When I suggest that you find your own homeland, I mean that you should not live in the same area in which you were born and grew up- unless that area is a rural, or small town conservative kind of place. Also, if you live in a solid blue, authoritarian state like Illinois, California, or New York, you should leave!  We are in strange times, and the very constitution of the United States is under attack by the new Jacobins.

By this I mean the current ‘Democrats’, who no longer have any similarity to the former party of that name, and are now simply Jacobins, or in more modern parlance: Marxists.  

If you know of, or remember the French Revolution, you probably know that, although it started because of an extreme inequality between the middle class and the ruling elite, it ended up in an extreme overreaction, and a slaughter of many, many people by the guillotine.  Also, the Jacobins, as these revolutionaries were called, decided to completely revamp French society itself, and were in every way like the modern cancel culture democrats are today!  

They began by killing all of the royal rulers, innocent or guilty, and then they turned on one another.  They decided to rename the names of the months, change history, and even questioned established knowledge (like math) that had been the bedrock of Western civilization.  They divided people into different groups, endlessly, and turned on one another, always with the specter of the guillotine lurking in the background.

Sound familiar?  If not, it should: the Democrats of today are, as I said, the new Jacobins, or French Revolutionaries!  They would up destroying everything worthwhile in their own homeland, accusing one another endlessly for everything wrong in their own lives, and killing anyone who contested their truth.  

Their supreme leader, Robespierre, was extremely bloodthirsty, and ordered the execution of many.  He wanted the disarmament of the public, and wanted only those of the “new fraternity” to have arms.  When the murderous regime was ended with his execution, at last the killing stopped.

To get a good feeling of the times of this leftish revolution, I recommend the Dickens book ‘Tale of Two Cities’.  

But let’s get back to today: today’s Jacobins are busy dividing us into different races and classes, and not only banning books (like ‘Huckleberry Finn’), but introducing noxious, destructive policies like ‘defund the police’ and supporting district attorneys that let criminals out with a signature bond the same day they are arrested!  Absolute madness, and only designed to destroy our conservative, well-working, democratic republic from within.  

And so, let’s get back to my main premise- get out of such Jacobin/liberal/Democrat cities and states!  If you are a paleo, tribal sort of person, you need to get into areas that will leave you alone.  Places that will let you raise your family without awful interference from these authoritarian know-it-alls that actually know less than a baby.  Low IQ leaders are anathema to society, and civilization itself!  Just look at current South Africa, where there are daily riots over bread, where before it was a well-run modern outpost of Western civilization.  

Now, just as in ALL of our major American, blue, leftist cities: they are all virtual HELLS!  Rampant crime and killings, no lasting arrests, and everything just gets worse and worse.  It is undeniable.

So, do it. Move your family, and urge your friends as I am doing right now, to get the hell out!  I think things will ultimately turn around, just as they did in France long ago, but only after a lot of chaos, nonsense, and violence- all for nothing.  As is always the case with the Left, destru

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