Previous Episode: Surviving the Holidays

“Your body hears everything that your mind says,” – Naomi Judd.

Are you a victim of negative self-talk, and it is limiting your potential? How often has that inner voice told you that you weren’t good enough or you didn’t deserve something? Isn’t time to take back control and begin to reframe those thoughts so you can achieve all your goals and dreams? 

In episode 5, Take a Seat Inner Critic, Elaina and Tracy discussed the various ways to deal with your inner critic to avoid thinking negatively of yourself and to stop limiting your potential. They explored negative self-talk. And how we can be able to control and silence our inner critics as well as look at some ways that we can overcome the negative self-talk and continue to live up to our potential rather than limiting our potential.

The inner negative talk creates self-doubt, the self-loathing. It’s rooted in anxiety. It creates these beliefs within us that we are not able to achieve our goals. Where we can work on something and never feel like we can finish, and even when finished, we still feel like it’s not good enough. 

The inner self-critic can lead to us having the desire, perception, or setting perfection as a goal. We have to retrain ourselves to understand better that there’s no such thing. That’s that inner self-critic, and it can take us down this path, and the results of that can be, you have anxiety, which can lead to depression, your self-esteem is lowered. It limits our thinking.

When our thinking is limited, then we’re limiting our potential cause we’re not allowing ourselves to take that risk to get outside of our comfort zone and to look beyond what we think we’re capable of because we’re limiting our abilities by allowing that negative self-talk to take over. 

Elaina highlighted when you think about being able to overcome the negative self-talk, like everything else, it’s a process because, for a lot of us, that inner critic has been beating us down for years. 

Elaina suggested that another way is to be intentional. So, when we talked with the Hope Warrior Project, they talked a lot about being intentional. And so I walked away from that thinking how could I be intentional. 

We all have this inner critic and sometimes they just run amok, and it puts us in a situation where we start to believe, we tell ourselves that we can’t, if we tell ourselves that we’re not worthy, we tell ourselves that we’re not good at something, then guess what? That’s what we become.

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