On today’s special bonus episode of the podcast, I will guide you through a cord-cutting meditation practice. Regularly practicing cord-cutting meditation can improve the lives of those struggling with complex trauma and emotion dysregulation that occurs in conditions like c-PTSD and borderline personality disorder.

We are all attached with energetic cords in some way or another. Being energetically attached to someone you love and care about, family ties or long-term friendships, whether they be loving and supportive or challenging is part of the game. But what if you have someone that has come into your life as part of your soul family to teach you self-love through challenge and hurt? The damage has been done, but you just can’t seem to get them off your mind, stop loving them, stop hating them or just stop the ruminating thoughts that destroy any chance at gaining peace of mind. Energy should energize us, not exhaust us. People with BPD and c-PTSD often feel heavy with our negative emotions and sensations. This is when a cord cutting meditation can be a useful aid in reconnecting to our center.

As we go through life, we form attachments to people and things. When those connections feel negative or cause us suffering, cutting “energy cords” can help restore us and make room for more clarity and peace in our lives. We form attachments, physical and emotional, in many ways. Attachments bind us to people, ideas, and things. Energy actively shifts within us every time we experience an emotion related to these bonds. This phenomenon can be detected in the brain.

“Cords” can be positive or negative. Positive “cords” can lace our energy with respect, excitement, courage, and power. Negative cords are easy to detect as we often experience physical symptoms of discomfort due to these lingering connections. This can result in feeling like you have “a pit in your stomach”. You may even experience physical sickness: nausea, indigestion, loss of breath, or emotional flashbacks.

It’s important to realize that this practice isn’t always about negative cords. We make so many connections in our lives that we can also become overloaded. Just as plants with wild branches extending in every direction sometimes need pruning to continue to grow, we need to tend our positive energy ties. A cord may have nurtured an important part of our growth, but we need to trim its tight grip on our thoughts and identities to move forward in our lives.

 Cord cutting meditation practice has helped me open to receiving and giving love again – I hope it can do the same for you.

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