Latest Natural fitness Podcast Episodes

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Be Your Own Doctor podcast

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - June 11, 2022 22:00 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
I know that I have written and spoken about this before.  BUT, it’s been awhile, and it needs repeating since it is usually ignored: MOST of what you get from the standard medical clinics and doctors is untrue.  MOST! The information they give you is self-serving, and mostly misleading. For in...

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Save time by working out Twice per day podcast!

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - May 16, 2022 23:00 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
I know, working out twice per day sure doesn’t sound like a way to save time…But bear with me.  This scheme has been working wonderfully well for me for months now. Months ago, I started incorporating Ben Patrick’s ‘Knees Over Toes’ exercises into my routine.  If you haven’t started doing his r...

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Drop Acid with Me!

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - March 31, 2022 21:00 - 12 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
Drop Acid is the clever title of a new book by David Perlmutter, neurologist.  This is a ground-breaking book, with new knowledge of the importance of uric acid in your life.  And believe me: even if you’ve never heard of uric acid, or more commonly only see its importance in the relationship it...

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The Paleo diet is Dead- Long Live the Paleo diet!

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - February 04, 2022 00:00 - 16 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
Ok- the paleo diet was ground breaking in every way!  It was actually started by a man named Walter Voegtlin, who was a gastroenterologist.  He called it the ‘Stone Age Diet’, a diet that eliminated most all foods that came after the agricultural revolution approximately 10,000 years ago. After...

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Retiring? Here’s Your REAL Job!

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - January 06, 2022 19:00 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
So you are anticipating retirement?  Great- I did too for a long time, and I have good news for you: it can be wonderful!  Fulfilling, satisfying, and a long sight better than working a 9-5 job endlessly.  I have been retired now for 6 years, and am 69 years old and happier (and healthier) than ...

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Find your Own Homeland

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - December 23, 2021 23:00 - 16 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
When I suggest that you find your own homeland, I mean that you should not live in the same area in which you were born and grew up- unless that area is a rural, or small town conservative kind of place. Also, if you live in a solid blue, authoritarian state like Illinois, California, or New Yor...

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1970’s Science in the Doctor’s Office

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - November 17, 2021 22:00 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
If you are one of those people who run to the clinic to see a doctor for any little ailment, or just to get endless check ups to make sure you are all right; well, you are doing it all wrong my friend!  No offense, but medical interventions are usually the cause of more harm than good. Iatrogen...

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1970’s Science in the Doctor’s Office

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - November 17, 2021 22:00 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
If you are one of those people who run to the clinic to see a doctor for any little ailment, or just to get endless check ups to make sure you are all right; well, you are doing it all wrong my friend!  No offense, but medical interventions are usually the cause of more harm than good. Iatrogen...

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Bulletproof Your Body and Mind

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - October 11, 2021 23:00 - 15 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
I am 69 years old.  I mention this because it explains where I am at, and I want to discuss how priorities change over the years.  Not completely, but what is most important to you at age 20 or so is not the same as what you value most at age 40, 50, 60, or even (gulp) 70! Some things do stay t...

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Knees Over Toes Guy Inspires Workout Add-Ons

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - September 20, 2021 00:00 - 15 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
Ben Patrick, the Knees Over Toes Guy is a force to be reckoned with!   I have found, lo over these many years of seeking and discovering fitness and health, that certain pivotal figures tend to pop up as you go.  Frank Zane, body builder of the 60’s and 70’s along wi...

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Sports are not Exercise!

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - August 19, 2021 23:00 - 13 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
I kind of hate to rain on anyone’s parade, particularly those who believe in the benefits of exercise!  But the thing it this: exercise is something that improves one’s body, something that makes you better physically.  Makes you stronger, more flexible, and/or more enduring.  That is the whole ...

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Make Your LIFE Your Vacation podcast

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - July 20, 2021 00:00 - 12 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
So very many people (most probably) look at their periodic vacations as being the  most valued part of their life.  The ONE thing that they focus on, and that is the most valuable part of their lives! They travel overseas, they go to white sand beaches and stay in fancy hotels and dine in amazi...

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Forget Cardio!

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - June 21, 2021 22:00 - 11 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings The truth is definitely in: the whole fiasco of Ken Cooper’s Aerobics mania is dead.  Along with the high fat diet is the worst,  and the even earlier notion of  ‘better living through chemistry’ which promoted the noxious idea that drugs could not only prolong our lives...

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Stretching, Virtual Resistance- and Then Strength! podcast

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - May 24, 2021 21:00 - 12 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
I try to keep you all updated as to what I learn along this paleo journey.  Sometimes, as in anything increased experience and research results in slight changes on the path.  This doesn’t mean the path itself is invalid; it simply means that constant attention reveals small changes may be desir...

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Buy Bitcoin or DIE!

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - May 03, 2021 23:00 - 12 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
Now, you know I am using a bit of hyperbole here, right?  You won’t necessarily die- but you will definitely regret not doing so, and I mean really, really, really regret it! Remember prices in the 1950’s or 60’s, when gasoline was 19 cents or so, and candy bars were a nickel?  And prices of ev...

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Perilous Times in the West on Paleojay’s Smoothie Cafe

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - April 15, 2021 23:00 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
It’s kind of sad to reach the autumn of your years, only to realize that the civilization you were reared in- Western Civilization- the most vital and successful civilization of all time, is foundering!   Now, I don’t mean that it is failing, but it is in crisis.  Just as ancient Greece, and th...

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EZ Paleo

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - March 28, 2021 21:00 - 12 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
If you’ve been following the paleo diet and lifestyle for any length of time, you know that there are certain things that are taken as irrefutable gospel: Never eat grains because of gluten and gliaden, also too much (bad- fake) salt and all of the preservatives and glycogen that is sprayed on ...

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Be a Lord of the Rings

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - February 25, 2021 23:00 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
In these strange times, when so much seems to be falling apart and in endless flux, it is time to focus on the self.  Even when there is little you can accomplish in the realm of politics, including the collapse of the cities and schools, law and order and endless reckless spending- you can work...

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Bitcoin is Paleo Tribal Money on PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - February 12, 2021 21:00 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
In returning to an approximation of the paleolithic world in modern times, of course the first thing is to eat and otherwise conduct ourselves in accordance with our evolutionary heritage.  Move naturally, and often to build our bodies as did our ancestors for millennia, sleep according to our c...

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Be a Good Paleo Tribal Member- Not a Useful Idiot Globalist Democrat

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - January 27, 2021 22:00 - 13 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
We are living in strange times, where someone who is for free speech, and for the enhancement of their own tribe and group, and for things like truth and justice is painted as evil!  A white supremacist if you desire crime enforcement, a hater if you support property rights, and a liar if you su...

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Be the ideal YOU!

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - January 04, 2021 22:00 - 16 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
I’ve kind of racked my paleolithic brain to come up with a theme for the new decade, and have decided that if I, and you all live up to our potential- fully, not kind of just sluffing along half-heartedly- we will save not only ourselves and our families, but all of western civilization! So her...

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Your Tribe is More Important than YOU!

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - November 25, 2020 00:00 - 10 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
We live in a world where we all aspire to be #1!  The best in our category: our line of work, best looking, most successful, the most wonderful person that ever lived.  Popular and sought after!  That’s what matters! I’m here to tell you that no, that is not a worthy goal.  None of it is, not a...

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Your Tribe is More Important than YOU!

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - November 25, 2020 00:00 - 10 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
We live in a world where we all aspire to be #1!  The best in our category: our line of work, best looking, most successful, the most wonderful person that ever lived.  Popular and sought after!  That’s what matters! I’m here to tell you that no, that is not a worthy goal.  None of it is, not a...

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The Key to Health, Wellness, and Fitness on PJSC

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - November 12, 2020 23:00 - 10 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
It’s really rather simple, becoming or staying fit and healthy: consistency!  Not herculean efforts that leave you drained done sporadically, or plugging away, jogging and walking for endless distances.  Neither is natural, or desirable. The best strategy to life, as well as strength, health, a...

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It's Not Racism- It's IQ

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - November 02, 2020 22:00 - 8 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
Lately in the United States, and throughout the western world, the primary problem being focussed on is white racism.  This malady we supposedly possess en masse, even if we deny it or don’t know it, explains everything!  It tells us that all of the massive dysfunction, wildly out-of-proportion ...

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Oxalates and Migrants: a Metaphor on PJSC podcast

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - October 18, 2020 22:00 - 12 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
As illegal, unwanted migrants swarm across our borders, we can compare what happens to our country and civilization with what happens within our own bodies by bad interlopers.  Just as our country has been being invaded for decades by demographically dissimilar to us peoples, destroying and over...

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The Carnivore Diet

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - October 01, 2020 00:00 - 12 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
I just finished reading Paul Saladino’s well researched book The Carnivore Code.  This is not an ‘easy read’ type of book, and that is just as well, since he goes into great detail on all of the why’s and wherefores of following the ultimate no carb diet.   The reading is not easy or simple, sin...

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Big Cities are Fatally Flawed on PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - September 09, 2020 23:00 - 13 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
We now live in a time when all of our major cities are failing. We panic, wondering what is now different: why, oh why are New York city, Chicago, Detroit of course all failing, all such abhorrent places of crime, violence and mayhem? All bankrupt, and all being run by horrible governments that ...

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Religion is in our DNA podcast

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - August 26, 2020 23:00 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
It’s strange: as paleo people, we believe that our diet evolved along with us, making us what we are.  For instance, there has never, ever, been a vegetarian or vegan tribe or culture. Humans have always eaten animal products, some more than others, but ALL rely on the amazing nutrition in anim...

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A Barbarian in Chicago- Part 1- The Northwoods on PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe

PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe - August 16, 2020 23:00 - 55 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings Xero Shoes will fix your feet! Like a suspension bridge, your feet are a complex array of interlocking muscles and tendons, working Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate li...

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