Latest Getsober Podcast Episodes

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From Life-Ending Boating Accident to Prison To Redemption - Keir Weimer

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - March 05, 2024 15:15 - 46 minutes
Entrepreneur Keir Weimer was 23 when he was the driver in a boating accident that took the life of a beautiful young woman. He had been drinking and spent three and a half years in prison for vehicular manslaughter. Now he's on a mission to make his life count. Listen in to this incredible s...

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Top Tips To Make Alcohol Cravings Your Friend - Victoria English

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - March 02, 2024 01:40 - 27 minutes
No, you didn't misread that title. It is very possible to sit down and chat with those cravings and gain some valuable insights. Imagine feeling the craving, trying one of the techniques you'll learn and happily watch the craving pass. Our methodology isn't magic, it is science. Tune in to lear...

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Entrepreneurs, The True Cost Of Drinking - James Swanwick

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - February 28, 2024 03:39 - 26 minutes
An entrepreneur who drinks? Aghh... you're potentially leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table. Top professional, who drinks but wants to stop drinking? Aghh... you're probably leaving a promotion or raise on the table. Ready to quit alcohol and perform at a high level? How much re...

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From AA to AFL - How Shooting Survivor is Finally Free, Escaping Victim Mentality & Living an Alcohol Free Life - Karen Grundhofer

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - February 24, 2024 23:32 - 1 hour
Tech consultant and philanthropist Karen Grundhofer, 56, shares her incredible journey from shooting survivor to drinking to cope with stress to living alcohol free. Join us as we celebrate Grundhofer's one-year alcohol-free anniversary. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: www.alcoholfreelifest...

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It Took Me 50 Years To Manage My Mental Health, Here's How I Did It - Sarah Connelly

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - February 20, 2024 03:56 - 26 minutes
Coach Sarah Connelly had experienced mental health challenges from her early 20's. Like many she relied of various suppport including anti-depressants, counselling and alcohol. It took years of pain and the death of her parents to finally wake her up to the fact that no matter what she did to t...

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The Secret To Quitting Alcohol - James Swanwick

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - February 15, 2024 14:07 - 29 minutes
James outlines exactly what to do to quit drinking. Want to get sober? Want to stop drinking? Listen in as James talks about the mental shifts required to get long-term power over alcohol. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support...

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How To Release The Need To Control Everything

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - February 13, 2024 10:09 - 23 minutes
It is trendy to talk about letting go and releasing control, but for high performers, that is no small feat. If we don't control it, either it won't get done, or it will be done incorrectly. Coach Victoria understands! Listen in as she shares a simple tool to help you control the controllabl...

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The Types Of Drinkers (Which One Are You?) - James Swanwick

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - February 10, 2024 03:37 - 8 minutes
You are not an alcoholic. But you can define the type of drinker you are. Listen in as James reveals the different drinker types and you can choose which you are. If you're ready to join the alcohol-free lifestyle, stop drinking, and get long-term power over alcohol, click on the links in the d...

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3 Types Of Alcohol Cravings And How To Manage Them - Victoria English

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - February 08, 2024 03:10 - 21 minutes
Many people desire a life without alcohol. but cravings drive them back to the bottle time and time again. Understanding the different kinds of triggers can empower you to move through them. The best part? They won't last forever! ★ - Learn more about Project 90:

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11 Ways To Stay Commited To Stopping Drinking - James Swanwick

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - February 06, 2024 00:57 - 18 minutes
You know you want to stop. You're getting yourself emotionally ready. You begin. Then it feels really hard. How do you go the distance? James Swanwick reveals 11 ways to stay committed to stop drinking, quit alcohol and live the alcohol-free lifestyle. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: www.alc...

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5 Ways My Kids Say I'm A Better Mother - Sarah Connelly

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - February 03, 2024 16:35 - 14 minutes
People often worry about who will notice that they are no longer drinking, but forget that the most important people in thier lives will often be thrilled. Especially our children. Having used alcohol to cope with the hectic years of early parenting, Sarah now shares her children's feedback on ...

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Here's What To Drink Instead Of Alcohol (My Recommendations) - James Swanwick

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - February 01, 2024 04:53 - 9 minutes
Is it boring not drinking? Or is it easy? Well, it can depend on what you drink instead. No alcohol? Easy! Listen to this list of delicious alcohol-free lifestyle drinks. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally ...

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How We've Been Brainwashed By The Alcohol Industry - James Swanwick

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - January 30, 2024 07:28 - 13 minutes
Bad news: you have been brainwashed into believing alcohol is fun and attractive. This conspiracy is robbing you of the zest and vitality you truly believe. James Swanwick reveals the two big lies alcohol companies sell you. If you're ready to live an alcohol-free lifestyle, go alcohol-free or ...

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Quit Alcohol And Thrive - The 4 Stages Of Transformation - Sarah Connelly

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - January 27, 2024 07:30 - 34 minutes
Use quitting alcohol as your catalyst for deep personal growth.If you want to live your best life you must get out of your comfort zone. It's non-negotiable. Learn the 4 step process that will inspire you to move from comfort to empowering transformation. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: www....

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The First 90 Days Are The Hardest. They Are Also The Days That Can Save Your Life - Victoria English

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - January 25, 2024 07:01 - 25 minutes
If releasing alcohol were easy, all problem drinkers would do it. However, between the marketing, societal acceptance & the highly addictive nature of this drug, it can be quite challenging. The good news is that it doesn't need to be overwhelming. It can even be enjoyable. Coaching, accountabi...

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How To Get Ready To Stop Drinking When You Don't Feel Ready - Victoria English

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - January 23, 2024 04:42 - 30 minutes
Do you often think that you should want to stop drinking, but you just don't? Are you waiting to be absolutely ready? Coach Victoria understands. Tune in and learn some tools to get you out of limbo so that you can make a choice you can live with. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: www.alcohol...

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Does Drinking Cause Bad Karma? - Victoria English

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - January 20, 2024 03:28 - 26 minutes
When Coach Victoria was drinking, it often seemed that life just refused to go her way. It seemed that the harder she pushed, the more the universe pushed back. Can you relate? Once she stopped drinking, not every problem disappeared, but the remaining ones seemed quite solvable. Turns out th...

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Dry January- The Good, The Bad & Everything In-Between

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - January 18, 2024 04:58 - 26 minutes
For some, Dry January is a trendy, fun experiment. They may use it to lose some weight, up their fitness and see how it feels. For others, it can be far more serious. Whether you are breezing through, white-knuckling or have returned to drinking, you'll want to hear this episode. ★ - Learn mor...

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How To Deal With Withdrawal Symptoms - James Swanwick

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - January 16, 2024 09:46 - 12 minutes
You've stopped and you're feeling crappy. Is that normal? Or does it mean you're an alcoholic? Listen as James Swanwick outlines how to deal with withdrawal symptoms and any of the discomfort that may come your way because of your decision to stop drinking. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ww...

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5 Top Weight Loss Habits For When You Quit Drinking

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - January 13, 2024 04:00 - 30 minutes
Coach Victoria discusses her top 5 weight loss habits that have become much easier once she decided to quit alcohol. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: ★ - (Accountability & Support) Speak verbally to a certified Alcohol-Free Lifestyle coach to see if,...

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Can Genetics Influence Your Drinking Habits? - Dr. Erika Gray

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - January 10, 2024 22:54 - 28 minutes
James Swanwick interviews Dr Erika Gray, chief medical officer of ToolBox Genomics, and they chat about the importance of understanding who you are from your genes outward. How it interacts with your environment and the role this interaction plays with your health. ★ - Learn more about Project...

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5 Top Tips For When You First Quit Alcohol - Sarah Connelly

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - January 09, 2024 03:41 - 28 minutes
Learn what not to do when you first quit drinking. Based on personal experience and that of 100's of coaching clients Sarah shares her most valuable tips on how to maximise your success for quitting drinking.  ★ - Learn more about Project 90:     ★ - ...

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10 Positive Things That Happened From Stopping Drinking - Sarah Connelly

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - January 06, 2024 02:11 - 34 minutes
Most people know about the multiple health benefits of quitting alcohol. But there's so much more. Find out what they are In this episode where Coach Sarah Connelly shares the less tangible but equally as compelling benefits that she has experienced since quitting alcohol 4 years ago. ★ - Le...

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You Don't Need a Rock Bottom Moment To Quit Alcohol, No Willpower Required - Mike Hardenbrook

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - January 04, 2024 03:24 - 49 minutes
Author and business owner Mike Hardenbrook was compromising his life with hangovers from his drinking habits. He didn't have a rock-bottom incident. But he knew he wanted to level up his life. Learn how he quit alcohol without brute willpower. ★ - Learn more about Project 90: www.alcoholfree...

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(Inspiring Stories) From Surviving Colon Cancer To Health and Mindset Obsession - Mike Carels

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - January 02, 2024 02:17 - 1 hour
Canadian entrepreneur Mike Carels was in his mid-30s when diagnosed with colon cancer. But far from breaking him, the experience awakened a sleeping giant within. Learn how Carels became health and mindset-obsessed, how he optimizes every day and is now truly living his best life. ★ - Learn ...

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(Inspiring Stories) From Boom To Bust to Breakup To Bouncing Back - Adrian Nicholls

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - December 30, 2023 03:56 - 1 hour
Australian executive Adrian Nicholls details his career from construction worker to successful businessman, to going broke and a romantic breakup.. and then to a mindset and career comeback. Listen in to his fascinating story. ★ - Learn more about Project 90:

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The Toxic 'Mommy Wine Culture' Needs To Stop!

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - December 28, 2023 03:06 - 27 minutes
Women don’t need to be told what to do, so why do we believe it when we are told we need wine to survive life? The sober revolution is here and alcohol-free is the way to be! Join Coach Victoria as she gets fired up about the lie we have been swallowing for years, and find out how sober women ar...

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How To Socialize Without Drinking (Easy Ways) - James Swanwick

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - December 26, 2023 07:09 - 22 minutes
Merry Christmas! Yes, you can have fun without alcohol. Host James Swanwick says he has more fun alcohol-free than any time he was drinking. Listen in as he reveals how to socialize without alcohol. ★ - Learn more about Project 90:     ★ - (Accountab...

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My Darkest Moment With Alcohol At Age 47 & How I Overcame It - Victoria English

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - December 23, 2023 03:57 - 25 minutes
By the time we are approaching or living in middle age, we have experienced the full spectrum of being human: joy, pain, victory, loss, birth, death and so much more. At some point, we will also experience a low that brings us to a fork in the road of life. Alcohol wants to hang out with us mor...

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5 Reasons Moderation Is So Hard

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle - December 21, 2023 02:48 - 29 minutes
What are the chances of controlling our consumption of an addictive substance? Whilst many claim they can moderate what does that actually mean? And is it worth it? In the episode, Coach Sarah Connelly shares the reality of moderation and 5 reasons that make it hard to just say no. ★ - Learn...

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