Previous Episode: "Maybe she was born with it"
Next Episode: CHALLENGE for CHANGE

No this isn't a "woo wooey" change your mindset, change your life type of podcast episode. There is SO MUCH more to changing your reality than just your mindset, but I am a firm believer your mindset is the most powerful tool you have.


Your external environment will only be as rich, fulfilled and driven as your internal environment. You can affirm where your at is not where you want to go but you have to do it in a positive way. Realize you are not the victim, life is not working against you, you just have some work to do in order to get to where you want to go.

First stop: deciding what thoughts you allow and what thoughts you are going to exchange.

What you water, grows taller. Choose to water the thoughts are going to uplift and support you.

IG: @michaela_robertson_

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