... but so were YOU. It's easy to sit in admiration of what others are doing and think "that could never be me" but when you realize that success doesn't get handed to ANYBODY on a silver platter, instead it's a direct reflection of hard work & dedication those who are willing, put in.

She wasn't born with it, she's not at an advantage, she's not one step ahead of you -- it's time to step out of dimming your own light and IN TO creating the life for yourself using your ultimate superpower, YOU. 


I am a firm believer that you listening, are unique, worthy and capable of everything you want in this life. You just have to put in the work to get there. 


In todays episode I hope to inspire you to shift the lens of "dang she just got lucky" to "I am worthy of everything I desire and more" because YOU, are.  Get curious about where you're going & quit comparing yourself to others. 



IG: @michaela_robertson_

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