Have you been procrastinating going to therapy? Maybe you are in a place where you’re struggling: you’re burnt-out, overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, or all of the above… and you know therapy might help, but you just haven’t taken the leap. It feels hard to take that first step and there are so many fears that arise and rationalizations that make it easier for you to put off. Many people wait weeks, months, or even years before taking the leap—OR until it gets so bad they absolutely have to. If you think therapy might help but have been too afraid to take the leap, this episode is for you.


In this episode, you will learn:

The negative impacts of avoiding therapy when things are difficult How to effectively address the reasons you are probably avoiding therapy so you can feel empowered to take the leap Therapist-approved resources to help you find a therapist, along with some alternatives to therapy


👩🏼‍⚕️ Therapy Resources:

Open Path Collective (affordable therapy): https://openpathcollective.org/

Inclusive Therapists: https://www.inclusivetherapists.com/locations

Psychology Today Directory: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists

Therapy Den Directory: https://www.therapyden.com/

Neurodivergent Therapists: https://ndtherapists.com/

Mental Health Match: https://mentalhealthmatch.com/search/start?zip=

Therapy for Latinx: http://www.therapyforlatinx.com/

Asian Mental Health Collective: https://www.asianmhc.org/

Therapy for Black Girls: https://providers.therapyforblackgirls.com/

Therapy for Black Men: https://therapyforblackmen.org/therapists/

Do you need therapy or coaching? https://www.becalmwithtati.com/therapy-or-coaching/



Calmly Coping is a self-improvement podcast for high achievers who struggle with high-functioning anxiety to help you feel more calm, balanced, and confident from within.



WORK WITH ME: My mission is to help you decrease your anxiety, declutter your mind, and say hello to a life of calm and balance.  Learn more about my coaching, therapy, and course offerings here: https://becalmwithtati.com/work-with-me


JOIN THE CALMLY COPING GROUP: The free supportive community for high-achievers with high-functioning anxiety. Join Today: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CalmlyCoping





Mindfulness Meditation App*: https://mindfulnesscom-partner-program.pxf.io/x97kyd

Todoist To-Do List App*: https://get.todoist.io/8e7o0ay8n081



Website: https://becalmwithtati.com/

Instagram: https://instagram.com/tatianaglpc

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tatianaglpc/

Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/tatianaglpc


INTRO/OUTRO MUSIC: Rescue Me (Instrumental) by Aussens@iter (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/tobias_weber/57990 Ft: Copperhead



All content here is for informational purposes only. This content does not replace the professional judgment of your own mental health provider. Please consult a licensed mental health professional for all individual questions and issues.

*Links included in these show notes may be affiliate links. This means that I may earn a small commission for purchases made using these links (at no additional cost to you). All products that I share are products I use, love, and recommend.