Gen Z is considered to be “the most depressed generation:. 91% of Gen Z reported experiencing psychological symptoms due to stress. According to a study by Western Governors University in 2019, only 45% of Gen Z believe their mental health is good, 11% lower than the millennial generation. The Pew Research Center found that 70% of teens believe that depression and anxiety are significant problems amongst their peers. In today’s podcast episode, I sit down with Adam Sweet to discuss his viral YouTube video “Why Is Gen Z Humor So Weird?” As a member of Gen Z himself, Adam provides further context and lived experience as we explore why members of “iGen” statistically have more mental health problems than any other generation before them. 

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■ Adam explains what inspired him to create his viral YouTube video about Gen-Z humor

■ The original of “depressed humor” and how it may have started with Millennials

■ Who is Generation Z (Gen-Z) – exploring the characteristics of this generation of digital natives

■ Social media addiction and the impact needing to be “always online” is having on this generation’s ability to socialize in person

■ The state of Gen Z mental health in 2021 (digging into the more recent troubling statistics and research)

■ Adam’s experience with sudden-onset panic attacks and his experience with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

■ The suppressed emotions and repressed fear behind becoming an adult in the middle of a pandemic

■ Social media as a distraction from real life (overstimulation and the impact of consuming too much media)

■ TikTok addiction (Adam details when he realized he was addicted and the negative impact the app had on his life)

■ How extreme perfectionism is driving Gen Z and Millennials to depression

■ The negative impact of “over-parenting” (how parentification and emotional incest is contributing to the Gen Z mental health crisis)

■ Understanding the existentialism behind Gen Z humor

■ The “covert” nature of Gen Z rebellion

■ How the current social media climate is creating a “me-focused” culture (understanding “main character syndrome”)

■ Instagram’s negative impact on body image

■ How eliminating background noise and creating time for silence in our day can reconnect us to our creativity 

■ How we can create a healthier relationship with social media and prioritize our mental health (how to identify bad social media habits and create better ones)



“Why Is Gen-Z Humor So Weird?”






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