Success leaves clues, so instead of feeling frustrated with where you are, follow the lead of those that have achieved success and are willing to share how they got there. Nicky Billou is passionate about helping others becomes champions by getting out of their comfort mindset and embodying the characteristics of what it takes to be successful. It doesn’t have to be overly complicated, you just have to stop letting excuses get in the way and not be afraid to reach out for guidance if you need it.

Nicky Billou was born in Iran to Christian parents and has lived in 5 countries on 3 continents. Nicky is a prodigious reader, having read over 3000 books, and having written several books himself. Nicky’s writing encompasses many genres, including children's books, poetry, fitness and health, self-help, and fiction. Nicky Billou has worked with Olympic Gold medalists and a Guinness World Record holder, and he took the principles of how to think and win like a champion to the business world. He has helped CEOs, entrepreneurs, and professional salespeople amp up their performance, with a focus on accountability. 

In this episode of Alison Answers Mission Awake, Nicky shares his story of immigrating to Canada from Iran and why he is such a passionate advocate for freedom. Nicky breaks down the 4 main characteristics of successful people, and how working with a coach can be the major key to reaching the next level of whatever it is you are looking to achieve. Whether it is bettering your health, fitness, or leveling up your business, there are people out there that know what it takes to get where you want to go and can illuminate the way. Tune in for more!

Key highlights:

Why Nicky is such a passionate advocate for freedomThe problems a lot of entrepreneurs face How Nicky helped a client 10x her business4 characteristics of successful peopleWhy you should invest 10% of your income into yourselfGetting out of the comfort mindsetHow to schedule a free 45-minute call with Nicky

Connect with Nicky Billou:


LinkedIn: Nicky Billou

Instagram: @nickybillou

Books by Nicky Billou

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