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In this episode Sarah and Nicole discuss:

2.00 What is functional medicine?

5.55 How did Nicole get in to functional medicine and nutrition?

7.55 What conditions do patients go to Nicole with?

12.20 Do nutritionists judge you for what you eat?

13.05 Why educating people about health is so important

15.40 What do nutritionists eat?

17.40 How to find balance and be social without feeling guilty

18.30 How is the gut linked to the brain?

21.30 The gut and anxiety

26.10 What nutrients can help with anxiety?

34.20 What foods can help with depression?

35.35 How is sleep beneficial for mental health?

39.30 How many fruits and vegetables do we need to eat in a day?

50.38 How can you find Nicole online?

53.00 What 5 things can you do to improve your nutrition today?


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This episode was written and presented by Sarah Rees. It was edited by Big Tent Media and Produced  by Emily Crosby Media.