, вероятно, они так любят книги, потому что детские произведения очень увлекательно (весело) читать. К...

Список лучших сериалов для изучения английского языка: от ситкомов до драм

December 29, 2021 12:44

Мы часто говорим о том, как важно смотреть фильмы без субтитров, чтобы максимально улучшить восприятие речи на слух и расширить словарный запас. Американские ученые пришли...

Разница между Some и Any

December 29, 2021 10:58

Some и any – это два количественных определителя, которые часто используются, когда точное количество вещей или их количество неизвестно или не имеет значения. Some относится к...

Как образовываются наречия в английском языке

December 29, 2021 10:11

Наречия – очень распространенная часть речи, и многие из них образованы от прилагательных. В данной публикации мы расскажем о том, как именно образуются такие наречия....

Упражнения “Страдательный (пассивный) залог настоящего времени” (с ответами)

July 06, 2020 08:16

1. Поставьте глагол в форму пассивного залога настоящего времени. French … (speak) in many countries of the world. (На французском говорят во многих странах мира.)...

Упражнения “Модальный глагол be to” (с ответами)

July 06, 2020 08:12

1. Переведите предложения и определите значение модального глагола (долженствование согласно плану, несостоявшаяся договоренность, строгий приказ или строгий запрет). You are to stay at the table...

Упражнения “Причастие I и II” (с ответами)

July 06, 2020 08:10

1. Напишите следующие глаголы в форме причастий.                 Причастие I           Перфектное причастие I  ...

Упражнения “Порядок слов в предложениях” (Word order)

July 06, 2020 08:08

1. Расставьте слова в предложениях по порядку. usually / at 10 o’clock / out of the garage / in the morning / drives / his...

Упражнения “Сравнение времен Present Perfect – Present Perfect Continuous” (с ответами)

July 06, 2020 08:06

1. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в необходимую форму. It’s still snowing. It … (snow) for hours. (Все еще идет снег. Он идет много часов.) Steve...

Упражнения “Сравнение времен Past Simple – Past Continuous” (с ответами)

July 06, 2020 07:44

1. Составьте из данных слов предложения, используя Past Simple и Past Continuous. Н-р:   The police – come – while – I – have – lunch....

Упражнения “Сравнение времен Past Simple – Present Perfect” (с ответами)

July 06, 2020 07:42

1. Выберите правильный вариант глагола из скобок и переведите разговор. – … (Have you ever been/Did you ever go) to England? – Yes, I …...

Упражнения “Сравнение времен Present Simple – Present Continuous” (с ответами)

July 06, 2020 07:23

1. Выберите из скобок глагол в правильной форме. Переведите предложения. He … (works/is working) for a big insurance company. Water always … (boils/is boiling) at...

Упражнения “Герундий и инфинитив” (с ответами)

July 04, 2020 22:55

1. Выберите из скобок герундий или  инфинитив. I am planning … (to visit/visiting) my granny next week. (Я планирую навестить бабулю на следующей неделе.) When...

Упражнения “Настоящее совершенное продолженное время Present Perfect Continuous” (с ответами)

July 04, 2020 22:54

1. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму Present Perfect Continuous. The vegetables … (boil) since 10 o’clock. (Овощи варятся с 10 часов.) He … (wait)...

5 Opportunities to Use the Present Perfect Tense

April 24, 2013 21:25

For many people, the present perfect tense is confusing. In this post I tell you 5 opportunities for you to use the present perfect in your speech. There are also example sentences to show how we use this tense. One way to try and get this tense active in your speech is to think up your own example sentences as you read the examples.   # 1 Talking about holidays in general I have been to France. She has been to ...

Talking About my Voice – Speaking Slowly

March 14, 2013 13:32

A common thread in the comment section of my videos is my voice – more specifically  people want to know if I speak slowly just for the videos. In this video I talk about the way I speak and the impacts of speaking slowly.

Sunday Hangout – Verbs that Take -ing From

March 11, 2013 13:35

Today we’re learning a new grammatical structure. It’s called the -ing form and only some verbs use it. For example, ‘I am thinking of learning French’. Find out how to use this structure in my Sunday Hangout where I was joined by students from all over the world.

Confused about Using ‘to’ and ‘too’

March 11, 2013 13:31

A simple explanation of when to use ‘to’ and when to use ‘too’ when speaking English. Although these short words sound pretty much the same when we say them in speech, the rules of spelling ‘to’ or ‘too’ can sometimes be confusing for learners of English, and even native speakers. I explain the difference in meaning so next time you write an email in English, you won’t have to waste time worrying about whether you’ve written ‘to’ correctly or not. ...

Will Reading Classic Literature Help my English?

March 11, 2013 13:27

This video is a response to a subscriber question – ‘Do I have to read classic literature to improve my English?’ I discuss the pros and cons of reading classic literature to develop your English. A lot of teachers recommend reading as much as possible to expand your vocabulary in English. I give my own opinion, and explain when it is useful to read in order to develop your English.

3 Verbs that use the -ing form

March 11, 2013 13:23

Many learners of English either don’t know how to use verbs with -ing or they find it very confusing to use properly. In this video I explain how to use three verbs that take the -ing form in a way that’s really simple for you to learn. All you need to do is practice saying the verbs in a couple of sentences and that way you’ll never make this common mistake again.

100 worst Mistakes – plurals and numbers

March 04, 2013 19:50

For today’s mistake, we’re going back to basics. We’re talking about numbers – well, you learnt numbers when you started learning English – but this mistake, you might have missed. And this one is using plurals, or not using plurals, when we use large numbers. Watch the video to find out. Which one is right? There are 6 millions of people in London. There are 6 million people in London.

When you Can’t Remember a word – Mistake 97

February 25, 2013 07:01

What phrase do you say when you can’t remember a word in English? It might not be grammatically correct. It’s important to make sure the phrase you use is proper English because you use it all the time. Don’t make this silly mistake, which makes your English seem awful.

Sunday Hangout – He said… Reported Speech

February 24, 2013 11:53

We use reported speech all the time in conversation whenever we need to say what somebody said. It is different to reported speech, which uses ‘speech marks’. In this video we practise using reported speech in conversation.

Fun Sunday Hangout – 24th February

February 22, 2013 11:01

You are invited to a free English speaking session on Sunday 24h February at 10am GMT You need a quiet room and good internet to take part. If you have bad internet, you can try to join without using your camera. However, if it sounds bad you can’t stay. We will be doing fun speaking role plays. We will speak English in different situations – you use your imagination – it’s going to be fun!  Sunday February 24th February 10am ...

100 Worst Mistakes – Confidence

February 21, 2013 21:40

Learning a language has a lot to do with confidence. People who succeed at learning English have a confident attitude. Here I share a tip that will help you to become more confident when you’re speaking English. Please like if you want more videos about confidence speaking English

Practical Ways to Boost your Confidence Speaking English

February 18, 2013 14:06 - 5 MB

There are no listening questions today but you can view and print the full transcript here. Speaking a second language is not easy. No matter what your level of English is – whether you are a beginner or you have been speaking English for many years – you may have confidence problems when speaking English. That’s because speaking a different language is difficult. You may also worry about saying the wrong thing and appearing stupid. For many people, their problem ...

Follow your Dream

February 18, 2013 10:10

Ever thought about changing your life and moving to a new country? I share Silvia’s inspiring story with you. Well done Silvia for getting your dream job and I wish you luck for your new adventure in London.

100 Worst Mistakes English – Stative Verbs of the Senses

February 14, 2013 08:11

Stative verbs are a special group of verbs in English that we can’t use in the continuous tenses. Check out this video so you don’t use verbs of the senses – to see, to hear, to touch, to taste, to feel incorrectly.

100 Worst Mistakes English – Number 100

February 12, 2013 07:35

In this video I talk about a very common mistake that is made with the modal verb ‘must’. Take a moment to watch this video so you don’t ever make this silly mistake ever again that makes your English look bad:

Introducing my New Video Series – English Mistakes

February 11, 2013 21:34

Ever wondered what the worst and most common mistakes in English are? Watch my new video series to find out. Videos include grammar mistakes and pronunciation mistakes. Stop making stupid mistakes now and take your English to the next level.

Going to the Doctor’s Speaking Roleplays

February 10, 2013 16:54

Here’s a video of a Sunday Hangout I did on Going to the Doctors. We do fun speaking roleplays about visiting the doctor for a medical problem. Learn useful phrases to use at the doctor’s surgery and learn the vocabulary of common illnesses in English. If you would like to join a future hangout, take a moment to ‘like’ my Facebook page where I post my hangout invitations

Fun Sunday Hangout February 10th

February 09, 2013 06:59

You are invited to a free English speaking session on Sunday 10th of February. We will be doing fun speaking role plays. We will speak English in different situations – you use your imagination – it’s going to be fun!  Sunday February 10th at 10am GMT It is a chance for you to speak English in a group, while practising your listening skills. The first 9 people to join the Google Hangout get to take part in the talk

The Secret of Getting Good Grades at School

February 07, 2013 17:40 - 6.92 MB

In today’s show I talk about the secret to getting good grades at school. I give you some advice to make your years at school happier and more successful. Read the full transcript, questions, and answers here. ——— Most people think that to be successful at school, to get the best grades, you have to be smart. The truth is that being clever is just a very small part of what makes somebody successful at school. In fact, do ...

How to Get a First Class Degree

January 27, 2013 13:43 - 7.99 MB

English listening practice about how to get a First Class degree from a UK university. For vocabulary, questions, and vocabulary notes see the PDF transcript. ——————-See the transcript for today’s true or false statements about the talk I really did love my years at university. They were carefree years, without worries, and yes, they were fun years too. But what I really loved about university was studying a subject in depth. Feeling my knowledge of a subject grow and grow. Formulating, dev...

Very Common Mistake, Talking About Meat

January 24, 2013 11:54

Learn to say the different kinds of meat correctly.. And learn an important scientific fact!