Are you with #challengeforchange starting TODAY?

Staying in your comfort zone is where dreams fizzle & die, put politely. It's not going to help you create the change for the life you want. 

& the longer you hold out/wait how many opporunties/moments do you miss

Asking yourself:

Why am I CRAVING this change?

Who am I going to be on the other side of my comfort zone?

Find people that live one step ahead of you. An environment that is constantly pushing you.

It’s not an external race, its an INTERNAL race. Get rid of the scarcity mindset and realize there IS enough for you. 


What can you do, TODAY, to challenge yourself for change? It all starts with a choice. 

Check out last weeks episode: Change the CAUSE, not the EFFECT to learn how to create a better internal environment.

IG: @michaela_robertson_

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Struggling with meal prep for 12 hour shifts + a busy life? Snag my fool proof step by step process and meal plan template HERE

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