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Hey Momma! As brand new mommas AND seasoned mommas, we all tend to put the love and care for ourselves on the "backburner". We give love and we care for EVERYONE else in our lives and take care of ALL THE THINGS, all the while ignoring our own needs. Well, it's time for us to NORMALIZE SELF-LOVE AND SELF-CARE so that we can not only show up as the best mommas we can be, but also so we can become the healthy, happy, and fulfilled version of ourselves that we desire! I'm diving into all things self-love and self-care this episode because you deserve the joy and love you desire...and there's more to it than a pedicure or spa day. Let's dive in...happy listening!!!

Topics this episode:

-What is self-love?
-What is self-care?
-The deeper role they play in our lives
-How guilt plays a role
-How to incorporate self-love/care into your life now

If you are ready to begin implementing more self-love/care into your life, connect more with who you are, and are ready to establish boundaries, have a daily routine, and connect more with your program Re-Connect begins April 10th and I would love for you to join! DM me on Instagram or Facebook to join!

I also have Emotional Healing Sessions available that will help you to get to the ROOT of your emotions, beliefs, and experiences that have been holding you back so you can release and heal in order to step into who you desire to be.  DM me on Instagram or Facebook for inquiries and bookings, or book here.

I hope you loved this episode, if you did share it with a momma that you know would love it too and don't forget to hit the subscribe button. Thank you so much for watching and remember you are POWERFUL, you are WORTHY, you are ENOUGH, and you are doing an AMAZING JOB!

Connect with me:
Instagram: @msreneseyvette
Clubhouse: @reneseyvette
Clubhouse Club: The Abundantly Empowered Mommas Club
Facebook: Renese Yvette

I hope you loved this episode! Please screenshot and post in your stories or DM me with any questions or comments you have on Instagram, and don't forget to hit that FOLLOW button or leave some love with a rating/review wherever you listen to your podcasts. Thank you so much for listening...and remember you are doing the best you can with what you have, and THAT is more than enough.



Connect with me:

Website: reneseyvette
Instagram: @msreneseyvette
Tik Tok: @renese_yvette
Facebook: Renese Yvette